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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. when i started playing, i had bout a 10 yr old (from today) win Vista desk top. we'll call it an office job, Tower. If i remember right it had 4g ram but it wasnt dedicated. U need a at least 2-3g dedicated to video, or a big enough system that the dedication wont matter. So the vista would work for such games as WoT, apb but struggled badly, was always laggin running the car into walls. The vista even had trouble running some of facebooks 2D games. Then if its Old and not getting or not able to handle the win updates, you might as well throw it in the street. Its not even worth recycling the hardware. I run a acer nitro 5 laptp with I-5 n it does well, but i think i could use a little Hotter Rig. So its not the fastest, it works good but in another year it will be Junk. My 2 cents
  2. They ask me, Mack why U 255 n Bronze, n Why Mack U don't quit? I have a major investment, not only monetary but Time. I have worked very hard, spent allot of money, and put up with tons of grief by other players for years. Plus I am highly cynical n when I'm Pushed i tend to Push Back. Oh I aint Leavin, I'm fittin to Glass Them Golds, I will find out what they eat, when they sleep, I will Study them, I will Learn from them, n then I will Tag n Bag Em. Nobody Is Pushing Me Off The Block !!!
  3. You have a point but this is only applicable to new players, n LMAO @ slightly exceeding. I'm talkin bout super human, blatants. Doing things that the weapon can't do, having perfect snap aim everytime, moving like fragile but taking loads of bullets. There are ways to find out, just point at them n get the red dot n they instantly turn n drill ya from med to long range, thats them using a bot aimer. You'll be wearin kev3 n still go down like u were fragile. But it's cool, I just don't care anymore, I have doubts as too when and if The Engine will come out, and If an anticheat comes along with it. Now with desegregation there is really no reason for me to spend all day grinding joker jobs, because any weapon i buy is gonna be Inert against gold teams communicating on 'Ditch-Wire' and or Hax
  4. Did You not read what I just said? My aim and or my personal abilities and My opinion of those abilities has not a thing to do with My or 'the hacusing player's opinion that someone is using hacks. Its not a matter of if I can't do it then nobody can unless they hack. Now there may be some new low ranks that think that way, I know I'm slow n old.
  5. To start off with, saying someone is bad cuz they hacusate is such a toxic line of shit. For one thing most hacusation is based on the aim/movement/performance of said alleged hacker, Not the aim/performance of the victim. I'm not out there missing you by ten miles n then crying that u hack. Its about how fast the hacker kills, n how fast he aims, and that they never fkn miss, how fast he macros a semi auto and still dont miss not one shot. Now lets add in the common knowledge among players that we have No anticheat Snipped Inappropriate language ~@mayii Then U add in that they are Gold, Noone can be gold or get halfway to it without hacking, not with all these hacks playing. Then when u do hacusate, 5-6 other known hacks will chime in when u weren't addressing them nor did u ask for their input n call ya bad, tell ya to uninstall, talk about your mother or your sexual orientation ect. These people that chime in think they are the judge and jury of the matter, n all it does is prove my case to me, and affirms my own Judgment. Another known toxic hacker is not a real good character witness And ofcourse once you add the final number, that being that its bannable to hacusate or be hacusate toxic in chat, but not to insult your dead mother. The Sum of this is Ya Just Don't give a pattootie anymore, you consider everyone a hack n a toxic until proven otherwise, you absolutely dont buy anthing, you dont k up, you just do some open world n Leave. Yes to another game' 'You Hacks Reap What You Sew' <---not hacusing anyone here
  6. Lemme be first this time, Western Holster, Sound Kits for Fresno and others
  7. I say we run all the events at once, then i can snowball those wise patootie pumpkins. Bastards I can hear em laughing now
  8. I Am angry with LO for desegregation. However You laying blame on him based on that court case, which has nothing to do with his ability as CEO, or his performance as such. APB has Always been a Den of Toxics, n with toxics or cheaters you will get grief, some peps do it just for fun as a Sport. Now we know that to get any decent anticheat we need a new engine. If anything this Case explains why it has taken so long. This means that even if Matt can figure out the coding and rewrite it, he cant cuz of copy-rights n legal issues. So He has to figure how to write it Around these legal road blocks. You're coming in shoveling salt n shit n pointing at the shit pile and blaming Matt for the Salt, fkn Apples n Oranges.
