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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. Even tho its not the point to hitfire with the gun, its like hipfire hitreg is set to 0
  2. FTP finally worked. check the settings now Waiting on showstopper icon to hit the apb vault so i can snag it...
  3. To be honest that’s most likely how the 50% of the players feel, and what makes APB special is the customization.. So in case that’s the only thing left APB can provide, many players will leave once another game offers that. not only the customization but also the game style. if a company can somewhat remake apb under a new name without getting sue'd then ye
  4. which is kind of true but, i guess that eliminates the "pay2win" state?
  5. i support this Hopefully it won't be too tanky tho
  6. Finally, some footage from new engine. what do u see when u hit /fps ?
  7. friendly reminder that the guy changing weapon value inputs is probably not the person you would want making code for the networking systems, and vice versa idk why this is so hard for people to understand still....
  8. downvote is the new upvote maduud i think clothing accountbound limited time is nice.... we already got a raise on g1c per dollar so maybe 35% off on guns?
  9. think it's time for the forums to have a searchbar, so people can search up something before they make a new post :v (No pun intended)
  10. i just want to say that the shredder needs a range nerf and the rfp needs a nerf in range or damage other than that the game is fine..just waiting for UE3.5 to have 9k players on for 2weeks then go back to what it is now if there are no events to keep them here
  11. Daily rewards are nice. But they need to do it per district like "Kill 30 people in waterfront and get 400jt" or something
  12. atleast dethreaters are forced to play in silver district again
  13. honestly the 10day rfp u get from the contact is all u need tbh
  14. well use a tape in the middle of your screen i guess So far its undetectable...
  15. i think u mistaken the colby45 with the rfp?
  16. i tried contacting them today They transfered me from different departments 7times.. EDIT: 10 and still going
  17. reading on the phone can make you misunderstand lol but... str8 to live or otw?
  18. alright thanks for the reply. So the trade system will be live around september 19th on the Live server? or OTW for testing?
  19. i have more than 1k dollars spend ingame You are not alone my friend
  20. well then the best way to make JMB better than is to leave the droprate And give us something better than 3day guns, or allow us to sell/trade these trail weapons in the market
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