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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Sorry Moderator, I was just trying to be funny. I appreciate the info on the Weekly Maintenance. God knows if ya didn't put up a 'Notice', half the world would blame ya for not doing anything. No thanks to the Salties that wanna throw shad. Thank You LO Forum Staff for keeping us informed
  2. I think it's BS too. The drop off point should be changed with each car. To start off with it should only be one vehicle, such as an armored truck heist or a high end ride, some mafioso or 'King-Pin' had. Them 'Furniture Moving' Missions suck too, it be a 2v2 n there's 5 barrels, 3 work stations, a stroller and a stack of books! WTF am I a Furniture Mover
  3. I have to agree. Being an Ex-Security. A Firm that has little to no Loss, is a Firm with Good Security. Part of the problem with Me judging the anticheat is that i have never cheated nor do i know the first thing about it. I will say that since LO took over, I have personally directly witnessed far less blatants than before LO, ya know back when dirtbags were walkin on ceilings. And being ignorant, I've only learned what I hear or see from people here. Now I know with the covis shutdowns the internet is taking a punch, causing lag and crashes with some games and movie services. So Apples and Oranges, the anti cheat is for aim cheats n such. The other factor would be dds, or a dds related action that lags the player or the whole server instance. But not in a mass attack, that lags the player until a disconnect. So I realize that the anti cheat has nothing to do with dds or any efforts to 'mitigate' dds. Most the time U see me Hollering Hack, its because of lag. I would also say, with my ignorance in mind, that the way EZ and BattleEye were explained by LO. That they were just going to 'collect information' and at some point the program would 'achieve consciousness' and start banning. This was not very reassuring after being used to FF. I will close with one last thing, I'm not ignorant to the fact that we are getting a lot of newbie rerolls with non-names, or what I call RAndoms. This could be a result of the anti cheat banning their last toon.
  4. Fair-Fight. Why? Because its the only one that we as players could see was working due to the Hud broadcast. Back then my only complaint was that it did not seem to catch as many Jericho's as other servers. I am aware of the false positive factor, however just the broadcasting of the ban. Kept those players who were legit but considering purchasing cheats from taking the chance of a ban. And it kept whiners like me from whining about it. See I consider any lasting lag spikes to be the work of hacks. Oddly I did not see any lag during the gun games, which would not be hacker lag, it would be the Event/Game generated lag. But yesterday, ffs i couldn't even walk. I went up to asylum it was laggy there too but only during close shoots, I'm talking about in district. They drop some code on you n lag you out till you disconnect. NOw I'm not sure how this works, but you all know wtf im talking about. Seems U hackers are a bit Slow on the Uptake. Ya know if ya didn't DC me, you might be able to EZ kill me, seems you would want a scrub in the house so ya din't get your patootie kicked So in conclusion I say, when they find an Anti-Cheat that catches these lag hackers, Then You have an Anticheat.
  5. I have 4 max ranks, 2 cops n 2 crims. I am known for playing bronze. I am a Silver Scrub. I always let low ranks get some off me, specially if the ridiculous MM puts a Me against a lev 20 1v1. Secondly I want to add that a particular player crashed my truck n blew it up at least 7 times in 2hrs yesterday evening. I am not the least bit salty about it. My point is the Rage trolling is not something specifically targeting new players. It is a Factor in the game that effects all of us. I will admit to being a rage troll right here, n I targeted Golds mostly but i did go after any low rank with a bullshoot name with all numbers n I consider those players "RAndoms"
  6. Sociopaths. Mack gets mad a hackers in apb, goes to warthunder, see's lag spikes under fire from 30 miles away, n spends 3 days hacusating based on the fact they have the same anticheat. Additionally the launcher has a click box for the anticheat, so one could unclick this. I have come to the conclusion that online video games are basically Cheat Collages. A place for them to practice their hack skills, the challenge and risk being getting caught and or using the right hack at the right time on your hacking opponent. These people have no respect for the Theme of the game, whether its WW2, cops n robbers, sci-fi, its simply a means to an end. Giving them 'Jolly Points' with their hacking peers. I dont wanna come in here throwing shade, but i have absolutely no faith in EZ anti cheat. One thing I had suggested was to have a monthly report on bann's excluding the names of the players. Just so we had some nuance that it was working. Now put yourself in my shoes, technically I don't know pattootie about hacking, The administration says its working, all of my playing peers say its a worthless program easily by-passed, I see blantants in warthunder, I still have lag spikes in apb and or am knocked off the server if i chat too much, in-other-words if the hacker don't wanna listen to me, he drops some code n I disappear. With that in mind, What am I suppose to believe.
