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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Why Not Read the threads. Our provider's availability has changed" Its not them, its their Provider
  2. So that's Pac-Time 7-am to 5-pm @10hrs. Possibly done by 1-pm pac-time @ 6hrs = $2.14 for 9 Eggs, on account of Johney fell off his bicycle on the way back from the grocery store, cracking 3 Eggs.
  3. Any adjustment of a weapon, by the 'Nerfs' Whom have little if any knowledge of Fire arms is Wrong! You people Ruined shotguns in general, n now you've ruined all of the sub guns, (most are oca reskins) and in doing so eliminated yet one more joker job. Shotguns: Now your gonna try to tell me, Your new 20gauge Slug gun, has less hard damage with a Slug, that a jg 12 gauge. Heres another example. Your Ogre is so despicable id rather beat the enemy with it than fire it, the spread is so wide, wider than a claymore pattern, n no real guns have trigger delays,,that's stupid.
  4. random 10 hr maintenance, nerf any gun that kills, no anticheat, rewards gold to hackers, allows toxicity toward legit or regular skilled players. Being an honest gamer dont pay. Ya I think I'm done with you people
  5. That would be nice if they actually Buffed anything, what was done was massive Nerfing. Ok so they reduced the recoil for the Tommy slightly, with that they nerfed the drop off and range of every sub gun with one exception, n Im not gonna say what gun still works so they dont nerf it. They Butchered the sub guns, they butchered the shot guns a while back. Sub guns arent suppose to have a huge bloom, even the old Grease gun was fairly accurate. They suppose to be precise, come in the hallway, a quick triple tap to the man to the left of the door, moving in two double taps to the man at the end of the hall, before judo rolling to the side for cover, comes out of the roll on his feet, pops up from cover n empties the mag on the late comer just running back in from spawn. The late comer survives n grabs the box n runs, only to be taken out by 1 240gr. 44 slug from Big Thunder. Excellent lil story, n its just that a Story, only found in books and in Macks little mind. What really happened was mack came in the hallway with a subgun that had the range of an AR, he drains the mag on the guy to the left of the door, who then pulls a Chuckle Emote, then flips me off just as the guy at the end of the hall bricks me to the eye. Late comer arrives, kicks mack n tbags n runs off to next point....Thats what really happens after they Butcher n stomp on all the guns. I want all the nerfs reversed, i am not happy about it at all.
  6. Agreed, this is half the reason i am not spending now, the other half is the nerfed weapons. However your estimate of 500 players is grossly over. We have a max of 50-60 players on a Good day. MOst of those being Golds/Pro's/Hackers. Very few Legit players..It has gotten so bad that i did spend. but just to make another slot. so i could also be a famous and well liked player. So i bought a slot so i can have a license plate name. Then like the other sociopaths I stand on the rail at double B and Talk about myself, n how BaddAss I am. So this week I was 'GOD'. next week imma be what ever the license plate is on my neighbors car. Fucks NOT giVen-Mack Bolan
  7. I dont want to be toxic, But I will not purchase any more weapons, unless the nerfs are reversed. I will not Use any of the weapons that have been nerfed. I believe that the Drop Off they tweeked, effected all my weapons, and or that the cheaters have a way to either shield themselves or stump my hit regs and drop off distance. Why, cuz i get grey or white hits and the guy dont go down. So either LO nerfed the gun, or the cheater did. Thats why U see me running around with a 38. its the only thing they havent nerfed n i no longer GAF
  8. Thank You for the Maintenance Notification, an Thank You the Time is back to normal. Never mind the comments from the 'Peanut Gallery' Derren Types writting on Walls.
