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Everything posted by Cheeseburger!

  1. It wouldn't be fair to the creator if anyone can just dupe their work.
  2. Yeah I wouldn't mind them gone.
  3. Mods works for me. Not broken.
  4. I've won many times with the STAR against Armas weapons.
  5. I just drive full speed and don't look back. My pet peeve is when people use /d as their own PM channel. Nobody wants to read your gg ez.
  6. People are expecting miracles in a month.
  7. I'm happy with the communication and updates we're receiving. Keep up the good work LO.
  8. Hearing funny stuff? Hearing rumors? Sounds legit. Get out of here with your nonsense.
  9. You're asking two different questions here.
  10. The weapon drop system would be interesting in an Anarchy mode. Not a good idea full time in Action district. It would make things a little easier for newer players trying to dabble in anarchy with everyone using rockets.
  11. I feel like I've seen it in action districts too. Always thought it was intentional.
  12. Nah. I've been inviting a few new players to APB. Sucks when they get frustrated in silver and never return.
  13. How are we supposed to play with our green/trainee friends?
  14. I found this to be useful for beginners and advanced players.
  15. I enjoy chasing bounties so it's not worthless. It brings me entertainment.
  16. So true. I get sh** on in silver district all the time.
  17. No need to compensate us for any price changes. Let's just see some new quality stuff.
  18. Now I can't buy premium for my friends.
  19. You're only going to get better by playing better players.
  20. I have pages and pages of the same. Wish I could forward weapon trials and vehicles from boxes to new recruit friends.
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