  9. @Sakebee Reporting a Glitch When Using the Ammo Box (usable/consumable mod), My Guns dissappear both primary and pistol. The hand grenade still works. The only way to fix it is to die. then your guns come back. This has happen quit a few times in the last couple months. can you pass this on to the Devs. i dint want to make another whole thread.
  10. I have nothing nice to say to LO. As long as the game is geared toward favoring hackers, ie No fkn anticheat, ie Desegregation. Bad enough u let them hack, then u gotta desegregate so we can't get away from em You get No Payments Again im not gonna argue with some random meme Some golds dont cheat, ok, Some Don't. Then if ya can find an instance thats not full of edgelords, they will dds that instance n ping u off, just to get u to play the populated instance, so they can aim bot u. Then if you're found to be Not a Hack, your team mates and the enemy call u trash. I would Like LO to sell the company. I have no more faith in Your Firm
  11. That's called Job Security. Regardless if your Rig is Home Built or Store Bought, U gonna have to PAY every few years
  12. Its Not a Nazi symbol, The tails of the cross are pointing counter clock wise. The Nazi symbol rotates Clockwise. I say let him have his outfit.
  13. Western Holster, Old Large pickup Truck. Open world for Cops, so a cop could Search for drugs, ect. Gaining a few xp and money. Similar to the Crim's Mugging. So cops could progress faster and not be dependent on crim's playing to progress. Again, Western Holster
  14. Hiding the Truth from players, does nothing to repair the damage done by LO Impeaching the Honor of their Credibility. I saw that post before it was removed. It would have been better to tell us the truth. We understand money. We don't understand catering to hackers and golds
  15. Western Holster, full sized pick up truck, sound kits for Fresno
  16. They Weak. Can't Beat The Mack. Get Gud, Punks
  17. Only way this Farce of a Pipe Dream will come true, is if and when the 'Edge Lord' Conspirators, Tell Matt he can do it. Cuz They run the game, always have. Lo is gonna do what they say. Hell they probably own the company
  18. Yea, its real bad now. I think the hackers threatened him or LO, hijacked their database, or have actually infiltrated the Company itself. Its all blatants now, even the closet hackers have left. You Reap What You Sew. All they had to do was prioritize anticheat tech, instead of shit canning all anticheats n making name shaming a worse offense than blatant hacking, then releasing all of em on the few legits we had left by Desegregation. If you want a larger pop, You bann the hackers that ran off all the players, not attack the few legits ya had left by letting the hackers loose. I imagine they will go out of business or if we are lucky sell it to a reputable business, within the year. Its a good thing though, there are other things in life outside of apb, or so I've heard. I guess its all over.
  19. I don't have Anything Nice to say bout this. Now the hacks will have a Ball. You just Killed the Game. Now the hacks can follow us to green. Meaning there is no longer a way to progress. No more stealing thru the levels cuz the gold will troll u out. Missions have been a waste of time for months due to hackers and mission time, a mission might be 30 min long and even if you win you get a couple grand in xp. Stealing is much faster, more peaceful. So life is over for my reroll. I already only do joker jobs that dont require kills, due to the mass hacking, n now u wanna let more hackers into bronze, as if we dint have enough already. Ya know, What do they have on You? Why do You protect the hackers so much?
  20. I was there. The Gun games did not effect Missions. We still ran our missions n I worked other joker jobs. Found it easier to do the jobs cuz there were more people. Thanx GM's
  21. you act like this is a new thing. hackers have Ran this game with impunity for a couple years now Cuz they are Weak n cant Beat Me Legit
  22. Golds are Sociopaths, a very few are legit, but most are blatant hacks. They even talk about their hacks in chat knowing they have Impunity. then theres the Ghost hackers been in green for two weeks, look all over cant find em, be high lat spikes n eventually you get disconnected. At this point, as far as hacking is concerned, there are less hacks cuz there are less overall players, but the blatancy of these hacks is unreal. they are running any n all hacks you can imagine, compared to pre-LO times. You go up to the silver server n out of 24 players 2 will be legit. Oh I know, you gonna call me crazy n a old man with bad eyes, n Imma call u a woose that cant hang legit against 'The Mack'
  23. Seems there's a big business in game hacking, You'd think it be a self defeating business beings that hackers make people leave games, destroying the game itself and leaving very few players to feed off of. All to promote their own self image and feed their sociopathic needs. Funny thing is watchin them deny it. They like Speed Tweekers standing in the store cereal Ilse trying to make a decision for 2 hours, n they think noone can tell. Its not even that hard of a game n they simply cant compete with My skills so they hack.
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