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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. in this type of situation i will reset my password, But i use one finger and word and write down each letter as i go and make sure not to hit space afterwords. That way i can ensure the password is right If that does not work my only guess is they locked the account for what ever reason. Support is ran by a bunch of children who have a "high and mighty" attitude when approaching anything
  2. cowhorseman

    Guns in this game handle like someone who has watched 100 action movies but never touched a gun in there life
  3. Supports help is like getting rammed in the rear by a 2 ton bull. In all honesty it's more then likey screwed as support has a "who gives a shit" approach to handling everything around here, I'm shocked that they didn't out right threaten to ban you for account stealing
  4. someone get the popcorn hear comes people to post walls of text about how bad this will be and it devolve into cavemen ogga booging each other about ten post in
  5. Florida man Florida man doing drugs because he can
  6. Those were your training abilities. They were given to you so you can test out what various mutations did and how they would function in and out of combat. They get removed at 15 Seeing how i'm 99.99% sure LO never fixed the double click windows go to this link https://aethaeran.github.io/Fallen-Earth-Build-Planner/#370136414141414141414101010101010101010101010101828201010101010101010101 It will show you what each mutation is how it's affected by core stats and so on Hopefully this helps
  7. Being that every company today has to force today's politics and memes and so on so forth i fear what this game will become. Yea i can understand atmosphere like vice city being the 80s. but i don't want to hear about what ever politics are going on in the 80s
  8. idiots say a lot of words to make themselfs sound smarter
  9. do you ever think about what other peoples set ups look like? i'm sure most apb players are in some basement in the deep dark backwoods of who knows were on a desk made of cinderr blocks and ply wood
  10. You will only fall out of your chair if theres clowns to the left of you and jokers to the right
  11. when do we get to the part were a huge fight erupts and we start killing each other like frenzied animals
  12. cowhorseman


    Finding pumpkins is a matter of spamming nades to and fro until you find it. Theres a highway that goes under the river not to far from there, And theres a billboard with one of the pumpkins on it
  13. I may not know you well, but i hope you go out in a ball of flame
  14. becuase our LOVELY fourm mods can't be bothered to write a simple sentence. The game mon-fri goes down for regular matince. sat-sun are a massive shit fest because they do not. I would tell you the times, but uh when i did play it was when ever where ever, and talking to folks it's still that oh and bonus fact. theres a high chance the game will just offline no warning and then be down until it's up and azukii. was it that hard to write that out for him? i mean you coulda done it nicer, but come man that was 1 min of my life.
  15. car surfer is great for those who love camping everyone with osmaws or lmgs. The part i like is slamming a car surfer into a wall and there team mate TKs them. my score is 6 tks and the guy being kicked from the game. boy was he mad
  16. i have been alerted to the fact as of right now the server is so fucking laggy as i quote "i can't do anything expect stand here with my thumb up my patootie" some notes include. no ft massive crafting dupes chat not working and missions/vendors/events not working Can you losers do something about this? seriously pretend you atleast semi care or just sell off FE and keep apb. my fucking god
  17. Well must be doing something see how LO is still somehow in business. Unless matts running a meth lab somewere
  18. what was the first hint? the NFT game?
  19. i'm not suggesting anything here or anything, but it isn't that hard to find matt on google. or things relating to him that may or may not be means of a certain kind that the player base is looking for. and i am not suggesting you look into these things and do those things with them in any given way what so ever.
  20. He stated it affects everyone. that includes non cheaters. so tell me if everyone is telealagging about how are they cheating? or are we all cheating?
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