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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. in all fairness i stopped trusting LO after more then once i saw gms or support threaten players with bans for reporting or asking simple questions. hell i was even told to delete my account via support by a certain memeber here. i think it boils down to the they took up a big project, relized they lacked the funds, and now are stuck in a rut were they can not back themselfs out of so there just hoping to kill both games to get rid of them. lets face it who would buy these games in this day and age.
  2. some of this seems odd to me. like i get booted if i use a cross heir that came with my monitor because the ingame one is total shit it feels like to me there trying to figure out how to shut the game down without shutting it down because that would cost money and what not. of course i could see them also doing that because they keep getting made fun of in and outside of the game
  3. email adress then password. if you made it the same as your steam account you should be allowed to click log in with steam, and it should process it that way. if not uncheck the box then email and password like email@emailfallenearth.com and password fallenearthaccountpassword and you should get in. your "user name" is what ever 1-4 toons you make in which you have no real set one other then your main toon Or what ever nick name you end up with like thana cow or yaf,
  4. technically awesome. can be a low level mod to counter car surfing 255s
  5. no no you got it all wrong heres what it should do trailer hitch - allows you to mount a browning M2 to the back of any car -50% speed +50% armor +2 vehicle seats +a god dam HMG
  6. if you want more fps just download more ram. trust me i play a doctor on tv.
  7. bet you thought i forgot this post existed didn't you
  8. game is online. not many play. fewer play that are honestly friendly not much has changed have fun
  9. i mean i can do alot of things over here. since you said you didnt want an answer i shall give you one. and the answer is nothing. flat nothing. while there is many a thing i can or claim i can do i shall do or try none of them because this is the internet. anything on here isnt worth wasting my time over. i just find annoying people here fun because they still take me seriously on anything i post after 10 years.
  10. you better watch out before i type some misspelled insults at you!
  11. since your a major patootie of the 3rd jackass division . i was asked the following or have heard the following ip adress(s) email adress(es) names of your toons items on said toons play times of said toons ranks or levels of said toons computer info (like parts and so on) people who can be used to vailded this info whether or not someone i might know could have possibly hacked the account if i can remember what the last password might have been and reset it if anyone else possibly uses this email and if should be the case of a data leak they would info me and i would have to deal with them on that. any thing else?
  12. support refuses to help anyone for any reason. as i tried to reclaim an account i lost the password to. even after proof names etc and so on they claimed i was trying to steal and threaten to ban my other accounts if i contunied to push it. i do not understand this i'm well aware that if they wanted to they could check ip adress log in history and several other factors to prove ownership. it simplely boils down to LO support being lazy and unfit to perform there job.
  13. you mean demo man spammers and people who run you over in there cars?
  14. when the pop hits less then 100 again they will post a minor fix or skin update and people will come back and go buckwild Or they will wait for the next holiday event
  15. it already has horns. however we can still add the mustache
  16. how about catching them or stop signs or other players in the bed of your truck. i can almost hear the half life 2 clipping sounds
  17. becuase i can contuine to pester the ever loving shit out of everyone untell one of the staff members has had it with my bullshoot and finally rids me of this hell i am in and that they might make an update that could add fun to ethier game, but eh game devoplment is hard and kids want there icecream here n now
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