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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. It HAS happened and No apology will come from me. The moderator in question is Bias. Lets friends and those on the hax denial team cuss like sailors, every word in the book. But snipes Mack for abbreviating the F word. So not only is the mod bias personally toward me, but made it obvious they are bias toward the cheating haxing issue, favoring the hackers and or 'highly skilled'. Same moderator or the Group of moderators as a whole have some back room vote (without any knowledge or direction from the missing ceo) n decide to ruin the game for anyone who isnt gold. So u still have the same numbers of original NA players golds and bronzies bout 30 of us, then u got the older hax coming back cuz it's 'Happy Times' for them, they know they can use their cheat tools on non hacks n say its your internet or its your retardation, when if they pull that on a real gold or another hack they will call them on it, and quite possibly be able to counter or defend against said tools. Cookie I tend to rant bout things, but its not just that bias moderator, n they Are bias. Its all of it. they have taken away any desire to compete. Your either gonna get mission with 2-4 golds n maybe one on your team, or your gonna get a single T for opp n have to wait some 30 min with the vip round. If your a low rank you cant steal or do open world cuz within minutes of booting in, they gonna be a gold cop hunting u. Whether or not there's a direct connection between staff enabling or agreeing to look the other way, or its simply LO being broke and cant afford segregation, and or the company is knowingly using dishonest players to bump their numbers up, which is stupid because in turn they are loosing long time players, including me..Im done. i dont have another game to go to, so i might come in n join the drift gang, but i aint playing. ps to the moderators and Matt. You Win, I Quit
  2. pretty much quitting the game, I've tried n I cant beat em, I dont even come close. whether its lag bots or its just rusty server lag, and or whether its a aim bot or just a skilled aimer, whether its a bias forum moderator or an absent or inert staff conducting a business Ludacris way having no anti cheat and this endless desegregation. ya know its been comin. Im just too old, dont have the energy for it anymore. 'Never Push Someone Till They No Longer Give A Care' btw Merry Christmas
  3. Well until the Mole within LO is removed, be the same Mole MOd that snipes mack for abbreviating the F-word, is the same Mole that let the Cheatists into bronze, while letting the others in the thread curse like a sailor. Strong evidence of a conspiresy. Not to mention this is the second time they have done this, letting golds into bronze knowing the results from the last time. They aren't going to ban their friends n they gonna let em be Super Toxic, dont worry Mod as I said before, I wont be sending U anymore Reports. The only report I would make would be to the US Justice Dept.
  4. Yea about half the current pop of Daily players, not including the vast number of registered accounts in NA, and its just as U say, about 25% are blatants, n a few closets. Now Im gonna admit here the closets are those I suspect of aimbots, I don't Know. Thats how I get to 50%, but I'll meet U in the middle n we'll say 1/3 of current daily players. I take into consideration that most peps have multiple chars in NA. I do understand latency, i have almost 0 in West, be 1-15. I go East its 60-80, n I realize that little meter is only client side. I recently acquired a low end Steel series wired mouse, n ditched the 1000 dpi wireless logtech, removed the 60fps filter in settings, n now I can see allot more, can move n aim better. Now this doesn't make me some super edge lord, but I learned some things. Prior to the new mouse I would consider any gold a hacker, thinking it was just so impossible without hacks. After the mouse and the fps filter, and research into mouse specs, what macros are,(we know macros don't matter as they would over clock the guns designed fire rate), what edge may be due to a hotter processor, and or a low-budget server. I determined that I was Wrong about allot of people, and I said here in forum, that I do now think that Gold is attainable in a Legit fashion. So I'm not hacusating just anyone who beats me, n I stopped sending reports for aimbots and or macros once I got the mouse. Not so much that I don't suspect aimbot with some, just that have no way of knowing. The player might have a spec edge on me, he might have such an edge for a long time n had allot of practice. I won't make a report unless it's beyond a reasonable doubt. What they say they want is Proof, well if your not a streamer or a twitch kid then what, I'm not running some other program n taping my game just incase I see backwards runner, nor I'm i gonna take the time to screenshot every toxic throwing racial terms around. We don't even think they read the reports, possibly because there's nobody to read them. I'll do all I can to protect the innocent's, the bronze, the greenie, the low rank, and the Noob. I will drop the hammer on as many toxic's, bully bottom feeders I can till they shut it down
  5. Always got to be one. So either you don't play much as in Daily, or you are lying thru your teeth to protect them. The current figures are about Half of the NA pop are cheaters. Now that is including the known hacks that i have personally seen run backwards, then there's the lag botters, and those using aim assist, there more written hax for apb than players world wide. Yes there are a few True Golds, and not all the blatant are gold. They come over to me n run backward in front of me on purpose just to get me mad. Your not making me mad, your admitting to being a sociopath and that you're too weak to play Legit. But That's Ok. Now I am relying on the LAZY staff to not do anything about them. So I can Kill Them. 1 by 1 I'm taking them Down. Don't look for me to rush the obj, I'm gonna be out finding the gold on the opp team so I can kill him/her. Beings they like to glare out the screen with that color, n game dev's made the hud broadcast gold as well to help blind ya, that gold makes a nice bright target in my scope, n Ya'all Going Down.
