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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. and i just got home entered..ran for 10seconds Welp time to fill waterfront since Fin dissapeared
  2. if no one uses it, that means it's trash or underpowered
  3. Colby RSA > Harbinger. If harbinger was so good, why was it in 2016 when i last saw 1? Yukon was never supose to be OP. G1 just never fixed the bug to milk it
  4. maybe do it similar to PUBG or something, get a mini UI on reporting players and can choose max 2 reasons. And can report 1 per 24hours per player There a report can fall undert certain categories and LO can decide which ones would need more attention or not
  5. last post was august 25 seems a week outdated I bought $20 of g1c and received 1600g1c but sadly i too have to wait 45days to get a reply
  6. you don't We all wait. Can take up to 45days but maybe now it's less since they are not exactly handling scam tickets no more
  7. 90% ? just give me the item free!
  8. Oh btw. The admin tracker needs some love too!
  9. a lot of love well, it levels up marksman role anyway Which explains why most of us don't know why they are considering it as an AR EDIT: Would that make the shredder an AR as well?
  10. i think they considered it AR instead of Rifle because it's automatic(Same for the cobra),which i kinda don't agree much with. but the misery bloom opens so big after the 5th shot tho. You are pretty much screwed if you miss 1 of the first 6shots on full auto i second this
  11. Should make it as accurate as the misery on hipfire while walking
  12. CSG = TAS20 it is, but it still feels like there is a difference between them when i use them tho Maybe it's just me .-.
  13. am i the only one who starts at page 5 and scroll to previous till i start seeing the lvl3 mods?
  14. Keshi

    Thank you mod

    I do not even have close to a magnificent enough beard to hold that position He's on to Matt. Get the strap
  15. @LO_Beastie since the csg is getting some love How about the tasz20? (specially the tasz20stock which most people have)
  16. Interesting. Thx for the post Beastie. Will be diving into it after work!
  17. either u focus on the player or focus on the game(that will also satisfy some players) I bought $20 of g1c and got 1600 instead of 2000 so i got a ticket waiting too. Idk if i gotta wait 2months to get the remaining 400g1c without compensation but i can wait. I'm kinda more interested in the UE3.5 than my remaining g1c atm
  18. Bought $20 from amazon and got 1600g1c instead of 2000 so @MattScott should find a way to fix it
  19. so far so good. if you can matt I think most of us want a little more info on that hitreg issue
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