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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. that's nice. Still doesn't look like it says that its broken though *shrugs*
  2. Do console users have a means to communicate other than the VoIp service?
  3. Sounds good to me. Limited weapons there is a major pain.
  4. Haven't seen anything suggesting its broken only personal opinions which is why I asked that specific question. If its not broke don't fix it is a very well known saying. *shrugs*
  5. I don't know either but testing in both districts matters so that we find out what's best right?
  6. Shouldn't you guys be in the prototype districts then to speed up the data gathering to weapon balance faster then?
  7. I wasn't one of them. I was too busy shooting at people who annoyed me.....like my clan leader lol
  8. I have a true story to tell I tried that scroll wheel trick since people claim it works to see if its true and needs a fix to know the truth of it. It doesn't and I am glad. The End
  9. yood is confusing me..... First I seen a post say they do not want a new car but now a post has pictures of a car type wanted.... Is yood a girl because that would explain a lot But I do like the car though
  10. You can't tell me what to do, mom. I'll drink all the Monstey Energy(TM) I want!!1 have you seen the kidney stones that causes?????
  11. Nothing to do with this thread.....and they're working on mine and others so just be patient please Jericho will not have high numbers before 3 pm from people being at work or high school/college Currently Little Orbit is working on a few different things at once for APB and once the engine upgrade is completed they will be working on matchmaking and new content. Both of those are critical for new players to come and for old ones to return since the old ones left from cheaters before BattleEye and the engine upgrade not being done.
  12. Ive been called cheater for using a 3 slot star recently. Guy thought I was "Savino" lol... That reminds me of how I was called a wall hacker .....for using an opgl...... on the freeway in financial ........with him in view the whole time (clearly no walls) *facepalm*
  13. Hey trashcan your posts on this thread come off more as just wanting revenge on people who did no wrong to you. Also although what you said appears to have merit at first glance , in reality it seems all filler and nothing substantially good for us on APB and in fact the suggestion causes harm to APB players. It's just not a good idea to remove abandon mission on people and the reasons you gave sound too much like excuses rather than good reasons so sorry no I still don't agree even though I did hear you out. And with how much I thought this out to try to see your view , it just does not benefit APB.
  14. Still dont see anyone cheating on Jericho Still have no idea about citadel since i dont play there. Still seeing regular reports from Little Orbit so no idea why people keep asking rather than reading their reports. Still wondering more about test district and who will go in to help with weapon rebalancing since a lot of cheater accusations are actually more likely broken guns (once again Jericho)
  15. I had a team mate kill me for respawning my car when its my car and he was doing laps around the block I had literally just spawned it and he could of spawned his but killed me for taking mine back. After the engine update I know this feature could be supported but I still have no idea if it can be now or not. And no a mod for something a person should have the right to have is not a good idea it would be insulting to have to pay for a mod for this.
  16. There are already threads on this even from yesterday..... You were also supposed to say add another one to the pile..... we kinda expect that from you lol
  17. This thread doe not come off as realistic and accurate. Yes there were some toxic trolls in the past. Yes I have personally seen staff deal with some toxic trolls on Jericho RECENTLY and have not seen any toxic like that bad since. (there's always someone who taunts but that isn't toxicity that's just competition ribbing me and others so put your bullets in them like you should) Yes they care and no they cant be online 24/7 there is no funding for it and people need to sleep sometime. Yes this thread title comes off as toxic to me and if I was a new player I would actually make me think twice about playing APB (it's counter productive) Yes they care about harassment which is why they've worked on the friends list which was a part of that. Personally I find how you do things toxic in itself and it bothers me. If I missed anything I'm sure others can reply to you......
  18. There's a few enforcers and criminals partnering up on the prototype districts to get arrests and team killing anyone else there who is legitimately trying to test weapons in the prototype districts. If it's true that you can level up gun roles then they are exploiting the game.
  19. That didn't work when I tried it before. And I know for a fact the person I did that to was banned for using a obvious hack back then. *shrugs* No idea if something was changed to where that could work other times or not but it didn't work when I did.
  20. You're forgetting that the internet has new protocols as well as APB itself had coding changes as well. The original release is not the same as today's work because of it.
  21. Abandon mission is to abandon missions its not broken so how can it be fixed? Why should I have to play with TK'ers? How can missions possibly not rotate with a 40 and 40 district? You are not addressing real problems to doing this and are only saying " I don't like this change it" based off of "someone must be dodging missions so lets punish people" which is not a valid reason to do this.... Edit : I've played Creme de la Crime recently a few times.....its not that hard on enforcer or criminal... I see no validity to your claims *shrugs*
  22. Are you saying you changed the keybinding to your mouse and have big fingers that keep making your grenades blow up?
  23. There is a reason for policy and I will not ignore that out of "convenience"
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