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Everything posted by PepeHands

  1. LOL. 700 people playing this "game" and they care about stuff like someone trying to sell their acc? Mindblowing. The old G1 never left.
  2. The end started with influx of all the soviets migrating to Citadel. I'm not sure why even continue the UE. No one from Europe will stick around. They should divert all resources to their art department and release 1 new Lada and tracksuit each month for 10 rubles. I'm sure that those rubles would keep this game alive KEKW
  3. @OP No one is even playing this game so no one will notice
  4. Your rage whispers are helping with killing this game as well
  5. Was he a jerk? Yeah. But this is internet. I don't think he crossed any boundary at all. Rage whispers in APB are hillarious at most unless they go full racist and homophobic.
  6. Thankfully. This game is 18+. With the current track of offended snowflakes in other games they will soon start banning people for telling someone that he is bad.
  7. Shotguns were fine. Lag compensation in this game never was...which led to crying and hitreg issues
  8. True. Some UE4 games run even worse than APB so I don't really regret that we will never get it.
  9. Ignore list isn't infinite. In fact it's actually pretty modest.
  10. Dude this game is now over 10 years old. Not many if any new players will pick it up and old players won't come back for updated graphics and maybe 1-2 new cars. If they do then not for long. This game has big potential to be content rich but instead it's still a skeleton with 2 maps
  11. Like...more cars? It's 2020 and this game still has like 10 or less cars...GTA:O used to get more per year
  12. Can't we just give shotguns time travel to 2018? They were fine before all bufs and nerfs
  13. It appears that my new firewall was blocking everything APB related for some reason. Even when it was shut off
  14. Same here bruv. Since they moved the servers to EU. I guess we need to be russians to play LULW
  15. This could work but only with server phasing. You leave the customization area and it puts you into the mission district. Otherwise everyone designing would be taking up the slots for people that play missions
  16. Wasn't Tiggs a bot too? A mouthpiece posting lies when they told her to?
  17. LO=G1. It's pretty much the same people working there It reminds me Overkill EU servers being held by customs...I guess till this day because we never get them
  18. YAY just about time when I need to attend Twitch and then play other games. Good timing LO
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