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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. Look...the shotguns seems fine to me https://plays.tv/video/5b7ccb6a6528241376/how-to-jg?from=user But yoooo the shredder is 3shotting people at 40m. How daf u defending that? Its supose to be a shotgun not a rifle...
  2. It is indeed OP... https://plays.tv/video/5b7ccb6a6528241376/how-to-jg
  3. didnt see any news regarding the trading system going live or otw yet... meaning we wont find any news on ue3.5 either... we wait a little longer!
  4. UE3.5 wont hold anyone if it still runs poorly and dont bring new content to give 255rank players a reason to grind. I mean i have 14characters for God sake because i am forcing myself to grind and have a reason to play lol
  5. meh. Its like u have to choose a struggle stable 85ms and bad hitreg or decent/good hitreg but spike to 150ms every 5seconds because "mitigation" is on
  6. Hey leave some for others! i gotchu
  7. waiting for the "trading system sucks. revert patch so i can scam" post after that goes live too
  8. 1month and 15days it takes to get a reply m8
  9. ETA on vehicle? bro its ETA on UE3.5 And thats coming after the trading system...
  10. Like...the game is somewhat playing smooth but my bullets are going through the enemies...like the hitreg did not load when i started the game
  11. Peak hours we are lucky to fill a single silver district. and the rest will go spam /y WTT LEGENDARIES LF THUNDER PM in social
  12. cant even reset his ticket if he got scammed after matt's post
  13. i think the pioneer detonator osmaw combo is the only thing i fear
  14. Forums: Ntec too powerfull. HVR Quickscope needs a nerf LO: Ok we need weapon balance. There are so many useless guns in the game that no one use. Here take this Forums: This weapon balance sucks LO: Well...maybe it didn't go as expected. Needs some tweaks Forums: Revert ir3 and hvr nerf plz
  15. Using Nitro 3 on a wheelchair will show your character chugging like 10 5-hour energy shots. Chance to flip over backwards if you're doing it from a standstill. equip with fragile and boom
  16. 3rd problem...32bit unoptimized. Pray for UE3.5 since its 64bit and can use more juice from your system
  17. hai think i played against u last night lol And actually your ms would be the same...just that we'dd have a 64bit client now and see if the performance will improve, or if it WILL REMAIN potato for the rest of its life lol maybe weapon balance before UE3.5 can make players come back to see how the game runs with new engine AND dealing with balance at the same time tho
  18. The showstopper is actually an old unreleased asset entirely ^
  19. wait till UE3.5 EDIT: EU supose doesnt lag as hard as US so...if the game ran fine im sure we'd have more than 150 people
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