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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. nah there worried about apb and making sales off of it. sorry to say. FE has gone down the shitter. you can listen to drama. or ron talk about anything from old people to why women suck. if you want anything done at 55 good luck carmen has made sure porns controls ctf and dome and the outpost events. so my advice? stay at around level 35-40 now. no reason to go all the way.
  2. half the fun of apb is joining a match at 5 seconds then your team beating the objective, or your team failing becuase you noticed it would have been a shitty match
  3. mikro is also good at running people over. the bishda is aso good at rolling like the vegas. Should call them the biscuit wagons
  4. i'm sorry to break this to you, but the last time we got an update on anything from matt for any game was months ago. since then it's be random events for apb and minor changes to apb. As far as i know FE isnt on the back burner. it's on the bottomshelf behind all that cooking equipment no one uses lost to time and space itself.
  5. i don't remember it's name, but jeep is the best because it can fit in hallways. it's supper fast makes a good car bomb. and it pisses people off when you drive it inside asylum becuase theres no escaping the jeep barreling at you in a one way hall way also it does stuns and what not
  6. i'm sorry to hear that man atleast your not in north korea
  7. dam man is it as bad as a america? or are you in eastern europe?
  8. Remember to head down to mumford, theres a guy sitting near a still. THis man gives you a simple quest and the reward is a reinforced vest. which is op for all of s1 If your going pistols you can head to north burb for a ga-15 the lady is by a tent. you can get a second one at zanesville called the enforcer special, which has a unique model zanes also carries a fairly good air rifle if your not a crafter or are not willing to pay AH for a snipershot. in linewood if your willing to do a long mission you can get a magnum rimfire rifle for free. linewood also has treasure nodes which spawn the scoped version as a random drop, or you can get the scoped from watch tower as for melee? best bet is to go between oden and mumford and find a group of wastelanders and get the machetes from them, or mumford has a quest at level 5 for a keen spear as for anything else? well the halloween event can give you a early pump shotgun, and i rather you look around these towns. there just might be more i'm not telling you about
  9. I had a terrible idea for an event and i feel like sharing it with you you take everyone down to dry flats, like a who raid of people of all levels, then you gank project 432 so everyone can get the achievement for him. then some sorta player party afterwards. idk i didnt think much past watching a sasquatch getting the shit kicked out of him
  10. i want to get off mr bones wild ride but ritual is holding me hostage
  11. from what i have been told yet i am to lazy to reinstall and check. the double click menus no longer work, and it's making it more annoying for folks to check on skills they want to buy. you won't fix it but i've been told this 4-5 times as it seems i'm the only one stupid enough to come here and say anything how to produce this error: step 1 open your ap menu step 2 double click any skill step 3 see a black menu step 4 idkdals;dkks;lda
  12. so realistically speaking. how many corndogs could you shove inside your mouth at once? i can go with 3
  13. what a kind and trustworthy fellow i shall send you my banking info and all of my g1 accounts
  14. like i always say. i'll come back and play FE and APB whne theres a real honest update. so by time i have kids a family and fully forgot about pc gaming i'll dust off my pc in 20xx log in here and see.... NOTHING CHANGED WOO and yes you can delete your account. support will be more then happy to help you with that as they have told me i should do just that
  15. next time around offer a coupon for 1 free jmb gun. that would go over much better then this. or if you wish one free armas item. player choice, only exclusion to that would be packs. I.E i can get a colby 45 off armas, but i can not get the world pack
  16. come on you know how it is these days. your suppose to reward everyone for doing the bare of bare minimum everyone is a winner everyone gets a reward. you know this!
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