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Everything posted by PepeHands

  1. Hmm. G1 was owned by koreans. Now those rumors about devs selling cheats make sense.
  2. I remember seeing gold sellers spam in BDO for months after launch and that game had faaaaaaaaaaaar more money to spend on GMs.
  3. Yes most likely. So many years and I'm still 255. It feels like it will take another few to reach 256 hard cap
  4. Golds can come on dethreated alt or on another account as silver. When they get kicked for being gold they can rinse repeat on another account. That's not going anywhere. If you play in bronze don't act like you're saint because you also drive new players away. Fresh noobs don't care if gold or bronze farmed them. They just rq in frustration never to return. I'm not saint either but nowdays with this low pop I just make sure that my team will lose if I play vs new players.
  5. Depends what you up to. If you just want to do missions then you have bunch of same old and deployables/consumables. Hit reg is bit more broken than it was in 2013 due to the amount of people that play with 100ms+. If you want to chill and have some slow paced missions in bronze then nah sorry. That was killed when Innova was shut down and all rus tryhards moved to Citadel.
  6. When are you going to remove remote det to balance the game tho?
  7. Just tested CSG with IR3 and I'm glad I don't own it acc wide. Improved range feels op af but it's a cqc weapon meant for cqc and this update made it pretty much useless cqc unless you go vs another shotgun with IR3 or green oca.
  8. Now remove all spaces and you will have the longest name in the world
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