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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. No. PC players that do not use Steam, are registered though Emails, and not cross platform.

    Disable things

    Let Me see if I can dissect this. We're talking Titles/Clan Tags, and Symbols. I have to agree on gamerfirst and pornhub, Both should be Capitalized, and would be a misrepresentation of said business. Furthermore gamerfirst should have an s after the r, and pornhub should be hyphenated. The word sex should be banned because its simply so childish, and anyone with a symbol or otherwise that reads, *some bad rude symbols*, is clearly too many layers, and that person has too much idle time. However i cannot agree with the removal of anyone's vechcile, becouse they will just grow a new one the next time they goto "That Adult Video Site" Matt don't like me talking bout.
  3. What kind of weed smoker do U think i am, Do ya think that jus cause i smoke i won't remember that I Already Bought a 420 symbol pack.

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter to The Players and Staff. "Live Large"
  5. Two things You Must know before going. During this time of Social Distancing You Must Wear a Face Covering when involved in any Trade. Outside of Trading, You may only Socialize in Your Factions Night Club/Bar! Things Happen to people that cross the Line n get caught in the Wrong Bar

    Western Holster

    I like the western boots (I might buy) I like the Cowboy Hats. I like The Harbringer Pistol WHY I CAN'T GET A COWBOY HOLSTER @MattScott I would like a Low-Slung Cowboy Holster. Available for Right And Left side (cause it aint right to have your pistol in your left hand and your holster hanging off your right hip), This Western Holster would be ornate, low slung and come with the leather leg tie and spare cartridge holders along the belt, and a Harbringer type pistol seated in the holster of course. I would willing to pay up to 400G for such an item. You could also design a Western Kit with Boots and Spurs, bandanna and hat, ect with or without the Harbringer style pistol. Then there is also the concept of a Double Holster, like Yosemite Sam. Would like to hear some feedback from fellow gamers on items they would like to see in a kit, and if they would pay to have these items in kit or by the Piece (Western Theme Only)
  7. Let Me chime in. I'm 50, with two grown kids. Both addicted to video games, mostly shooters, we even had that ps1 game Vietnam themed, where if you had the cash or points you could 'Go to the Village and pay for a Ho, n the video would show your character walking into the grass thatched hut. Neither of My kids are mean towards women or sexist in any way, nor do they habitually shoot up the town, do dope, ect. They came out with very good morals. Why? Because I Raised them Right. They knew the difference between right and wrong. So, Your "Sitting Around Waiting To Be Offended", And You pick this new Title out of numerous other worse things to teach a kid, like beating a woman dressed like a prostitute, and punching her 4-5 times to Mug her, clothing options have most players dressed like a Booty-Call, We have missions where You are threatened that if you loose, you will be Punish-Plucked, the woman's pattootie 'waggles' when she walks n the man's don't, we have 420 symbols, n all kind of Father-Raping going on, n U pick this.
  8. Cookie is right, Then they Golds would appear as Silvers and would be Spanking around in BRonze, and would not be respected/feared for what they are. They know all the tricks, so I would know I have bring My A-Game. Additionally 'Scrubs' like me would know that they never would have a chance at Earning Gold. I think it should be Easier to achieve Gold and harder to achieve Silver. FFs all you need is 1 kill to make silver
  9. This is a Weapon, You 'all know that don't you. Either we did it to the Chinese or they did it to they own people. Both us and them have been known to test things on our own people. They didn't freak out like this with Ebola or the Bird Flu, They didnt even freak this bad when Aids came out. I Believe the gov knows more than we are being told, and we are expecting another attack. Next thing will be Martial Law, n just like all those MOvies. I am Ready as I can be. Am I Worried about the Virus, No. I am worried about peoples reaction to it. This is Time that All Us Conspiresy Nuts get to say, " I Told U So". I hope We All come through this, Even you pesky Golds. Now if the Reds get to our water, Remember 2 drops of bleach per gallon of water, Strain it with a sock. Up to 5 ML per gallon wont hurt you, thats about 5-6 drops. And People, Remember Your Eyes. a mask dont mean pattottie if they sneeze in your eye, get 'Cheap SunGlasses' or swimming mask works too, specially if tear gas is introduced. Its not sealed, but it can deflect airborn particles. p.s. From My Wife "Remember To Double Tap"
  10. Well Yes, back when I played 'Pirates off of PissBook, a Corsair was Boat, until the Italians smashed them while i wasn't looking, on account of being busy translating French Diplomatic Messages. I believe a corsair is also a type of Dagger or Sword Merged. I think thats only in WGermany or the Netherlands, based on a previous Matt post
