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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. My guess is that Unbanning didn't stop the goat or appease him. same stuff different day
  2. Yes you could then, using a check mark at the end of the name allowed you to duplicate the name, but the game did not recognize the check mark and only displayed the allowed characters. How would u explain me still existing if i was banned and you cant clone. Its either one way or the other, not both, You're doing a great job of incriminating yourself, you want to go on about the story feel free, this will better entertainment than damned soccer.
  3. You Know What I mean wise patootie
  4. Your Account, n you don't have a Tin Hat. And I'm fairly confident if you try it again you will get banned again (after reading matts new post)
  5. You mean YOUR ban, yea i see it. so you found it. I never denied there was a ban, but not on me, you can see that's a rank 21, my crime was a max and my cop was 200+. and you cloned both. now i gotta third slot. same account n i aint telling ya how to spell it this time
  6. well i don't see any of the same players around, and you indicated that you looked for the ff thread n was gone, meaning you knew for sure it was there, and only the troll that cloned me would remember that one ff post from 3 years ago. Shall I start calling you Harley or is it Jenneveve. No one complained about the ban, get your facts straight. I was there complaining about the system and tiggs allowing the cloning to happen. NOw ill admit now that was very misdirected anger toward tiggs. N I'll be the first one to defend tiggs in any forum smack talk. weren't for tiggs we wouldn't have had a game last few years. but no one was complaining about a ban, cause nobody had been banned. hence why i was there running my mouth.
  7. Thank You very much for the update. I was under the impression that it would be a month or so till BE would start banning, as it would need to collect algorithm on players habits/abilities. I may be wrong but I figured if the data collected is seen as a norm while hacking takes place, then when its turned on it would not detect the better performance of the hacker because he was hacking during the data collection period. That was my assumption. In addition I have been getting kicked or dropped while loading a district. (client not responding) and that sorta triggered me. I'm getting to really hate computers, Ill ask my kid about these hotkey things. i bet its that steam crap he has on here
  8. Yea n like I said, only me, the clone, and a maybe one or two vets that still play, would even know about that, cough cough
  9. Yea I know the one your talking about, n That is the one that cloned me about 2-3 years back. and I might add that only me and the clone would know about this ban. He followed me for about 6months everyday, standing in front of me or otherwise ruining each mission. That's where the Term, Shell Em From The Park, comes from. He also had a Harley clone, n cloned a well know BR. Had the exact same spelling of name, you couldn't tell who was cussing at who in the chat, then he cloned my crime as well (which has a similar spelling that I was dumb enough to tell him) n he would come in an go note 5 on me all day, hacking blatantly. And report did nothing, cause it said I couldn't report myself. The last battle was between me n him n he got banned. The REal Mack Bolan wears a Tin Hat proudly. The clone has no hat. See in the end I don't really care about hackers per say, what pisses me off is being a true legit and having this bunk program kick me of all people upon loading the district. {client not responding}. But they open the gates to the hacks n insult me. The Audacity
  10. Never lost my account, cause I don't hack. never have, n only have one account. Don't try that victim blaming stuff with me. But that's ok, your reply's have confirmed my theory that I'm one the 3 legits left. BTW we are up to November till I will spend. Each time BE kicks me upon loading the district, I will add a month that I wont spend. Unfortunate cause I want a huntress, n have the cash. I wont spend anything till the lag and hacks are stopped, period
  11. RoTf, I'm one of the three legits left well that's fine, you all go ahead an back up the hackers an that LO is backing them and not the legit players. think imm go hunting
  12. Either way, its called Hax-Letting at the cost of legit's time, regardless of who wrote them. I'm fed up. They wanna let em hack to get an algorithm established at my expense, did they ever think that, when they activate this BE thing or start using it, that the program will have collected data on people while they hack so that establishes a norm. And that norm will be of them hacking. So the system wont work just by design, but ya know that's ok, hax don't exist ya ya ya
  13. I see nothing in regards to how long or when, you will activate B.E., this program is kicks me each day upon loading the district. That didn't happen before, n I aint buying another pc, that's your problem not mine. I see nothing is regards to reimbursement of time and levels lost due to you Opening the Gates to hackers, so the few legits have to suffer while your program learns things eh. OH Yea I said it, Hackers And just what sort of customer retention is this. id even go as far as to say the hax were written by a g1 staff, to sell through a third party ofcourse. you wanna remove my post fine, I gaf, but that's how I feel. Oh Give them a chance. We Did. You let hax in to an already laggy game and according to your Plan. You Got Nada coming to stop it. (Now you can all bring on your insanity comments-n ill say your a left winger-nut)
  14. Jus tell em, "All Legal" Then go toy with them, pop a couple round around a corner at em, get them after you, then run around to another place n cap a few more rounds. Don't go do the objective or get near enough to be shot, just mess with em.
  15. You have to goto armas after signing in with the character you bought the gun with, you may end up with two of that gun on that char, but only one going to the other char's
  16. Good Gun, enough bullets for bad aim or multiple targets, but wont stand up to other subguns Be nice if I could use mine BUT NO we got dds
  17. ya, this time the server tried to hold on, kinda yo-yo'd then croaked... What is the deal with these Love titles?
  18. Don't Buy Window 10, or a 7 that's upgradable. which leaves apple n Dell. Win10 constantly tab's me out of the game regardless of my update settings. So I run a win 7 laptop, why cause the new win10 I bought had a potato processor n this one runs the game well, so I traded with my kid. my average is bout 35-40 fps, no difference with wifi or hard line. I live at the literal end of the cable line n they have amps boosting me.
  19. He is right in the case of the pioneer. Beings it is only avail upon maxing out for the crim. n then its the mods are not changeable, n big thing is no sound kit. If you want sound you get the sayovan but the sound is not as good as the pioneers sound kit. Now your LtL. your not gonna get allot of sympathy on that, those weapons are real hard to use. Anyone using one risks the whole mission. There are videos on how its done, countless chat threads with armchair generals that debate the ways of the LTL. For the crim there is not much on how to avoid or counter an LTL. Best thing to do is add range. You can always jump to another server if you get a team of Happy Cops runnin a muck
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