  6. I'm the only one they censor, while letting others curse in the same thread. Thus the moderator is bias and therefore corrupt. Leading me to believe the whole company is corrupt when they wont ban people we report, they let the hackers run free in bronze, they disable any anti cheat we had. Its almost as if LO is trying very hard to destroy their own company as well as the apb game and using the hackers to help them do it. I see they still have that Anti Racism post with the BLM hashtag. Well what about that, you people gonna get off your high horse long enough to even investigate racism report. NO Your Not. Your gonna blame my internet n my low spec monitor, or your gonna say its some bug, yea a racist chat bug That I just Imagined, If your not gonna do anything then your no better than they are when it comes to racism. Chat log times were noted in reports n ya did nada. Don't worry Mod, I wont be sending you anymore Reports to Not do anything about, n have a Merry Christmas.
  7. They may not directly involved, but they sure helped em along by desegregation. All of our pleas to not desegregate and continuous threads about hacks fell on deaf ears. No not all golds are cheating and some are kinda cool, but with the exception of one or two silvers the hax are gold. Now if thats not enough for ya, how bout having high rank golds vs T's and low ranks n just smearing them mission after mission. LO doesn't care enough about the issue to do something, Anything! That's OK, it would be too little too late. The Only Reason I boot up now, is to Wax Bad Guys. You will get no funds from me, I Will Not Leave, Oh Im not gonna come n be a cheap troll n truck around, NO imma Glass em Legit in game "I Am Not Your Judge, I Am Your Judgment"
  8. If you believe that, I got 2 Square inches of Moon real-estate on the Dark side, with a view of the Stairway to Heaven. I don't believe they even trying to make an engine, what they are doing is removing aspects of the game slowly over time. Removing threat districts cuz they just don't have the money to fund segregated servers, not even sure the ceo knows about the desegregation. The object it seems is to run off the few daily Old School players, by letting Toxic Edge Lords come in n farm and insult Regular Casual players, and threaten to report them for DT if they aint a Edge lord or are not using hacks, and or smurfing for the other team of golds/edge lords ect. But I do have to thank U Edge Lords for the insults yesterday and the insistence that I Uninstall. cuz you saved me 80 bucks. i was gonna go ahead n buy some tickets for a Lugar for my female cop. It's never good to throw good money after bad. Its not APB anymore, its an Edge-Lord sandbox.
  9. ya I been doing that with my crim's, its the cops that are the hardest. Cop joker jobs get one less EZ job. now its only 15 tickts but that adds up, that being the greyson jobs, the same for the cop is either Arrest 1, witness 350, or find 3 stolen cars. And to get the car spawn job for cops, you have to go to WF. Now before Deseg this was pretty hard with no pop, but if a few bronzies got together we'd help each other. Now its possible with some pop, but I know i gotta feed toxics n sweatys to do it. That makes it a very undesirable activity. Pity its come to this, the joker jobs are the only thing that kept me playing the last year, all for what. Ah I'm too old for this kind of game anyway, n I'll be LOng dead by the time they make an engine and a anticheat
  10. thats 50k per weapon, per character. but i have it down to 5 more weapons, 4 volcano's and 1 Lugar. I know, you wanna know why I'd go to such lengths, when I could just rent a osmaw, n how the Lugar isn't much dif than the fbw. Because, when I started out bout 6yr back, volcanos were hard to come by via joker boxes, but all the big shots had one. It's simply for the collectable value, the lugars are for tagging as well as collectable.
