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Everything posted by cowhorseman

  1. More then likey. WOuld explain some rando pming me with info they should not have on me or someone i know. it has happened in the past. but then again this game is full of kids who are angry at the world so they could be trying to pry at me with guesses. can't prove it either way
  2. game not ready again this is 10/1/2022 or what ever format you use for day month and year
  3. are you blind? can you not read? do you need to suffer the wrath of the hat of discipline?
  4. he isn't dead he is currently hiding under the name tony waffles
  5. you try telling me that when a whisper outclasses any stock gun by a landslide. or how easy it is to max a 3 slot rifle you should have to earn it's vry fair to new players or those who only spend via joker and it's an issue. ethier buy market or get fucked
  6. ah come on man have some fun. theres more then that. how about clearing out places way to low of a level. glitching into places like the outsiders bunker in s1. or seeing something odd out in nowere
  7. oh the stories some of us vets can tell like how many times i've pissed off people and they ganked me with 55s as a low level. or teaching newbs cheese tricks
  8. Yea but people can dress there chars better Merged. something that makes you pay money to them for forcing them to do there job and is also a self entitled pleasant fellow who will shoot you if you sneeze funny around them
  9. all points bulltion. it's a type of police report to give the cops info on a suspect
  10. pizza is a salad. it has bread veggies and meat. a good salad has croutons (bread) veggies and meat
  11. For more context. the handle full that were normal quit when the pvpers pushed themselfs into rp and wanted it to be "more realistic" and shunned out alot of the old players who were less realistic atleast that is what i heard and saw. and well frankly i do not see a reason for realism when i hear about a man who can take on a seven foot woman and kick her patootie becuase he says so
  12. i would have more memes but apb sucks and runs at yes
  13. it's one of the conflict towns. can not remeber which one. might be waste farm
  14. well aroa it's almost like people play how they want. in a open world MMO. i have seen 55s that i saw way back in boneclaw a year or two a good. and for fuck sake you are a dense brick wall of stupid. you think that because YOU can buy a nice desktop/laptop that people are cheating? heres a hint honey. not everyone that works make a nice check some of us are not basement dwellers sucking on mommas tit for the rest of our lives, and yes the gms part is right i had a few who went unamed give out info on me they should not have. proof of this was getting pms from people about things they should not know about it but all you do is cry, and in pvp all you do is tun unless a nano medic is brown nosing you then you act tough. hell i saw you act tough to a person in 45 gear at 55 acting like your so much better for killing them in a fight. your room to talk is very thin girl and it would be best if you shut up becuase what you know isnt much and what you see is worse then a blind man If your going to bring input to this game do something useful for once. like host an event. gore market what ever craft and give out items. something
  15. yes aroa you are your "if i cry hard enough i will get my way" shut the fuck up honestly. g1 isnt here and your not there lap dog anymore. removing content will hurt and make people no longer want to play to start and 2 forcing a "fixed" res will do no good. not everyone can afford a nice fancy monitor and have to play on something lower or does not have a good pc and needs a lower res with there monitor what we need is this game being advertised and bug fixes/ mission rebalances. ever been to alpha? no you sit on your patootie and cry all day, reblalancing and fixing alpha would be a helpful start to it. buffing shotguns would help pvp rebalancing and fixing dome (mostly r9 and r10) would encourage people to play it. adding a new sector that's closer to s1 with a 70 level cap would drive people to play and grind with there 55s. this game needs content not the removal of it. and you did get 1 thing right for once. that is abusive gms, and yes there has been a handful but you can not inverveiw someone and know who they are or what they intend to do. and blood sports needs to be reverted if anything CTF is just a shitshow assault allowed for all players to play and do something ctf is pvper or GTFO. and it really shows when you got 3-4 nano medics healing 1-2 people you could not kill even with hornets seriously aora do you think or does your skull lack a brain?
  16. get the golden osmaw so you can annoy everyone
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