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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. It will be done when it is ready. They need to solve the unforeseen issues they encountered so that it will work correctly. Giving Little Orbit a hard time when they are doing their jobs is not fair.
  2. Want compensation for their compensation.... or new clothes to buy really need new clothes
  3. I do not believe anyone is saying right now. I do believe people are saying when it is time that certain things need to be done.
  4. ^^^ no idea how it is relevent but i do hate the hitboxes not being fixed and then the curve mechanics would not be needed. I forget the exact reason why they implemented the curve mechanics but I believe it had something to do with OSMAW and cars used for cover. Anyone know for sure? I can not remember clearly.
  5. Many people of the community has tested the Scroll Wheel "exploit" to find out it does not work as an advantage. A few threads has existed on this topic and mentioned how this is an illusion and not real. There is a particular member of SPCT who went into detail on this before as well and how it does not work.
  6. Finally talk about Cross Gun event even though we have talked about it for years? Anyways having dynamic events has always been a good thing for any game. More content has been proven to bring in more people . Not everyone has the same likes or dislikes so if they do not have anything fun for them then why would they play? If you do not like the Cross Gun event then that is fine but others like myself enjoy it.
  7. Please dont add any more salt my popcorn already has enough thank you Thanks for finding that again for people. Oh geez dont start that 2nd amendment argument in yet another thread lol
  8. more like the majority list..... doubtful nekrova players spent anywhere near that much with how you were given free weapons
  9. The customizable 4x4 means as time goes by you can change your mods to adjust your game play rather than being forced into a bad move. I would personally want both however but first pick is customizable
  10. Did not know that happens. Why does that tax exist? hmm doesnt sound fair at all
  11. Yood go join citadel and save them wearing red cape !!! Go go hurry citadel need help !!
  12. Who are you? introlapse Starter Member 2 1 post Joined Apr 2019 You talk like youve been here but your account says no...hmm Little Orbit ran into some unforeseen events but SPCT is and has been testing the engine. You're not perfect either or you would of fixed the upgrade yourself
  13. CookiePuss is correct. Quite a few were unjustly banned , including MattScott himself. You know...the CEO of Little Orbit? Yeah him. Also of those who did cheat they sincerely apologized to the community and felt remorse over cheating in the past. People deserve a second chance for a very good reason ; Love is not love until it is given away. Finally the ones who did fraud and other such crimes were not unbanned , only the ones who could not be justifiably banned as well as those who were given a second chance. If I recall correctly the ones who did cheat in the past had to discuss it with Little Orbit about if they would be considered to begin with , but I am uncertain. please do not divide zero by zero we dont need the universe to collapse
  14. so no ideas other than change? hmm was hoping you might have an idea others didn't yet Btw thanks for the spct work you guys do
  15. I don't play in Europe. Where did you get that from? Any ideas how to get people to play APB?
  16. citadel APB is different from Jericho APB when? *facepalm*
  17. First off I need to say this : There is no spoon , the cake is a lie , and with phasing I do not see any server being saved. The world is about to enter the Renaissance age and the Aztec nation is an annoying @#%$ on civilization 4 Anyways back to the list and the topic at hand. Lets talk specifically about new content specifically districts. I personally believe that after a certain amount of time new districts are a must due to how APB is simply not that big. People get bored quickly after the same missions and maps over and over. AFTER WE HAVE A LARGER PLAYER BASE it would be a good idea to add a new district and possibly just split up current contacts to spread them out a little to the new district. Of course new contacts could be added this way as well. Either way , if APB has no real substance of game play then it simply will not last long with a new player base joining us. Now a days people tend to play games with a wider and larger amount of game play. Apb is already set up for open world which today's players love and a good customization setup but there simply is not enough variety of areas for today's market to be satisfied. Now keep in mind I am not saying "do it now asap" , BUT IN THE FUTURE WHEN IT IS MANAGEABLE this would be a good idea to come up with something. An example is how many over the years wanted a racing district. I suggested on a different thread how the Justin Teng area to the beacon , which would make a lap around the Art Center would be able to be converted into a racing district ,similar to how the beacon was made into one itself. Even the city back where the criminal faction is near Justin Teng would make a good racing track as well. This in itself could be considered a new district and satisfy people with new content. These are just examples of course so I am not saying this is a good or bad idea But I am saying it doesn't have to be grand, but we do need to do something.
  18. Get any more exited and you'll pee yourself
  19. They are working on the Engine Update. However it it unknown to me if the Engine Update will be a fix or if the error is in the APB coding itself. Either way the engine Update is being tested and is not quite ready yet .
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