  9. can we get the Times for maintenance on 1-6-21,,tomarro
  10. Seems to me the Latest Provider Sucks, last big shut down was cus the provider. I say We go Picket that providers P.O. box Pop has been so low lately in the bronze districts its become very hard on a day to day basis to grind Joker Tickets. Especially since the last nerfs, cuz the nerfs effected all weapons from registering unless your a magician, Forced to play in the Silver districts where most the opp are Magicians. So I am pretty much giving up on the Joker grind, and have decided to alternate my grinding days, with Fun Only Days. Now there are only 6 days in a Week cuz Wednesday is not a Day anymore
  11. thats the Whole Day, why did u guys change your maintenance times..used to be a night. now your taking USA out the whole day..Fine..I give up
  12. Thank You Very Much. That is Exactly what it was. maxed at 125/125 I dropped a couple expired weapons n Walla. Now I get to Burn The Village. the moderator can close the thread. Thanks again
  13. Anyone else having trouble renting joker weapons? I have the 2500+ JT and it wont gimme a volcano. and all I get is 404 error if i want to leave a support ticket, so I brought it here. I dont mind saying that this really thwarts my interest in the game as a whole, after such a struggle to get to the 2500
  14. Christ, n I though I had No Life. To know n take notes on obj locations. I think you guys are right to some degree, but you would need a whole team/group to follow a known 'play-book'
  15. I'm liking the change, its recoil/rise is more manageable, more so when aiming. I still have to work to control the gun. HB3 helps much but not necessary. The weapon was best used in short 1-sec bursts
  16. To start off with, I see no actual change. The Tommy is just as bad on recoil, the oca sd still shows a range bar equal to an assault rifle. The Tommy should have the same or almost the same range as the .45 pistol, beings the barrel is longer. The Buff tweek to the RSA types I see a a good thing The oca nerf grumbles me, but any gun with a silencer on it will loose muzzle velocity and effective range, because the round's fps has been lowered to sub-sonic speeds.
  17. APB Contacts Guide, APB Beginners Guide, can be very helpful. The Community will help you, but We are so used to 'Rerolls' coming in and acting like they are new, and asking Elementary questions, that you may be thought of as a Troll. That said. There are plenty of us that will give you a straight answer. Biggest thing you need is a sort of muscle memory of the map. And the knowledge that your opponent knows all the back ladders and doorways. When he kills you, you need to go back n find that ladder or door and learn from the patootie-kicking. I agree the MM can be Bad. I used to cry all day about the Golds or in your case it may be Max or high ranks, Learn from them. Learn how to do what they did to you. Be Glad to answer any questions in district. Mack
  18. Really dont see what u kids get out of that, but to each his own...I have watched a few Ytube vids, idk if your streams are the same, but i make one point..You streamers would do better if someone else did the streaming other than the Actor. So ya get the whole picture not just the first person view. my 2 cents
  19. I Agree. That is the one thing that would really help in player retention, players grinding for levels and joker tickets The pop is so low that people can barely grind joker jobs, and only criminals can progress thru the contacts in the dead district for that day. Meaning that both Fin and WF have become a much harder grind (in the past only WF had this issue) You have to go play where ever you see people, including having to play in silver because that's the only place populated. The pop has actually come up a bit for the Event, so its not that its a temp effect because evy1 playin the Event. This has been a problem for years but the last few months its been worse.
  20. Good Deal Matt. As a known and outspoken Republican I applaud Your decision. It is more than likely the masks were inspired by the 'Point Break' Movie, where Pres. masks of Nixon, Reagan, Kennedy were used in the Bank Heist. A movie that is older than most players. Personally I do not want to see anyone misrepresenting Pres. Trump. I know what I would do if I had a Biden or Pelosi Mask, and I'm sure the Lefties would not appreciate it. On the same token I do not want to see My right leaning brothers go in chat and pull a 'Rush Limpbah' and embarrass My Party I Urge those of you who are expressing your Patriotism to remember its a Game, and its a Multi National Game, and it is no place to discuss or debate politics. Don't come to this thread and Embarrass Your Party
  21. I Object to the changes to the .44, n I think they nerfed the .45 as well
  22. Why? When can I play? Bout to give up on apb
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