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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. This Mod is one of the Legit Mods and isn't interested in censorship, they are however trying to keep the posts Topic related because of the Forum Trolls insulting and trying to argue with players about off topic semantics. I think the real question here is Who will they hire and When to actually Deliver on this Road-Map, this needs to be worked on Dailey, all day, every day. I don't believe that 'Dabbling at it once every 3 months n then returning to Exile will do the job. Where is this Extra Dev they said they hired, n what does he/she do. How bout some feedback the Him/Her
  2. Dont try to turn this around n Victim Blame. Selali listened to fresh noob names calling for desegregation, knowing they were hackers So U n people like U could come farm bronze with your sticky aim, and so the hax site could make more money off subscriptions, that U guys talk about paying for in Dist chat. What R U Ayali's Alt? And What Newer players, you talkin bout the T's exploiting cash for their mains, or U talkin bout the Level 12 golds that have names that look like a cars VIN number. thats ok, I can see Your involved as well. Judging from the names in this thread, None of ya play the game
  3. Oh Wow, So Matt is still with LO, had i not clicked that link, I would still think he is AWOL. Why he doesnt just post here or in Off Topic, cuz its certainly not a post about making friends or talking about last nights ball game, n why would ya have to go to some 'other site'. So he wrote all that stuff n not 1 word about the HOSTAGE CRISIS being 153 Days since Rouge Moderators Let Gold Hackers into Bronze, rendering great aid to the hack selling sites revenue, increasing the hackers seen in bronze from 1 or 2 a day to 50 or more blatant hackers galivanting around, increasing the in game toxicity, and in doing so impeached the credibility of any LO staff's Honor, and bringing suspicions of International Wire Fraud into the Ball Game. I wonder if he even knows or cares what Selali did. Just a bunch of double talk n rubbish. I am in the wrong business . This was not just an alleged Federal Crime, its Gamer Treason. Moderators knew they were hax, listened to random noob forum trolls begging to let hackers into bronze. Knew from the last desegregation what it would do to their APB customers. Judging from Matts last two posts on some off site page, He knows nothing about this.
  4. Is this the thread to make friends on, its in the Social area but I see nothing sociable, just game related techno threads. Ayali n Selia, what is the definition of Social
  5. It was all a crooked Lie, to get us few legits to buy their trash guns, they removed the anti cheats, removed allot of the fun factors ie, nerfing the wheelies from vegas after people bought them, then they desegregated after listening to the non-name trolls that come in here instead of listening to paying customers. Letting all kinds of hackers in. As soon as the 5 legits in NA started complaining they started their Cancel Culture Program where the Criminals that work for the Forum started going after legits. Lets remember before desegregation we had maybe 5 golds n 5 non golds in all of NA, now we've got 50 golds with loose names like 3X69tutu all aimbotting using hax they bought off sites that I believe LO owns, why else would they knowingly let hackers into bronze, knowing it would push out the few legits. Only reason is that they are making more money off the hack site than thru armas 18 U.S. Code § 1343 - Fraud by wire, radio, or television Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. So Mack's gonna drop a dime to the Federal Trade Commission and I would highly suggest to U Moderators that U cooperate with Federal Investigators. Coming clean will not exempt you from prosecution but will surely lighten your sentence
  6. You might as well have deleted it, compared to the other garbage in Social Section, I thought I was being Social. Thats ok I know U don't like the Honest Customers, U seem to bump or snipe all my posts. U Reap What U Sow
  7. I Order All Players & Staff 1. Inspect/Test Your Smoke Alarm, Replace the Batteries 2. Buy/Replace-Inspect a Fire Extinguisher (make sure it is type A,B,C covering all types of fire) Halon Units are good for computer rooms. 3. Clean Your Room. Remove Fire Hazards such as groups of tangled wires, rubbish or laundry bins/piles near Heat sources. Now, If You don't want to follow My Orders, then Don't. Go ahead endanger your family, neighbors, Your Home and Computer. Go Ahead Risk Getting 'Fired' hehehehee
  8. Stop Letting Them Hack. How do You Sleep after what You've done? Stop The Steal, Re-Segregate
  9. You're right. Crying wont get us Legit Staff, as we have Zero Staff. The Engine was a lie and a money grab. I believe Matt was just a hired 'mouth piece' Promised the world, added a few new guns, then alienated all n any anticheats. I fully believe affiliates of LO are selling the hax to the mass hackers in dist. and letting them hack. I can't prove it, but I know when I see a Crook. n they Crooked. Too bad the United States Dept of Justice is under corrupt leadership or I'd tell em bout Little Orbits crooked deeds. Its called International Wire Fraud
  10. So, We're just suppose to abandon our game of 7 years and thousands of dollars, because We can't compete with cheaters.
