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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. vacation? youre going somewhere? i thought you said youd be home this time. or was that someone else who said they were done with traveling around christmas
  2. colby was west coast i miss it at times. i think we all joined the forums late. i know i did Edit come to think of it i was playing right after the g1 event like how MattScott did.....i think that was 2011. did i even know we had forums back then? lol cant get in district at the moment i tried
  3. whoa hold up there toxic fighter I never said any of that. And yes it is another threat where people don't know how the threat works the comments show that to people who do know how. did i ever say YOU? get off your high horse we can see your boogers and get a damn tissue btw i don't dethreat i never once said I'm a gold i said there's times get carried by people and it can turn me gold....there's a year of posts from me saying this feel free to look them up...sheesh
  4. sigh another one of these threads where people A : dont know how threat works and wants to change it and... B : Where answers produced wont fix the real problem of threat to begin with. I want to go with C : I want pie
  5. we had multiple new events from Halloween to Christmas where were you? only Little Orbit has put their backs into APB while the others only talked to deceive us
  6. normally the mods would say dont name and shame but in this case we need to know this name to know its just a troll. good to know.
  7. also dont forget silvers who turn gold arent real golds. ive turned gold from being carried and completing task objectives. the current threat as well as matchmaking systems need to be updated but for that to be properly effective in deployment will take the engine upgrade which should be completed soon spct is already testing it as we speak
  8. because no one played open conflict - and keep in mind most people admitted to this on forums and in district - not because of bronze or silver but because no one was there to begin with. like recent event districts for the holidays.....by the 2nd week they were mostly empty. cant use a district if no ones there for a match also keep in mind im going by what people have admitted to for a very long time. its not my personal opinion. my personal opinion is poor implementation of the districts and lack of engine update in the past that would of killed this problem before it happened
  9. i got your point just fine. you missed mine
  10. it wouldn't fix anything though it would chase people off of APB. Little Orbit cant update a game that doesn't exist anymore. This thread was made enough times and explained thoroughly why this would kill the game before any true fix could be done. not trying to be salty or toxic please don't take it that way. Sometimes I'm in bronze sometimes I'm in silver. I'm not good enough to be a true gold and keep it so if there's too many golds in silver I cant play there or I'm lucky to get 300 to 400 points against them. I'm on Jericho if that matters any.
  11. open conflict was its own district it has NOTHING to do with bronze district its been said enough times.
  12. Or we could just wait for Little Orbit to make the phasing update and not give them extra work that would make it take longer for phasing which fixes matchmaking compared to what we have now
  13. open conflict has nothing to do with bronze or silver district in any way. there were no threats visible and had to do with.......... open conflict any other special event district gets pretty much empty by week two......... BXNNXD and CookiePuss mentioned this during the special events Little Orbit had at the end of last year on a thread somewhere.
  14. not anywhere near what i said though. any silver trapped in silver who becomes a bronze would only be troll food against the golds. how many bronzes become silver who arent true silvers? how many new players would be caught up in locking silvers out of silver who are actually bronzes? that would absolutely kill apb to do that to people.
  15. no one used them though. it was lonely. It would be better to have special events during the day that would rotate between cycles like an open conflict event , or a car heist event for the district to capture and turn them in. Of course make it to where people aren't forced to either though. This is just an idea - I'm not pitching it so don't swing people lol
  16. that happened but it was a while back during a ban spree for people annoying gms various ways like the forum topics back then. a lot of different things happened at once and this was somewhere in the middle of it. i dont remember much.
  17. any silver who was forced to do this could easily become a bronze and any gold in silver district would exploit them. Sorry not a good idea.
  18. mini me basketball players make the cash in the NBA buy me lunch then I'm hungry
  19. Fortune Runner

    revert shotguns

    corners always took me in two shots before or after the pellet changes because of how up close it was for me. I mean usually that's within 5 m when people get in a shotgun war around a corner so ....... *shrugs* dead dinner. Once again not saying that's what is happening on your end ~ I'm just sharing
  20. In fact, we did break the 1000 player mark last week. Both during Saturday and Sunday there were more than 1000 players online globally at Citadel peak time around 8pm CET, according to this. Not that it matters much, though. 950, 1050, or 1200 are all very unhealthy pop-figures. Edited yesterday at 01:55 AM by AsgerLund ^^ pretty much how i feel too Edit : yood's post wasnt there when i posted weird.. I wish the forums could let us add a quote to an edited post.
  21. you're letting socks talk more ?!? like seriously?
  22. leave it to socks to find the weird !#$% that can happen to APB
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