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Everything posted by Fasalina

  1. Weird tho huh, UML (Unified Modeling Language) did exist back then. :^)
  2. u should be more amazed you actually saw someone on jericho :^)
  3. q1 3014 im sure 2014 was a typo
  4. Didn't say anyone (someone probably likes it) did ask for it. My point being even with the EU, APB wont get a bigger population. APB isn't as unique anymore as it used to be, wanna derp arround or do some racing i'll go play GTA Online, want to play a "professional" shooter i'll hit up Rainbow Six / CSGO, hell if i wanted to play BR (lol) i'd go with PUBG / Fortnite (atleast these have the /pop to do it :^) Yes, everything above is pretty much speculation (and i hope im wrong), but im convinced that the EU wont raise the population. Especially if the EU runs like dogshit and we got 0 content in the first months after release. And im not talking about adding 1 or 2 new contacts for more grind or adding a new jmb to the store and call it content (lol). And yes im aware how big of a task it is to update the engine and no its not LO's fault, they are looking for something to give APB back that uniqueness or something to compete with other games but Riot isn't it.
  5. To little to late, the EU is 5 years late and new content (riot) is just not cutting it compared to other games these days.
  6. Classic, sounds like LO wants you to get stomped by dethreaters. :^)
  7. Looks cool, still no reason for me to download APB again tho. When was 3.5 EU again?
  8. Also needs a chatfunction so we can post stuff like, called it, cheater down and other toxic reactions to make it complete. Its all part of the APB experience. :^)
  9. Puck was best support. Whenever i had a problem id send in a ticket and got a copy pasted reply back not even related to my problem. Its kindoff a nostalgic thing you know?
  10. Oh yes, it was trollishly meant but also a stab at the fact that the current matchmaking system is still inadequate, broken, not working or however you want to put it. Obviously dethreathing is still a problem but you should be able to play with friends.
  11. But what if a gold wants to play with his green buddy? Or does playing APB means one cant play with friends? :^)
  12. Even if there where no cheats for APB, i bet you there'd still be hackusations flying left and right :^)
  13. Better lower those expectations, if its getting released this year its probably gonna run like shit. :^) Seeing as how Riot was a complete success.
  14. Honestly, was this a surprise? Most of us are waiting for the EU for which we'll start playing again only to find out the game still runs like dogshit and we'll just quit again. Vicious cycle of a Dedgaem :^)
  15. Sounds like a case of spaghetti coding. You change one thing somewhere and it changes 69 other things somewhere else :^)
  16. Its ok Matt, maybe next year! Dont know why but i have a feeling that even if it gets released next week, its going to buggy and laggy. :^)
  17. Whitehat is someone that finds holes/flaws in systems and informs the company or organization about said holes/flaws so they can be patched. Usually they are also called Pentester or Penetration Tester. The term Forensic IT Specialist falls under it aswell as they investigate how someone got in and abused an allready compromised system. Blackhat is someone who wants to use said system for malicious or other purposes for which the system wasnt designed or intended. A Blackhat usually doesnt destroy as the goal is manipulation or information gathering for monetary gain or political purpose. The term hacker is used for both these days. A DDoS can be a form of blackhat "hacking" as you are disrupting a working service for ones own evil purposes. But if Matt decided to DDoS APB himself for testing purposes it would be a form of Whitehat. :^) 40Gbps DDoS attack. Thats some serious dedication on nuking a ded game. :^)
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