  11. The never revamped the amount paid for the joker jobs/Side Jobs. Not to mention that with desegregation and entrance of highly skilled golds, this destroys any chance of completing any job that requires kills. in example the kill 5 with a sub for 15 ticket. Not only is it unfeasible at my skill level, but your only gonna give me 15 tickets. when i need 50,000 per gun X 5 characters in Jericho, then ya add in that a gold team mate will get all bent out of shape if you don't carry or have a positive k/d. This gets real aggravating when the job is to car spawn 3x for 10 tickets, I literally have to run over n get killed 9-10 times because of the cooldown. Ya i could just buy the tickets, but its too much for what the weapons are worth, and now they are worth half as much because of Desegregation. U want me to go get Bounced by Golds for 40 mins for a 10 ticket babysitting job? Now maybe U golds might understand why I play the way I do, MY mission priority is those tickets, not winning or loosing or my K/D. The Joker may be My worst Enemy here.
  12. I understand what your saying about cars, have done it myself but this is different. I might add that this individual is considered a 'Known' by other Gold players. His other actions do not lag or skip, when this happens you can see the legs running forward and the player moving backwards at the same speed as kevlar3 and shooting at you. So its not the kind of teleport where they disappear n reappear yards away.
  13. No, they are Not. n had no business fooling with the game, regardless if I think they are Bias. Merged. Well what do call it when your not laggy, its not laggy, and u see someone below U, who hasn't seen U and You have watched them enter the area. You have the Drop on them. You get one shot off n ya might hit em but they instantly disappear n reappear 5m back from where they are along the track that U saw them walk in, or they will use their car and do the same thing, Run backward at full running speed while shooting at u n back into the car. Its like a backwards teleport. There are two that do that in dist and are there every day
  14. golds should have thought of that before they came n cried to the forum moderators to desegregate, I mean they begged to get into bronze specifically, saying that other golds n silvers were dethreating to escape them, and come and farm us in bronze. So to fix this they let all the golds into bronze. So they choose to ruin the game of the 7 bronzies that were before desegregation and give the game to the 7 golds that played in silver and cried to the gold sympathizing moderators. So see if that had not happened, I would not be saying that Golds cried to get into and farm bronze. It would just be what it be. I wouldnt be angry at the bias moderators and consider it a Conspiracy. I know better than to come in here and list demands to LO, but I wont pay, till something is done about the forum moderators, the golds, and cheater. Full reinstatement of Fair Fight, Resegregation, and New Forum staff. Forum staff should not be dictating the game mechanics and when they enforce forum rules they should do so with everyone, not just me. (others cursed allot in that thread n moderator did nothing to them. I feel the reason why so many reported cheaters are still playing is that they are friends and or the same Mod is involved. If I'm wrong ok, but once you Impeach the integrity of your honor and credibility, anything you do after the fact is suspect.
  15. There are more cheaters now, not all of the golds are cheats, but allot of them are Very toxic towards non-golds. They will tk you or call u a noob or a smart for not being gold and having a positive K/D. Not to mention that loosing to top end players all day has ruined the game for the lower threats.
  16. Yes that's what I mean, I have no hate for you, you seem a decent person. First off I had to watch you and others, long enough to get some idea who is who, You have to remember that as a bronze dist player the only golds we see are the Bad ones. n when i say bad, im not insinuating that they cheat, just that come in and are toxic as hell, they talk down to anyone who isnt gold and if teamed up, they will tk you several times so you cant even get to the point to make some xp. Then say if your opponent is known hack or is just mopping your butt, n you stop running back to feed them, that's when your own team mate will come n tk you a bunch, call u bad n demand u uninstall from a game you played for years n this bum just showed up in your district, but now I have to uninstall. They wanna laugh cuz I'm Max n not Gold, well that's because i don't have all the cool ledgedaries the golds already had years ago, and due to the fact that Matt never revamped the joker job amounts, its really chump change per job, but thats what i have to do, i have to do joker jobs on all my chars till i have what i want. The joker jobs require a certain way of play that is not always geared for the mission at hand. So for me this is Work, i play 5 characters in NA n so that's allot of joker jobs to get thru while i got all these toxics tryin to ruin it, not to mention trying to finish up my Reroll. Thats why u saw him mugging, cuz there's no place for him to go hide out n mug with golds accessing any district, n he dont need money. i just want xp and missions give very little or Zero xp when dealing with golds for the time involved. Woulda been done with him a month ago had desegregation not happened, Again. Allot of the anger is caused by my knowing the staff is corrupt due to bias against me abbreviating a curse n the moderator snipe me but let the others in the thread say all the words in the book, who are same people that decided to desegregate, and probably the same people that read cheat reports. So firmly believe that Little Orbit has a 'Mole'. I am going to be specific here, I have no hate or problem with any in-game GM Just the Forum Staff. They were not fair, they desegregated again, ceo turns off fair fight but we gotta wait god knows how many years for any kind of anti-cheat. They are in Cahoots and I no longer Trust them. They have Impeached the Honor of Their Credibility.