  7. Can We get an update here when its fixed, I'll check back later. This way we are not over loading the log server just to check.
  8. First I have to say. Sir You have Way to much time on your hands, I haven't seen a Book like this in long time. The S-247 and DMR-AV would be my favorites. I believe my AV is a 3 slot or Pr 3. On the DMR I'm not sure a cj2 would help much. It may have a factor if your shooting at a player at distance, but if you are using as an anti-vehicle that lil bit may fux U, cause they are generally charging you or running, leaving little time to track and shoot, and the barrel would still have the same recoil. The S-247 does seem to lack something. Lacking the Wallop of other snipers, it can be used in a pinch for hip firing, but almost any pistol outside of the magnums and the .38 would be better at close range. I like the 243s but they all are pre-modded. Most of the guns I buy, I am attracted by the skin and the sound, The 243s make the coolest rifle Crack of them all. It actually sounds like a .243, but ya can't use em as a sniper, more like a squad rifle or dmr due to the lack of sites and ammo load. They don't have any 3 slot none pre-modded 243s, which is why i don't own any.
  9. Possibly. The 'Kill zone for a Pineapple is 5 meters, and 15m being the outside radius. However, in real life that is the 'Kill Zone'', in our world here they have to only penalize a certain amount of health, which may not be enough to kill the opponent like in real life. so maybe they add that buff for that reason.
  10. Dont feel bad, I say stuff all the time n nobody pays me any attention. It was turned off for a while, but it works now, even outside of missions. My guess is that is was off for so long, and with the lag issues of the recent past, some people may have disabled it just to mitigate their lag, and don't know it works again.
  11. Let me add in here. The reason behind the JT guns was two fold. A. to bring up the pop, giving us something to grind for. B. So the 'Free Players' or those who cannot afford to spend for Armas, have a chance to get the cool guns, and it lessens the value of the term 'P2W' , a term which i hate, and is why i commented.
  12. Never heard of em. Of course I am the most Complete Player. I run 4.1 char's, 4 are Max, Male and Female Cops, n Male n Female Crim's. I have most all the armas kits n guns, cars. I have only 3,4 ledgendaries cause I'm a Player not a Joker Box Hacker, so no volcanos or glory rifles have magically appeared in my Locker the day after release from a Joker that Never, Never, Never pays out. So I din't get here the EZ way. I don't want to name shame, as I said I've never heard of these people. But a hacker is like a guy that masturbates n calls it 'Getting Laid'. Hackers are not Players. I am sorry to come and 'Upstage' all of you.
  13. Really there are two definitions to me. 1. Is when you are totally outclassed, the opp is gold, or has volcano, or that evil glory, Team has better coordination, communication ect. And You keep running back Trying Hard n Getting Whacked. 2. Is when You are on the opp team that has volcanoes, glory's, maybe some cheats, whatever but your team is got the other by the Balls, n they won't let up any. In other words they continue to 'Carpet Bomb', spawn check n literally Paste the enemies patootie, when its clearly Overkill. However it is a Combat game, not word search or a Easter egg hunt. When You click that K button, You need to know "No Quarter is Asked n None Taken"
  14. They buffed all the beginner guns, made a bunch of new guns, then nerfed all the ones i bought, They are actually working on a new engine for reals, its not a Myth like before, and We have 420 symbols now n some real cool clothing packs. I Do remember You, n even with all my badass guns n my Boss 420 symbols, I'm still a Scrub, but I blame the 420
  15. NO, No, and no. First thing you will hear is 'Dethreat Accusations'. Not to talk smack about the Devs, But if the Code writers could do this, there would be mistakes, and that would put the whole game system in jeopardy. Last but not least; Have you ever tried to do the Surrender Emote under fire. The time it takes to type out the command. Chat Kills and at the most embarrassing times.
  16. Assassin for most pistols, except the .45 , .38snub, and RSA. Why? These guns look cool on assassin, but I feel the more original look is best. Some guns come with that 'nickel plate look, and it is the default or alternative, I hate those For My bigger guns I use the Boa skin with the exception of snipers, those I go with Assassin. It also depends on if I'm Cop or Crim, n if imma cop what outfit am I wearing. If I am 'in uniform' (LASD). Then i carry assassin or original wood grip/default; but if imma Crim I do the same unless I am mugging. If I am mugging I only have a basic .38 with a the basic original wood grip cause that is what a broke street thug would carry. A nickel plate or a nice .380 semi auto would be too expensive Now for My Clown (5th Role, Bangs Head on Desk) I use the orange candy one that comes after assassin on the menu. Why? Cause Imma broke pattoottie. You know how hard it is to be a Clown and wear a Covi Mask; So I paint the guns myself using my clown make-up and some watered down nail polish an a splash of dog drool for adhesion.
  17. No. PC players that do not use Steam, are registered though Emails, and not cross platform.

