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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Just went down again fin WHY ARE YOU CLOSED
  2. Best farts come from French Vanilla icecream n gummi-worms..Ya dont want those gummi bears they too short n roundish n come out in the fart n put holes in your boxers
  3. lemme chime in here,,,The farts are 'Elementry' they sound like some 4th grader in a lunch room. They Need a Mans fart. They need someone with a tight patootie but big cheeks, so ya get that hollow sound, n it gotta start out big n blasty n taper off into a walawala sound why no fart contest
  4. I agree for the most part, in that; if you are new to this game or this type of game, MMO. You need to take your knocks and learn from the veterans. Only way to learn. The dynamics of this game involve a bit more than just wins and losses, with your contact progression, role kills, and cash to spend on, and unlocks; all being really based on your opponent or possibly a group of opponents, and lets add in a bit of lag, a bit of jealousy for our armas 'p2w''s. Then we add in that with the pop and mm you get the same B'stards who rooked you last time I know im they exception in that i only play this one game, and not so much the exception in that i am a 'Scrub' And I have no problem owning that imma scrub, im a bit older n slower n i dont gaf as much. Thats kinda my thing, I dont always wanna work my patootie off. The idea that you should be as good as your team mate or better, or the Ol Classic, Get Gud. I just wanna drive my cool car, have my old hippie tunes n look like a badass.
  5. Got my shotgun and the harb pistol, oblivion, h9, ar97 plus the outfits n growl (which sucks like the old one), skins, ect. All Account Wide. Fkn Excellent Thanx for the tip guys.
  6. so your saying the strife is in the pack. thought those packs were only 30day items
  7. I want the Strife Permanent. Put it up in Armas. No its not the best Goto weapon, but i want it for my collection Acc wide of course I will give you till the next patch to put it up. Thank You.
  8. Why is it all dirty at one end
  9. Nothing but hax n trolls n lazy gms not doing shit in district. Hey Knock Knock, you people still work here, or ya sitting in the back smoking up n laughing... is now Closed. You get not shit till ya do something.
  10. Fake News, Fake feminine features, Long Haired Hippie Type pinko laggers, no hips, HOw'my gonna be Mama Cass
  11. She's gotta look authentic even with cloths on. n of course you would have bra's to cover them or not with a shirt over them. Guess i been in desert too long
  12. why strip clubs, well if I cant have the nipple then nobody can, i want equality
  13. Free the nipple. The feminine features should swing an nipple shape rendered thru cloths I say we riot n burn down a few strip clubs n we'll need a prop police car to burn. Its War on the Nipple
  14. Well theres no choice here in calif, on account of us having 1/2 gallon flush by law {so ya gotta flush 6 times} Ill admit, it'd be a gooood long, feel good poop. but you'd die in your own poop, it fill up the lil Jerry Brown issue toilet n ya need to flush n wait 2 minutes (on account of required flow resister by law) ,,You'd never make it, you'd fill the whole bathroom up n die in your own poop n wtf is the poop emoji,,,salt
  15. p2w my patootie . I pay, i dont win. Oh ya gonna say thats just cause you're bad, get gud eh...well isn't that the point here. If you otherwise suck, paying dont make ya suck less, you just look better when ya go down
  16. ... what? how does looking at your locker make your items disappear? do you give everyone your password if they ask for it? I dont know. just know that people that have traded in the past have lost things. ... what? how does looking at your locker make your items disappear? do you give everyone your password if they ask for it? i dont give a skunk,,,tbh
  17. i dont buy it, been golds in bronze all week, n the same hax every day. n Im saying yea golds are a direct indicator that u hack. I can piss from bronze to silver, can loose, get shot to hell n turn from bronze to silver. Gold takes years n years of solid wins n no losses for years. There is such a gap between what it takes to get silver n its not the sam effort there again to become gold I got no problem spending my day going up to silver to punish you people for coming to bronze, cause it looks like LO is dead at the stick. no gms in dist booting or following golds to see why they are gold. So I gotta do it.
  18. Yea its great, now randoms sit round district spamming trade invites n friend invites hoping to get a look at my locker, so when i wake up all my stuff is gone,,,yea,,no fkn way
  19. Oh Man! I must be gettin old. What language, i mean. My God. Most 'Music' was made from 65-85 with the best coming in the late 60's. No wonder you kids are so twisted these days.
  20. Learned this from a Vietnam Vet some 25 years ago. Long before Wiki or History channel did it. In Nam unless you were on the front line or on mission, you were not armed. But it was the rule if you left the base on pass to the town, you had to be armed. They would have you check out a 45...so the armorer also had left over sho-shos that were used by the French. So he went thru three or four 45.s n none of em could be Racked, they were stuck shut, n they wouldn't spare m-14 or 16s. so he checked out a sho sho every time he went to town. I later saw a show by the bullet headed bald guy on History confirming that it was THEEE worst weapon fielded by a military to date. But They said you could take it apart and make a still out of it.. One of the problems with the sho-sho was it was cheaply made stamped metal, n was manufactured by several armorers, resulting in parts that could not be interchanged from one gun to another, it also had a ported cut out magazine so you could see the amount of bullets you had, this also let in mud n debris. So if the weapon functioned it would jam easy.
  21. Needs to be like a bit of Comton n Lynwood, a bit of The Bronx, a bit of San Fernando n some fkn Alabama n Oregon. Ya know some friggin foilage..Tow trucks n Air Boats, we can go Gator Hunting in the L.A. River. Need somthin new
  22. This morning wasn't so good, but after the server patch the shotguns seem to have the power they should. I was not getting hit registers. They also seem fair, not too op. My Opinion.
  23. SALT We will need a large metal bin to chuck all the shotguns in. My 38 does better.
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