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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  2. Some are playing. Some have potato computers that crash the game easier. the quality of the computer helps in this just as much.
  3. If mitigation was not working we would not be playing at all. DDoS would shut down the games completely otherwise.
  4. Im not sure when exactly the ban wave happened but they do ban more than that when it comes up.
  5. Why are people assuming that it is the servers when we have had DDoS attacks for a decade now?
  6. Fortune Runner


    While it is true that in Europe , English is a second language and most popular of those languages , it is possible to learn a dozen languages and none of them be English. I do not see how Russians should be singled out because of this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Europe
  7. New events New engine New players New anti - cheats that work better looks promising to me *shrugs*
  8. Add killcam - Id want it regardless just to add to APB so one more reason to have it. Add link requirement - unknown to me of legal issues needed for partnership for steam and APB to do this. Little Orbit would have to look into this I suppose. add sms - lately this has not been completely secure for some places so I am unsure of how I feel about this. add ingame report with a time spam filter (edited for you) - not sure since I dont personally know the details anymore how they check people. might be good might not be because of it. add id ban - clarify please what you are referring to for id ban. it can mean multiple things depending on the game.
  9. I noticed a few more new players who have no clue how to play. letting the op who is gold play against them is not ethical. Randoms or not its not right to do.
  10. fema tackles old ladys for being in their own home they dont protect citizens they betray citizens no thank you
  11. another one who blames the victim for what the criminal does *facepalm*
  12. solve a problem? Lets not confuse this as a war that is easily won. The people who make the cheat programs make money off of this. Then the companies like BattleEye then make a way to catch those people cheating. Then the people who make cheat programs make a new one that can cheat again and not be detected like before. Then in this vicious cycle the anti cheat companies once again upgrade to detect the new cheat. So how in all of that is it Little Orbits fault on slime balls who have no soul? Edit : to clarify My comment and question is not directed at anyone in particular. It's meant for discussion and not meant to be directed to anyone who is either on this thread or otherwise. Well sorta... the slime ball cheaters who make these cheats can bite me but thats different....right?
  13. I feel the forum tag is a necessity. It lets me know who is testing and knows what they are talking about and who does not. It also lets me know to not ask personal question to that person with the SPCT tag or it would violate non disclosure on both our parts. (takes two to tango so yes I would be guilty then) it also means since the SPCT member is more knowledgeable that I can take what they say as closer to "factual" evidence until something better comes along. It's how humans learn their trades over history. because of all of this I highly respect SPCT members and try to not give them a hard time with discussions or other things. there is enough to deal with without me making things more difficult so I try my best to not do so.
  14. it is not fair to force a gold player against a bronze or green player. you are clearly not understanding how to treat people fairly. please stop.
  15. huh? thank you for the update. its possible that it needs a reboot from stress then.
  16. This is what I've been thinking as well.
  17. Thought this was about using twitch streaming to see where ops are with how it was worded for the title.
  18. not all countries allow charges to be made since their laws are different. IP addresses change as well very often to the point it is hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt without a subpoena to find out private information. lots of other legal reasons this is just what i can think of off the top of my head.
  19. So.......you're saying vfterlife that you 're peeking in the panty drawer? Kinda creepy.
  20. Yes its laggy today on Jericho. A few major lag spikes today while I was playing to where I was dead in situations I had the upper hand in. Little Orbit has inherited that problem and has been trying to remedy it and it has somewhat been better than before Little Orbit. When G1 was here before Little Orbit bought APB , the lag was so horrible I had driven 300 m down the road (the worst time it was this bad for me) in waterfront. Occasionally I drive around 80 m to 100 now if theres a major lag spike but most of the time it is not that severe anymore for me. Today however I did drive 100 m so I can understand the frustration today. I am unaware if any DDoS attacks happened lately but today has me suspicious of it. Hopefully the Engine Upgrade happens soon so that APB can be optimized to help with lag issues. I believe we all know APB is far from optimized and that this impacts gameplay. The best I can suggest is to not let it get you down because Little Orbit is working on it but it takes time. They inherited a mess and they have been working diligently to clean it up.
  21. I can not say I have never blocked yood before though. Like when he is blaring music to where you can barely hear a car blow up. Silence in that case is golden
  22. I'd rather not block anyone though. A few of us on APB dont like the thought of alienating someone so we don't block people. Besides even yood has some good questions now and then. back on topic : I get a new hat but I dont know if its customizable or not yet.
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