  17. Yes I do. Cuz the Golds Cried allot for weeks to that moderator to desegregate n let them goto bronze, their reasoning was that there were some golds dethreating to bronze n therefore the poor 6 golds that played before deseg couldnt play.. n the Corrupt staff let em into bronze, n Poooof all the sudden we got golds comin out the woodwork. They are Weak, some are known hackers, and That same moderator wont ban them. I believe the moderator and the golds that hack (not all golds hack) are in a conspiresy to ruin the game and push out legit players. See once they push us last few legits out, then nobody will cry for anticheat n LO wins. Not to mention that in the old bronze there were some toxics but U golds are such napoleonistic sociopaths you will cry to get into bronze, then when they let u, u wanna insult anyone who isnt gold and who dont have a 200+ kills per mish
  18. "they' are doing NOTHING. We don't exist to the CEO, n therefore He don't exist to me, come in once every two months n babble about rabbit holes, while the golds run rampant and hackers run rampant in the Bronze district, cuz of all the Cryers who are friends of the MOderator who decided to screw all the real players and harrass legit players and desegregate. They got one honest in game gm, the rest of the staff are Crooks out to ruin the game. You get not a dime till the forum staff are replaced or removed and all the cheater are banned, or you can refund my 3 thousand dollars n ill shut up n leave.
  19. Stop The Steal Revert to Segregated Districts
  20. Fair enough, He shouldn't have poked the crazy man
  21. LMAO, Careful the 'Wagon is broken and jumping on it wont fix it. Wishing here is the same as wishing at a wall. Knowing that nobody on the Wagon or, behind the Wall gives a dab of snot about what Mack says. So I no longer care much for the forum, it is certainly not a social arena. Ok, but with all the cowboy type stuff, ie boots, hat, n pistols. You would think they would have or could make a Western Holster, But NOOOO! Mack empties a salt pack out on the floor, and with his nose held high, walks out.
  22. Man, first off pattottie to steam, what makes steam the authority, as there are other sources such as gaming magazine sites. Second off. As a player that has been 'Conditioned' over time to hate on LO or whoever the owners are, I will say the n-tec is far down on my list of things to cry about. I cant hate on LO too much bout weapons, ya they tweek things sometimes to our displeasure, but they added several guns. I'm not happy about desegregation, but at least LO keeps the Lights On I might be upset one week about some troll low rank hanging out in my dead stealin server one week, and then i might be mad about my car aint doing wheelies the next. Ya there are cheaters but not anymore than other games, this is a case of each individual having a different bug in their pattootie at different times I'm not commenting on how unpopular or if its becoming unpopular, im simply saying its " to each his own"
  23. I agree. One of the reasons, (in the past) that I would be suspect of golds. because as a bronze it seems to only take doing 1, 2 obj's and or a couple kills n your silver, Yet getting gold seems some astronomical level. I hear they used to have numbers, like say Silver 5 or gold 8 ect. Would be nice to have a Clue how far I was. might give some temp satisfaction. More motivation to practice harder
  24. I Have to Admit, I was Wrong. I would formerly have considered most golds and other Real Good Players as Hacks. Regarding recent deleted comments in this thread, I chose to come here. My ability to judge a player as a hacker or not was challenged. And now I can see why, and again I was wrong. Recently I replace my mouse and pad. First off i never used a pad, I used magazine with the glossy surface. I also used a logtech gaming rated mouse, with a max 1000dpi. The little feet were worn off n it would catch n grind the magazine-pad. Running a Nitro 5 Lptop and thinking it was regulated to 60 fps. So, I changed the smooth frame rate granting me 100fps, I bought a real mouse pad, and a steel series mouse with up to 18000dpi however im runnin bout 3k-dpi; and NOW I can see the frame rate play out better, I can move and aim better, and I can see, that someone with a decent mouse, decent pc and fps, and maybe years of practice using decent equipment, could Earn the Gold Honestly. Had it bout a week n i think i seen one guy that i was pretty sure he might have been aimbottin, but just the one. Maybe he was just Gud. PEACE
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