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Everything posted by ninetenduh

  1. A Transition isn't done in a day, it's not like "Here are the keys, kthxbye"
  2. Currently, they are not predatory at all anymore, the argument that Legendaries are not available otherwise is not valid anymore since the marketplace exists. you can acquire them by playing enough and hunting the market. Unlike PUBG you do not have to spend real money at all to get your hand on one. Again, multiple countries already said that they won't do anything but are still investigating, there is not a single LAW passed so far, passing a Law takes Months if not a year or more to be passed.
  3. If it sounded like I attacked you then I am sorry, I just want to clarify that there is no Law in place that forces LO to make legendaries non-tradable. Nowhere on the world. Otherwise Steam would have to shut down their entire trading system, I don't see that happen anytime soon. And as I said it will further strengthen the "Pay 2 Win" front. It is beyond me why someone would suggest such a counterproductive move in the first place, that sounds more like "We want to finally kill the game". LO has a fair idea of what to do, but currently they are just following G1's footsteps, the nails are all still in the coffin, with this they add one more.
  4. There are no Active Laws that forbid them tho.
  5. No it does not depend, there is currently no ACTIVE law against Lootboxes and especially none against the Contents of said box. If the guns are made untradable then you create the Pay 2 Win economy again, till now you could say you can buy the guns in-game, with that people will get mad, and call it all pay 2 win again. That would result in what? Exactly not a single new player ever joining the game. All those changes are more or less counter productive.
  6. Yea, the game has bigger problems then your thirst for ingame items.
  7. There are Laws against Lootboxes but not the Actual contents of said loot boxes put into place and last time I checked countries have yet to put those laws into effect.
  8. Okay, show me that Law, if there is such a Law then why are there tons of games where premium/lootbox Guns are Tradable?
  9. Good luck with the seizures later.
  10. Gosh, i hope never. Or mark people that use VR, so that an entire team can switch to Firework launcher nad stuff.
  11. oh, come on Can we get animated avatars? Like 49 kb works fine for me.
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