  11. I believe the Engine was a Re-Hoax. It could be that it was not an intentional Hoax, but more like a 'back-yard' mechanic. I Can Fix it, So he starts off with a nice buffing n a paint job, then add's some bling, some KC lights. Then he opens the hood, after clearing out the rats nest and removing what could only be the bones of Jimmy Hoffa, unveiling a small Murray Marine 2-stroke diesel. Next he finds that all of the bolts are Standard n he only has Metric tools, then he calls the owner n tells him he can still fix it, but it will take more time. He goes back with some pliers and a saw, looks in n says; Ah we dont need this hose, or that wire. Fan wont turn, well screw it we only need a fan when we're stopped. Door wont latch on one side so he take off the door, he finds people have been Hacking into his gas tank, So he removes the Locking Gas Cap n replaces it with a grease rag n pounds a hole in the bottom of the tank and places a Jerry-can full of gas next to the gas tank, n puts a sign on it. Free Gas.
  12. Seems that is the case, i found this thread, and there are some interesting posts, that lead ya to wonder if they had it active on all instances, and is it still active in our 'Desegregation.
  13. Well I'm no authority on anti cheats, just going by what I've heard 3rd hand, but I do know this, Whatever it does, they have ways around it. either they disable the program or the 3rd partys have written around it
  14. God, me too. I'M LEAVING, I WONT PAY, THEY'VE CROSSED THE LINE, THEY'RE IN ON IT 'Relax, ' said the night man, 'We are programmed to receive. You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!'
  15. We enter the 134th Day of the San Paro Hostage Crisis. Mayor Derren listed as Missing, along with members of the City Counsil. Rumors that a small band of Bronze G-Kings teamed with a few X-Military Types are behind the recent raids of Gold Gang assets. A former Gold dethreater who defected has confirmed that a faction of golds had kidnapped the Mayor, and 51 members of the City Counsil, preventing the Council from Rejecting the Desegregation Proclamation, allowing the proclamation to become Law. You should do a Follow up story on this AP-BSN story
  16. It works now. They were having similar issues logging in for FE, and the Log in for the G1 support would not load. I've seen this happen before, so I wasn't too alarmed. They probly blew a fuse or some yahoo bumped a cable rack at the Log in server.
  17. I can't get into my apb, password error. I bet its related
  18. Can't log in, error 11003-wrong password, And support Log-in page times out n crashes. Anyone Else who can't Log in and no my caps were not locked.
  19. We enter the 134th Day of the San Paro Hostage Crisis. Mayor Derren listed as Missing, along with members of the City Counsil. Rumors that a small band of Bronze G-Kings teamed with a few X-Military Types are behind the recent raids of Gold Gang assets. A former Gold dethreater who defected has confirmed that a faction of golds had kidnapped the Mayor, and 51 members of the City Counsil, preventing the Council from Rejecting the Desegregation Proclamation, allowing the proclamation to become Law.
