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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. or maybe UE3.5 is what G1 left behind and they want to keep all platform on the same version of UE And MAYBE....MMAAYBBEEEE re-make the game from scratch instead of copy pasting codes from engine to engine, to then optimize the game as well as they can for better performance serverside and clientside p.s. idk how the game looks like now in UE3.5 but this is what i recorded some days ago
  2. So after Aug 13th We were suppose to hear something about the trading system on Aug 20th ish but LO went to gamescon which is ok. Today is Aug 30 and no update on this on when it's gonna be live, and if it's gonna be on OTW or straight to live. An update will be nice, specially when it's end August and we are probably expecting a new post with new news and following steps for september?
  3. if there are no events happening after 3.5 to keep players there, then those vets who dont play no more, n'or new players will dissapear again, and then the population will go back to what it is now sadly
  4. About unbanning cheaters, there was something i always said. Give everyone a chance or give none a chance. And that goes to either every banned player or not unbanning anyone. We all know g1 can ban someone "just because" And even i who never got fairfighted know that there were player who got banned for no reason and prob had no attachments in their profiles proving they were not legit. Matt said to unban the players because he did not like what he saw when he checked the fairfight bans. Some legit players got unbanned but so does those who WERE NOT legit got unbanned. I find it unfair that some people who did broke the ToS got unbanned while there are others who prob wanted a second chance who got banned for anything else, did NOT get unbanned. Regardless what ToS you broke, unban everyone or keep everyone banned. There is always gonna be decisions people will and will not agree to. As someone who has to take actions to keep the work going(Aka matt), he knows his actions has consequences and i don't have any issues with the unban players. BattlEye will throw them back in the banwave. I've seen so many edgy players play "decent" now as of like ever since battlEye they deleted their cheats or something lol. EDIT: P.S. ever since battlEye i havn't spotted a single cheater yet. On Jericho
  5. Will do after work, hopefully i remember :')
  6. changes are happening!
  7. Vegas 4x4 for fast driving/drift (my fav) Pioneer, because they have good speed and are super tanky. I myself is using my espacyo because i got tired of not being able to take down those tanky vehicles with even 2 concs, and they got enough speed to get where u need to go. ^
  8. waiting on @MattScott post about this like
  9. maybe if we summon @Tobii together he will show up
  10. i'd do it. But i only have an hour a day to play games now, except for sundays :')
  11. thinking about it. Maybe limiting posts per user isn't a bad idea. Like if i make a post now, i can make a new one in 2hours or something Then the spammers might think on making more accounts to spam comment sections of existing posts. So new accounts can't make post in social district general if they are not longer than 3days old But they are allowed to comment on other posts tho, limit their comments to like 1 comment per 10minutes or something. And for everyone else in general limit comments to 1 per 60seconds or 120seconds. It should not harm new players that are not trolls n'or will it harm us who been here for years but it might prevent spammers from even trying.
  12. Don't forget that it's the community that got them to put the prototypes on live server. Several people asked for it because OTW was always a ghost town when they wanted to test
  13. It's good to me. I never used IR3 on obir and obeya EVER... CJ3 does all it needs to do.(And always did for me, for years) Only thing i used IR3 on was the carbine, jg(or tasz20 stock) and ntec. With the current IR3 nerf i am forced to no longer use a carbine as a semi auto ntec because with IR3 u can do some good damage from mid/long range. So now the carbine is back to being a mid/close range rifle now Ntec...well doesnt matter how the nerf is, the ntec will be great with or without it Shotguns, well ye take out the IR3 and use something else. Still will get the job done.
  14. Back in the days G1 limited new forums account users to make a post/comment for 48hours if i am not mistaken to prevent people to make new accounts just to spam
  15. changes are fine. You just have been playing the same meta since 2012 and were too used to it
  16. And they say that LO doesn't listen to the community. the shotgun fixes were on OTW for almost 2weeks now. But people suggested putting the prototypes on live server to get more data from players that don't want to use OTW.
  17. Violence, speed......and momentum So far the last and best song i made in apb
  18. game is still 32bit using around 2cores so it will perform fine if its above 3ghz untill UE3.5 if thats a success and they OPTIMIZE it to use our pc juice EDIT: Get a gpu
  19. I assume that GM was 1 of the selected candidate from the players who applied for GM
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