  11. cross between a 20g n a cops stun shotgun, so its a stun shotgun reskin but instead of a shock bag, it has a slug. Man let me tell ya'all, Sure don't resemble my Mossberg 3inch Mag, with the Pursueder package, course ya can put a slug in a 2 1/2 if it has a slug barrel. but my main complaint would be that its in a joker box, meaning only non legits can get it go ahead mark my post down, gimme that looney smiley. I wouldn't buy from joker boxes if the money i used was free, I've spent 200. on J boxes n never got a thing, and further more, No money will be spent on apb till they install a reputable anticheat Please Wash Your Hands Before Marking Down My Post btw a Corsair is an Airplane
  12. Ahhh, Your All Hack Sympathizers, HE is right. This is why I don't play. Last mission i got botted in that spot behind double b, how i know he botted, cause soon as i passed the corner i was dead, even if he was watching the corner he still needed reaction time to trigger, then i went up to fc n some pattottie teleported up on me, he wasnt there before n boom he is there n quick switching me. Now Even if I am mistakin and just a bad player, Management is more concerned with people like me Saying anything about hackers than the hackers themselves. I do not believe they even have the anti cheat on, and its well known among gamers how ineffective EZ is. They have the upgraded version on war thunder n they still have hacks, They like to ping ya out. I dont have any lag issues, my pc handles the graphics on High no problem. Why have I choose to regrind WT, because even though you get a hack every few missions, there are plenty of legit players, apb has become a Pro or Go Home Game. To tell ya the truth, I don't miss it. sure apb still has the best personalization, but who i am gonna dress up for, the strange new random golds that never been seen before? , I dont get my music, n i dont get a chat box where i gotta wait my turn to complain or insult someones Mother, WT is not 'Open World'. So I have my music on another player, n when i wanna chat, i Go Outside. I don't really know anyone on the new game, but I don't Know anyone left on apb either. When L.O. decides that They wanna Do something about hackers, or that Legit customer retention is more important, They can pin a thread about it, n possibly myself n others like me will come back. Your anticheat is similar to the 3ft fence I have around my yard, its there to keep honest people honest, but anyone can step over it. A true anti cheat would immediately ban and Burn the account if any cheatware was used, not be like a lazy guard and Observe but not report, No U want Me to be the Policeman and Report it. I do not wish to be 'Toxic', I just wanna have fun again.
  13. There is no difference though, They desegregate n put 'Normal players against solid Golds, none of which I've seen in NA b4, Then They skewer it all up n add 60 instances, all of which are dead except the Foreign New York Silver. So I still get to have to play against Golds, cause everything else is dead pop. You know n lets forget a minute that they are Gold, They are mostly unknowns, 'Randoms'. They are not the people i came up with. Just seems to me LO is catering to the Golds, n I think most of you know my opinion about Golds, the opinion that I cannot 'Air' in public chat or forum. p.s. I goto another game WT n guess what anti cheat they have,,,yeppers Ez Anti
  14. I simply won't play on some Eastern server, n I won't play with Golds, Period. oh I know..Don't let the door hit U in the Pattotie cause We dont want Your Kind. Fair enough.
  15. 1000 bucks down the drain, they destroyed the game. Im not playing on some distant server with just golds, n nobody on the HOme west coast, Gold or otherwise. Who's Blunder was this, n HOw Dare U.
  16. illgot is right. Some of us are 1-Game people. Ya Grow Up in an open world, and you look foward to seeing certain players. Frienemies. Some of us Old pattoties just dont have another game, nor want to Grind out a new game. I for one have gone back to warthunder. Lot less hacking there than was a few years back. And the pc i bought for apb works great. There is nobody talking smack in chat. Have I 'moved on'. No, Ill be around, but I won't be 'Living in the park'. APB still offers fun times. But its either newbs or golds. I would have no issue letting a newb get some off me, but lets face it. Im 50 yrs old, Im old and slow.
  17. I find this funny. Nobody went to the test district, so Ya'all gonna try a flank move n put it in FC. I would hope that Buffing some shotguns would be part of the testing results. ps I shall watch my language and tone here on the forums. My Bads
  18. I do not want to come off as racist either, in NA its all Latin lettering. And on occasion thru out the day the Spanish people will chat. This is distracting to me because of my small 15' laptop screen. I realize the Spanish speaking people have just as much a right to be on chat as I do. It is no more or less distracting than an English speaker spamming for weapon trades or buys in Mission district. Seems it would pretty hard to report a player who had a name that was not Latin characters, outside of the scoreboard. and or block, ect. Need a new kind of software, maybe instead of omitting other languages it could translate them.
