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Everything posted by Fasalina

  1. Highly doubt anything can be said about "new" content untill the EU is out (thisyearPls). Personally if LO ever gets that far i hope they focus on new districts rather than implementing a new car or gun every so often which is probably gonna take some time to build.
  2. Lag cannon. Start shooting at someone and if he stops moving he's playing on a potato. Love it. Someone is using a potato. :^)
  3. Either go LTL with Enforcer or ramraiding on Crim. I'd say Enforcer as LTL gives a different kind of gameplay.
  4. Perhaps if its the first time you got scammed. Just gotta wait out the ticket time like everyone else is.
  5. Pig + Perc / NFAS + Perc Welp, someones lost their sense of humor. :^)
  6. My prem ran out like a year ago. And the amount i play right now isnt worth it, so yeah I'd like this feature. That said i ain't gonna spend sh*t on this untill i see the EU + content.
  7. As someone said in another thread. We need gm's patrolling the districts. Not just to actively ban blatants but to also look at those dem suspicious players that could've never known ur there or just instantly hitting you the moment you leave cover.
  8. How can you listen to silent ones when they are... You know... Silent?
  9. Hope this will be reverted in the future. We finally get a CM activily wanting to play and get involved with the community and she receives a backlash for playing with a rather "dubious" player. Undeserved, tbh. Perhaps playing with randoms fixes this? Ask if they want to join you on discord at the start. I'm pretty sure a lot of players would like that. I would.
  10. Balancing weapons arround shitty game performance. Thats totally gonna work. Tho i do like the nerf to the hvr crutch, cant wait to test that.
  11. Wasn't fairfight stats based? Pretty much get a insane kd and ur banned (of course its more complicated to prevent pros from getting banned).
  12. Just send in a ticket and wait for it. They might fix it for you down the line.
  13. Had this problem once pre LO. I got pucked hard.
  14. Mostly. But when you are above a blatant botter on the score board something is wrong.
  15. I wasn't going to post that because mweh, incoming argument "BUT FALSE BANS I GOT UNBANNED" blah blah. And no i don't throw hackusations left and right. Someone is always better than you / plays the game more. I look at consistency. Why is this player 10/10 shooting faster than me and always killing me except for when he is focussing on someone else leaving his back wide open for me to kill him. Why does he instantly shoot me when its impossible for him to have known i've been there. People f*ck up, bots don't. You can never be that consistent that in every situation you get out on top. It's just not possible.
  16. Played like an hour of FC yesterday. My god, the triggerbots where real. 2 blatants with aimbot where not even the highest on the list. Couple of R200+ that seemed to be closets where even higher.
  17. Sounds good, doesn't work. You would be spending more time doing that then actually playing the game.
  18. Plsno, somehow i find this even worse then cheating.
  19. 50$ for a reskin of a weapon thats account bound. Don't get me wrong i like spending money on stuff i like but yeah, I'm not gonna pay a triple A price for a reskin. Also account bound clothing when?
  20. Omg, someone actually went to check how shit/garbage the game runs and there are plans being made to fix it?! LO
  21. Git gud? And yeah its broken. We are "missing" a threat and this would be the easiest fix of all. Oh, and hard lock the districts when this gets put in. No golds in something servers. Gold Something Silver Bronze
  22. Omg, trade system! Ty Little Orbit. It's a thight roadmap and we have all been let down by those from the previous G1. I hope you will be able to do it.
  23. Omg, a patch for APB?! We haven't had one in years. :^))) Yay for BE. GL on the patch hope nothing else breaks.
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