  20. First off, You are not "We", I do not know You or any of these alleged names you talk about, and therefore your opinion is Inert. But since you pried into My affairs; Why have I repeated my distrust and dislikes of L.O., Because they obviously dint get the hint. Why do I talk about having money to spend? I'm not rich, I am simply showing the dev what money would have gone to APB, and or that I am or was a paying customer, and will not spend due to the specific actions of that dev. Why so mad? Well because over time I've put in about 2900. dollars, to have them render it all useless by desegregating so crooked hackers, pro golds, narcissist's, racist's and other sociopaths could farm bronze/green. BTW If i ever see a game with a title even close to UWO, I wont play it just because you mentioned it. I might even go in n make a symbol that says bad things about UWO. Go ahead, Poke the Crazy Man
  21. Was no Holiday for Legits, You guys let desegregation run into and thru xmas, Deeming the Xmas Event a Golds Only. Pretty much the entire game is a Golds/Hax Only game, Oh n let me throw in the blatant racists going by a name that is similar to an ice cream flavor, that likes to call our southern brothers Maciak monkeys, while suffering from Grandioso Narcism. Oh am I being a 'Dry Snitch',,,Yep, I'm dry snitchen cuz Reporting with chat times n proof does nadda. So one of the things I got for Xmas was a VR set n because APB has become so Cringe. So with that I probly spent bout 60. on new games, requiring me to join Face book again. n My god has it rotted into a simple app link platform, But I'm not here to Brag about my device. I'm saying this specifically to the attention of your Dev that decided to let racists, golds, hackers come to bronze and farm. Now regardless of what U did, I woulda still got my VR, but I sure wouldn't have had to spend as much seeking a replacement for this game, n would have spent some on joker tickets. Your actions and the lack of action from the missing token Ceo Guarantee I'll never spent on this game until it is sold to a reputable firm, with honorable staff. I will continue spending My money elsewhere, possibly finding a an outside hobby, seeing the Grass. But no matter what u do, ie resegregation, decent anti cheat, new content, free volcanos ect, U get Nothing from Me, not a Dime.
  22. They Dont, they are and have been listening only to golds, toxics, and hackers. They have been doing what U golds begged for, to farm bronzies n greens. LO absolutely hates Real players, or Noobs as u call us. You know the noobs with a wallet, ya they dont like us, after taking our money. And u will note that I have not been around. I'm not gonna lower myself to you golds level by hacking, n believe me I've considered it. But no, not only is it morally and ethically beneath me, I would be stimulating the same criminal organization that ruined this game and others, then I would be also risking my cc number, my pc core. and have to relearn playing with hax, hahaha no way. Not for this ancient 2D game, not with staff that are as toxic or worse than than the players. ei desegregating so the toxic golds and toxics hackers can come n talk down to bronzies after running aim bots, then smearing the bronze, n afterward they t bag. Wonder if the missing ceo even knows about what the dev did with desegregation, he's had no comments on it. So either he is not aware or doesn't care. They tried killing the game off this way a year ago with desegregation with disastrous results, but they fixed it before xmas. This time they messed up xmas too. Now Desegregation is Permanent. You dont hear them giving a time line or a pop requirement level to resegregate, So the game is over n I have been Robbed of 3 Grand. So no matter what they do, new engine, new guns, my old pickup truck n a double barrel shotgun, even banning hax at this stage. They will NEVER get a Dime from me. I'd rather burn my money in the street than give it to that toxic evil dev and his token ceo
  23. Simple, I can do it for a small fee. All Ledgendary's Account Wide. Just give me a Big Red Ban Button as a Secondary weapon, so I could hold it with one hand n using only one finger of the other hand I Press the button, n Poof they disappear just like that 'Junk Removal' ad on TV with the Little Tiny truck.
  24. Dint Get Pattootie for Xmas, Zero. Cuz I'm not Gold nor do I Cheat, n after Devs stomping down legits with desegregation, then they have the audacity to run events n gun games for all the cheaters n golds, n call it Christmas. While the Dev in question and said cheaters point at the Bronzies who are not Invited, n Laugh
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