  19. I Totally agree with you. You have out done me though on cramming numerous issues into one roughly punctuated paragraph
  20. I gonna try to be nice about this. Put yourself in the shoes of the average skilled player, n i use the word Skill loosely. We had a few new shotguns from LO, They were cool. Then they come along an start messing with things, nerfing every weapon that can be bought. Then They come at us with this 'HOg-wash about customs and eu servers and unleash the Golds on everyone. Lets Add in the cracker-jack box anti cheat, and the companies favoritism toward golds and cheaters. So, you wanna take away the asylum and continue for weeks letting Golds into the Regular peoples server, so that u can nerf more weapons so the Golds have an even easier time waxing our asses. You want Me to be the Anti cheat and spend my time reporting everyone, that you will not do shit about, you want to nerf more guns, and u want to use my server freedom to do it. So i gotta deal with cheaters all day while you guys open an instance just for gun nerfing, And You want Me to go down n waste my time on a dead patootie server to help you nerf my guns. I take desegregation as a personal insult, I hope your Golden buddies are rich, cause i wont spend Not a Dime as long as Golds run free and your anti-cheat is non-existent and useless, n I'll be damned if imma go down n help you make the golds even harder to kill
  21. Welcome to the Asylum Vote Big Chungus 2020
  22. Why, and HOw do you Justify weapons test districts But We have to deal with Desegregation? You're using our Bronze area for an empty test server THAT NOBODY IS USING. It says MM and Heat are disabled, well MM never has worked, what is Heat? Why is Nobody Using those districts, like its not common knowledge that we the players were the ones who had to Test guns for LO, and if that is the case then why not Pin a Thread up. I see no players in there on any day. So no players and no staff. Why are you torturing us? Throwing Us under the Gold Bus Don't Gimmi any of Guard-House Lawyer poopie about Mr. Customs Man Why nerf guns anymore, its already at a point where i might as well throw the gun at them or beat them with it
  23. Absolutely!!!! I Do Not believe LO is doing all that could be done. I have a 3ft chain fence in my front yard, n that is about how effective EZ anti cheat is. Like the fence, its there to keep honest people honest. But anyone can step over this fence. An Anti Cheat to me is a program that detects cheaters and bans or notifies the authorities. The EZ they have relies on players playing policeman and having to do the detection themselves an report it. and then hope someone reviews the report. Which we know how that will go. Let me add in here that i do know that not all golds hack, but beings its so far from turning bronze to silver to turning from silver to gold, i highly suspect any gold. Not just cause they are gold, but because i know the anti cheat does not work, it doesn't detect them, I have to detect them. So how do i go about detecting them putting aside the gold thing..well if they dont miss, if they shoot u without even an instant to aim. If they show up behind you after just seeing them in a spot they could never have moved from legally. unusually high lag spikes during mission, being spawned 900 meters from the point. I might also add that i feel LO rewards the hacks or that the management leans in favor of the hacks, and the Long Time Paying Customers get screwed by Droves of cheaters, n the cheats get op joker guns n probably dont even pay LO for them. In any case im fed up, my kid bought me some steam games n imma go over there. I'm all maxed out, so there is nothing to accomplish aside from killing hackers, n i didn't come to this game to have to deal with that. The game is no longer fun, there is rarely anyone i know online, not that im Buddies with or friends, just names ive seen before, ya can't get into a mission district, they are full and no secondary instance of that disrict will open up, but we got money to run weapons test districts at the same time as a xmas event. So we can decide how to nerf more your guns so the hacks get more kills. Another good way to detect a hacker is simply saying something in chat, now the person u hacusate wont even say anything, but some Golden Weekend Warrior will come on n hate whisper ya, Thats a real good indication that the whistperer is a hacker cause they be sympathizing. So All I can say is Mack is gonna stfu cause there are no Regulars to talk to or fuzzy bunny to about Golds/Hacks. its just the Golds in house. Im just gonna report anything that even slightly looks suspicious. Now I know half the people i report wont be actual hackers, but beings the anti cheat wont detect their cheats, n I have to. I'd rather error on the side of caution. Its a Dangerous World out there, If You see something, Say Something
  24. They aint gonna fix the servers and re-segregate, They just putting Xmas event in. n the missions and the fc will be fkn dead for 2days till the Magics get all their awards up in the Beacon (which i wouldn't be caught dead in). Good a few days of fkn Peace n Quiet from the Golds
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