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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Ah. So they took the servers down... That makes more sense. I thought the patch was coming on the 9th 0200 gmt, they having trouble all day so they musta started early. Now I'm all wired up with no place to go
  2. down load was only like 2 minutes, the upload was longer n the servers aren't up yet
  3. Another day with the game offline, now I have to stay here n complain all day
  4. Game is down, guess you already started doing what ever it is, so no game for god knows how many hours. Strange dollar signs appear, and the joker tickets show 0. So that's gone, not that joker guns are worth anything now that they have all been nerfed or the bullet registration has been nerved, or someone's buddies are being let to hack the bullet regs. (in other words, BE is a Hoax) They get around it n ya know it. {which is why it was put in). Ya cut off the pre paid cards, now I appreciate the removal of burger king due to it not being valid, but now we loose subway. so the only way to pay, is to join paypal, and they get hacked monthly. Ya know, I really don't understand. Been a faithful legit customer bout 3 years n now all of the sudden I need to verify who the I am. The only people that seem to profiting off all this is the hackers you deny exist. Hackers is why I wont give you my credit card, and principle is why ill never join PayPal. You forum sucks cause you allow memes and trolls to harass people that post. But that's ok Matt, its just a game, I got books to read. I don't need your Uber Vegas kit. Why. Cause the only reason I wanted it was to defend from the other trolls using them to turn over cars so ya cant k up or play. We'll call em Your PayPal buddies. But that car would only allow me to do the same thing, be a troll, not defend from one. so the car is useless. and so is Armas, n your spell check sucks. Just for the Trolls; Yes you 'Pal's' I checked all over, for paysafe, even the ones that suppose to sell it don't even know what it is. Its cool, I'm over it. game never works anyway. n BE insults me by kicking me during the district load. and hackers are sanctioned now. you know, the ones that don't exist. Have a nice Day.
  5. what we are getting is a 'Broadcast and HUD warning of 'Instance Shut down' with the time by minutes
  6. California is not part of the USA, if it were, Trump would have sent the Marines to clean out the crooked baby part choppers in Sacramento.
  7. no I don't, I need you trolls to stop harassing players and the moderator needs to do their job n ban those that post troll pictures
  8. I was online, in the water front. n they froze me up. there is no way any malware could be on here cause I only use this for apb. that's all I do or used to before these victim blamers took over. there was no problem before, everything else works. and when I came here the trolls harassed me. so ya I think they did it seems to be the way to turn gold is to be a troll and not be legit
  9. Well they hacked me right out of the game, got dc'd froze up n now no launcher. n nobody else is reporting such a problem. so its hackers
  10. they don't like legit players, that's why they stole my game
  11. they really gone outta their way to keep me offline. I got DC from WF, n now the launcher wont come up, nor does it list any games. none of the other g1 games are listed, nothing. says refresh. just when I was going to buy a subway card, good thing I checked
  12. The launcher wont come up, says it cannot connect to G1 and to check my connection. The connection is fine. The game is gone.
  13. n all the moderator had to do was tell me so n we could have stopped all this salt Friday. I posted Friday about it, the post was moved, but I still waited till morning to see if matt or someone more official than lixil would have done something or responded. Moving the post to the dead pool Off Topic. I took directly as an insult, because off topic is where all the lost topics go, nobody reads them. I only come to the forum if something is wrong, n I always post in social. Mack I'm sorry this happened, but We cant help you here, you have to leave a ticket with 'Payment Wall' Then Mack woulda just been a bit bummed out. not running about Fingering Lil Orbit
  14. Your both out of your mind. I don't care if it is a third party, Lil Orbit and/or G1 should be the one checking things. That's not my job its theirs. And I Hold them responsible for it. I will say it is apparent that LO inherited this problem. Now about the credit card. Yes I have one, n I would absolutely never use it online, never just to start with, then u want to add that the Goat hacked fair fight n was doing shout outs via the hud n you want me to up my cc number. I isn't that stupid Now about this Mr Trump, I don't even live in the United States. I live in California, our president is the Anti Christ Galvin Newsom who chops up dead babies n sells the parts. btw No rational person would use their credit card online, in a game ran by Cough cough sympathizers.
  15. Then why didn't she at least suggest that. she could have said you need to make a ticket, could have said make a bug report ect. secondly its still their fault. I should not have to check anything. So now they are gonna send you to claim they had nothing to do with it, instead of an employee responding to the post. Sorry They are Still Crooks in My Book. If these so called third party are crooks, then they are in bed with them, victimizing the innocent's. Same Thing.
  16. appears to be the deal, they want you to join PayPal in order to coin up. No they had a couple people up there tell her. they don't seem to interested in helping me out here. which is a slap in the face. So ya I'm just livid with LO right now. So I cant hold them accountable for the visa card, at least I can use it somewhere else. But I totally hold them responsible for scamming me out of the 50 for burger king. Maybe if she would have offered to help this wouldn't be so bad, but with the current state of things in districts, and its been a few days. so no one reviews anything. I get the impression that they simply don't want Mack to have nice things. Not sure if the moderator is buddys with the above trolls. No Imma give the Burger KIng card they scammed me out of to a homeless person, n Imma look for another game. As Far as I'm concerned they are scam artists. Imma call channel 7 news n tell them all about the brilliant customer service and their collusion with burger king to rip people. I would never be part of paypal, I have no use for that. I'm not in business. nor do I tweet, twitch, steam, or sell old cars online. I'm just an Ol Salt. n I no longer care. They ruined APB
  17. Apparently they don't take visa gift cards either. That's $100 dollars I'm out while the moderator hides my thread. Absolutely astonishing customer service. At least with G1 you could buy armas weapons, now you cant trust them at all.
  18. They are scam artists. I don't believe a thing they say. They can choke on their burger king cards. They don't have an once of respect for the players and have absolutely no customer service skills. what makes you believe they are working on it
  19. they aint gonna fix anything, they're just gonna hide your post n blame you
  20. I don't think they are real interested trent, they moved this to off topic. Which is why this will never be a problem again. I just get along with the guns I have.
  21. Yea that's exactly what happen, only I did check, I just did not check far enough. I shouldn't of had to. Oh Well. I don't think it will be a problem anymore.
  22. Don't know where to put this, I tried to coin up, n it shows a burger king symbol n ya get in and no place to spend it. I'm not happy, I hate burger king, n I guess I got 50 bucks worth of bovine intestines to eat. shame on me for trying to spend.
  23. Well I think that everyone is ignoring the giant elephant in the room n willing to say it. It Must be Trumps fault.
  24. Ya the forum troll got bored n needed company
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