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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Ask BXNNXD , CookiePuss and MattScott of course BXNNXD had his name in the one I had seen , CookiePuss is the one who had that , and of course MattScott had it happen to him. BXNNXD did not want his name in a sig so out of respect for BXNNXD I stopped pursuing having it for a sig. But yes ask any of those three and they can tell you.
  2. want a vote to make yood drink green beer so eh will be too busy to talk then we wont get his ridiculous comments for a little while at least in the meantime the rest of us want green beer too besides it will go with the hat so why not
  3. you ate the chhesecake @#$# diplomacy DIEEEEE LOL wouldnt mind a battle royale as well as riot but i embrace the insanity all my friends are there
  4. Might give Little Orbit some ideas on what else to try doing though.
  5. IP bans dont work. anyone can get a new IP. Because of it the most Little Orbit can do is ban the accounts and hope the people who actually did cheat learn humanity and stop cheating.
  6. I want this as a souvenir want to sell it?
  7. I'll admit I'm cheating - I'm eating cookies right now as I'm sick. not supposed to eat junk food while sick so yes its cheating.
  8. MattScott was banned by the G1 anti cheat so yes it was thrown out. BXNNXD doesn't want me to have it as a sig or I would. Cookie you forgot to mention - Another, "I don't know what I'm talking about but that won't stop me" thread, add it to the pile. - thing you say Edit : love the pic cookie thanks
  9. colorblind support sounds good to me. I have heard of a few players over the years needing it.
  10. want an apb event for green beer drunk people make happy people
  11. It's not just the hardware but the software as well which causes the lag. As annoying as the lag is , Little Orbit is getting the Engine Upgrade completed so that the rest of APB's problems can be addressed as well. It will take time but the Engine Upgrade is getting there. The SPCT team is testing already and then APB can be optimized properly which will help with the lag issues. The roadmap mentioned some of the things like better servers and phasing for players which explains this in much better detail.
  12. If you chose LTL rather than killing your ops that is you choice. This is a part of the balancing and why @CookiePuss will shoot me or others for using LTL at times ( and justifiably so )
  13. no its targeted to the whole district so yes its still griefing. a benign one given its location is pointless to do other than be obnoxious Edit : This is why I wish greys out of mission can kill other greys out of mission , or how greys in a mission can kill those out of mission....like different colored names so they dont throw a match when they do or something. but phasing will fix all this I hope so dont need it really.
  14. This is when a N5 needs to just blow it all up to blow it all up Grief the griefers lol
  15. nope someone did ti within seconds over 20 different posts some were buried for a month + easily. It happens like that in spurts now and then so I'm sure of it.
  16. oh its ok I know it wasn't you. A few hate me for not blaming Little Orbit for things back when they were barely here a month or two. I've had a few stalk my posts just to do this ever since. Good to know thank you.
  17. We get updated once a month on the roadmap and other such things so they didnt stop posting updates like that. Back in the day those "reviews" hurt APB severely so its good to be slow and steady to win the race. Rushing out would be like me driving my car on APB......I frikken hit everything I shouldn't. *facepalm*
  18. Something similar happened in the past. Pictures and vids that were not completed work were used to talk bad about APB and they were not even from a completion but a progress report of some kind. The Youtube from back then of the time I am aware of is nonexistant now. ( I remember they were a jerk so I was happy about that - maybe someone will remember them and know what I'm talking about iono) There's always someone who does that without checking its validity. Little Orbit is a company and has to be respected as such and not treated like just another social buddy. If slander of something true or not is done it tends to hurt the company in this day and age easily with how things are out there. It always matters because of it or we would lose our home. There's always someone.
  19. Sure I'm curious about the Engine Upgrade pictures too but I do think it's best to wait otherwise there will be "someone" who posts the wrong pics. (there's always someone) That would be really bad if said pics were used outside of the forums as well because then people outside of APB would be grossly misinformed and damage our future.
  20. really? mine was fast then. Edit : downvoted for being honestly surprised that mine was faster than average or did they actually reset your ticket like NotZombieBiscuit jokes about and you're just taking it out on me intriguing
  21. What did you break this time?
  22. With the speculation talk about a possible new car from the Redhill Institute I wonder if it might be a 4x4 of some kind.
  23. exactly my point still should be resupplied like anything else maybe someday
  24. I've always wondered why blowtorch didn't have a fuel limit that would have to be resupplied
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