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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. ever thought more content would bring back players? wait we already did this. talking to you is like talking to a child. i can run circles all day and end up no were oh and you must have some good patience seeign hwo your still putting up with my shit
  2. i see you have not played. go ahead and try to adjust. you got three weapons. ntec oca and colby 45 want to use anything? well get bent buddy becuase don,t 1 of those 3 can and will kill you tell me to get good? go play asylum or fin for an hour and come back here
  3. so what i understand is that if people streamed FE maybe it would to get an update? seems like your trying to make more cash by making things easier for people who stream games. which are also known for being whiny people who cry until devs make games like that want, even though there going to stop streaming it in 2-3 weeks more then likey oh and wears my traffic cone hat?
  4. i can translate this easy for anyone who can not read. Who wants a free virus? click this totally not a scam right now! it's free (may come with bitcoin mining)
  5. i do not like swiss, but the smoked provolone has my attention
  6. car balancing? you mean the sleds we drive around on that blow up for no reason and/or might clip into walls and kill us?
  7. heres a fun fact i learned on the final four contacts you will do to get yourself to 255. it takes ten missions win or lose in order to gain 1 level. that means two level 15 contacts, and two level 20 contacts Took me several months playing daily in order to get enough missions to get them both up. thats way to much god dam time to get to the very end game when you can just buy anything you need at 195.
  8. worrying about your reputation in apb is like worrying about the color of the dog poop at the park
  9. they really did fuck up trying to "balance" guns in this game. i spend more time on the loading screen waiting to respawn becuase all the meta kills me before i can think and anything outside of it i look like a dumbass trying to use it
  10. I never understood the nerfs for shotguns. like the showstopper was out fo aweek a fun useable gun then they said "mmmm how about 50% less damage" and now it's useless And the odd pellet sweeping makes them diffcult to use if your oppent is moving away from the spread due to the delay on it
  11. i swear they look at accounts and go "annnnnnnnnnnd well yeeeeeeeeeeeeeea fuck you" then your locked. was not locked for a week then suddenly i was locked for two idk what system i tripped but yea fun
  12. finally a use for the roughly 10k i have had for the last 6 years
  13. ok mister cheese mesiter what did pepper jack do to you? is it the fact it has peppers in it? can you not handle the spicy goodness of it? does a mildly spicy sandwhich made of two slices of ham two slices of pepper jack and 1 slice of turkey bother you? tell me what makes your sandwhich
  14. i would seriously love for you to link your friends i never hear anyone talk postive about you in any given sense. more on how your jus a whining child who demends for anything I do have few friends and i do not publicly state who i am friends with for a few various reasons. I.E people have in the past pested marry about me tried lying to her about me among other things See the thing you do not relize aroa is that no one likes you, and you can not acept that. i know few people who like me and i accept that. why is that? i understand i am a jackass patootie who is very loud swears alot and comes off as harsh and unfriendly and i have my reasons. but you? you don't seems to get that. I can tell you what you are. your a child all you are. you cry you whine your always right your daddys little princess who has never ever done anything wrong her whole life and you been told your perfect in every way. Sure if we pvped ingame you would beat me. why? well i am not a pvper nor am i skilled as such, and also the multiple times i have fought you in ctf you ran and hid like a little fuzzy bunny. buthey you think your right Oh and must be nice having a slew of friends to get you everything was fun coming back and having to fight my way around a shit tier AH system or clan insfested pvp zones at the start just to get 1-2 items Oh wait i didn't. becuase i was on alts pretending to be some dumbass noob becuase i am smart then you Seriously when you can prove to me your a better person then i am please come back. like i said i have never seen you help anyone on anything at any given time WHich is sad to say becuase marry, who is widely known for being a living pain in the patootie has helped more people then you and is firendlier as well as easier to talk to and deal with. This whole convo has been a loop of you going back around to how much better you are then me when the sad and hasrsh reality is that you are not. you can do 1 thing better then me and that is it
  15. su[rised no one has talked about vegas jumping. you know if you time it right with some vehicles you can launch yourself well outside of the map, or in some cases straight to the moon. Got a bit of skill and timing can boost a car with an object in it and shoot it somewere else Or using satchel charges as makeshift car bombs by sticking them in your car and ramming people with it fact of the matter is cars just exist on a different level then everything else here. you can (without vap tabs) get hit by one and sometimes not die, or they tap you at .5 mph and you die and other times they grow wings and suddenly your on a roof 50 feet in the area
  16. oh wow sure got me no wonder i see you standing around bitching and whining all day while i'm off running around getting shit done. quick tell me the best ways to level all skills to 195. how to make an ungodly unlimited supply of ammo and chips and please tell me atleast 10 hidden quest across all sectors as well as the last time you got up off your patootie and went and helped someone rather then sitting and sulking in LA bragging about how good of a player you are Oh wait. you can't becuase all you do is sit around and cry and hope someone feels sorry for you so that way they give you something Tell me i'm a rookie when your two crafters are busy crafting multiple fastbacks
  17. For the tyr i like muzzle brake and reflex sight 3 gives it a nice controllable full auto smg. hel RS 3 and ext mag 3 just hold down the aim point becomes pin point on it the hoenir i just do cj 3 and rs 3 due to the fact you reload at an ungodly quick time if you have an empty magazine and the odin is just a one for fun gun thats kind of medicore at best
  18. You known me for what? 10 years? of course i am insane. you see the people i'm friends with. and besides mister food connoisseur what is the best kind of cheese, and if you say american i'll be forced to make an alt just to kill you again
  19. yes lets ban 99% of the game so the 1% can play. rather play with silvers then golds they whine less and don't take this game SUPER SERIOUSLY
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