    Disable things

    Let Me see if I can dissect this. We're talking Titles/Clan Tags, and Symbols. I have to agree on gamerfirst and pornhub, Both should be Capitalized, and would be a misrepresentation of said business. Furthermore gamerfirst should have an s after the r, and pornhub should be hyphenated. The word sex should be banned because its simply so childish, and anyone with a symbol or otherwise that reads, *some bad rude symbols*, is clearly too many layers, and that person has too much idle time. However i cannot agree with the removal of anyone's vechcile, becouse they will just grow a new one the next time they goto "That Adult Video Site" Matt don't like me talking bout.
  19. What kind of weed smoker do U think i am, Do ya think that jus cause i smoke i won't remember that I Already Bought a 420 symbol pack.

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter to The Players and Staff. "Live Large"
  21. Two things You Must know before going. During this time of Social Distancing You Must Wear a Face Covering when involved in any Trade. Outside of Trading, You may only Socialize in Your Factions Night Club/Bar! Things Happen to people that cross the Line n get caught in the Wrong Bar

    Western Holster

    I like the western boots (I might buy) I like the Cowboy Hats. I like The Harbringer Pistol WHY I CAN'T GET A COWBOY HOLSTER @MattScott I would like a Low-Slung Cowboy Holster. Available for Right And Left side (cause it aint right to have your pistol in your left hand and your holster hanging off your right hip), This Western Holster would be ornate, low slung and come with the leather leg tie and spare cartridge holders along the belt, and a Harbringer type pistol seated in the holster of course. I would willing to pay up to 400G for such an item. You could also design a Western Kit with Boots and Spurs, bandanna and hat, ect with or without the Harbringer style pistol. Then there is also the concept of a Double Holster, like Yosemite Sam. Would like to hear some feedback from fellow gamers on items they would like to see in a kit, and if they would pay to have these items in kit or by the Piece (Western Theme Only)
  23. Let Me chime in. I'm 50, with two grown kids. Both addicted to video games, mostly shooters, we even had that ps1 game Vietnam themed, where if you had the cash or points you could 'Go to the Village and pay for a Ho, n the video would show your character walking into the grass thatched hut. Neither of My kids are mean towards women or sexist in any way, nor do they habitually shoot up the town, do dope, ect. They came out with very good morals. Why? Because I Raised them Right. They knew the difference between right and wrong. So, Your "Sitting Around Waiting To Be Offended", And You pick this new Title out of numerous other worse things to teach a kid, like beating a woman dressed like a prostitute, and punching her 4-5 times to Mug her, clothing options have most players dressed like a Booty-Call, We have missions where You are threatened that if you loose, you will be Punish-Plucked, the woman's pattootie 'waggles' when she walks n the man's don't, we have 420 symbols, n all kind of Father-Raping going on, n U pick this.
  24. Cookie is right, Then they Golds would appear as Silvers and would be Spanking around in BRonze, and would not be respected/feared for what they are. They know all the tricks, so I would know I have bring My A-Game. Additionally 'Scrubs' like me would know that they never would have a chance at Earning Gold. I think it should be Easier to achieve Gold and harder to achieve Silver. FFs all you need is 1 kill to make silver
  25. This is a Weapon, You 'all know that don't you. Either we did it to the Chinese or they did it to they own people. Both us and them have been known to test things on our own people. They didn't freak out like this with Ebola or the Bird Flu, They didnt even freak this bad when Aids came out. I Believe the gov knows more than we are being told, and we are expecting another attack. Next thing will be Martial Law, n just like all those MOvies. I am Ready as I can be. Am I Worried about the Virus, No. I am worried about peoples reaction to it. This is Time that All Us Conspiresy Nuts get to say, " I Told U So". I hope We All come through this, Even you pesky Golds. Now if the Reds get to our water, Remember 2 drops of bleach per gallon of water, Strain it with a sock. Up to 5 ML per gallon wont hurt you, thats about 5-6 drops. And People, Remember Your Eyes. a mask dont mean pattottie if they sneeze in your eye, get 'Cheap SunGlasses' or swimming mask works too, specially if tear gas is introduced. Its not sealed, but it can deflect airborn particles. p.s. From My Wife "Remember To Double Tap"
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