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Everything posted by Chinook

  1. Don't even start with the phonebooths. They are annoying as hell when you just barely brush one and *BOOM* goes the car. Also the indestructible lamp post in financial... Just can't avoid crashing into it. Then there's the rear wheel protrusion issue with Jerico and Bishada, which causes you to flip over, crash, burn and propably die as result when you side-swipe anything.
  2. Don't waste good alcohol on the stupid. Use it on yourself to ease the pain that comes from dealing with the stupid.
  3. I'd say the biggest differences are equipment and legislation about driving time when you start comparing trucking in europe vs US. Most of the countries in continental europe have pretty strict limits to truck and trailer combo length and weight, thus making them a rare sight outside certain types of loads where they make sense. The european sized tractor trailers with the standard 13.6m semi trailer are by far the most common vehicle type, specially in international transports. Here in Finland however quite a lot of domestic traffic is done with longer truck trailer combinations like the ones in my pictures, which are sitting just shy from our 25.25m max length and can be up to 60000-76000kg total weight (depending on axle configuration) when fully loaded.
  4. There's few samples. I'm pretty much jack of all trades when it comes to logistics, I do dispatching, driving (both delivery/pickup and linehaul), drive forklifts at our cargo terminal, etc... It's not an easy job or glamorous. Sometimes it's great when everything goes as planned and weather is nice and there's good music to listen. Sometimes it's pure hell on earth, specially during winter. But you do what you got to do to pay the bills.
  5. You only gave us option to answer "yes, no, maybe, this is nonsense and lets stop these nerf threads", none of which can tell if we want buff OR nerf. How can we answer with the options you've provided us, when it's not a yes or no question?
  6. Being a good shot is one part. Knowing the maps with their ins and outs like back of your hand is another. Teamwork is also very important, a good team is so much more than sum of it's parts. Then there's knowing/remembering what the last mission stage for each mission will be about - outtakes with built in wallhack, vip, item hold, scavenger, point hold, etc and being correctly prepared for that.
  7. He's doing it wrong and won't get de-threated for that unless he does enough stuff right to achieve positive end score.
  8. The rules are quite simple when you look at them. There's just been so much time for people to venture outside the intended limits rules are based on and with the unbanning of all forum accounts when they introduced the new forum, things got even more complicated. If you use several different accounts without identifying yourself as a single person, there's no problem anyone can see. However when you start to have forum accounts like Account, NotAccount, CouldBeAccount, CertainlyNotAccount, MustBeAccount, etc... you're pretty obviously either trying to steal identity of another user or blatantly breaking the one-account rule knowingly, as you've clicked "I agree" at some point earlier. Enforcing the rules however is a whole another level of bother... The risk of getting things wrong are high.
  9. If you use a free-spinning scroll wheel to "spam fire" a weapon, you'll end up with a lot of ghost shots that don't register on the server but do happen on your client because of latency and whatnot. And while it's easy to "spam" your shots when scrollwheeling with any kind of mousewheel, pushing for the maximum ROF is a tradeoff with ability to time the shots and you'll propably miss a lot of shots unless your tracking is always 100%. I just use my finger and click the button. It's relatively easy to spam mouse1 too fast for most guns in APB and spray the bullets everywhere, but much more difficult to keep the correct rhytm to achieve max rof while simultaineously staying on the target. A macro that always keeps the max firerate perfectly is a whole another deal and not something that can be directly compared to using mousewheel.
  10. The old age doesn't come alone. (Poorly translated finnish idiom) It's still the same game, there's fun to be had and there's things to get frustrated with... Just don't expect too much and you'll be fine.
  11. I think it's quite "adequate" for it's purpose. I recently spent hours browsing through some of the themes people have made and I see no point to do any drastic changes to it. If it's easy to do, I'd like add few instruments to the library, but beyond that it doesn't really need any work done to it.
  12. Yes, you're a strong contender for the comic of the year award.
  13. That pretty much sums it for the most I'm afraid. Some of the decent people will apply, just out of the love for APB, but most won't because it's too much of a bother/burden/whatnot. While I'm willing to help people when I have time, I do have the time very rarely and want to spend at least some of it playing the game instead of being a walking FAQ search engine.
  14. I wonder what their technical capability to perform such things without huge effort is... I mean, if the server merges were anything to look for examples on the technical difficulties of transfering/merging things in APB, it's propably going to be a manual process to move characters from one account to another and still come with a risk of things not working out like they should have... That said, I think it's something they should think about and comment once they've decided what their policy is for such thing.
  15. I really wish I never had. I think I got traumatized for life and lost my faith in humanity there.
  16. Depends on the issue. If it's about banned account, wait untill next wave of unbans and then reply to the ticket if not unbanned? If it's about different issue, just reply to it.
  17. For someone who doesn't care anymore and has moved on, OP seems pretty caring and clinging to the past kind of person. Nothing new however, and people have right to change their mind. I just hope they weren't trying to make everyone else around believe that everything is either black or white and there's no in-between, when majority of things live in the region of greyness.
  18. I wonder what brand of glue the OP has been sniffing.
  19. There would be tons of ways that the car spawner could be re-worked. It could just unlock some of the nearest possible spawn locations on the map instead of being a thing where you can spawn in the car that's bang in the middle of defend area. Current spawns (not counting car spawners) are pretty predictable and can easily be pushed really far from the mission objective before the system decides to offer you spawns on a different side of the objective. Having car spawner to act as a thing that unlocks spawns nearby (given that they are far away enough from the objective) would fix a lot of the issues. Now people can just spawn almost on top of the objective while the other team keeps getting spawn at 200+ meters from the objective because they got pushed and the system doesn't want to grant spawns in any other direction from the objective.
  20. I think I've done at least 5 of the 7 that still appear to be locked, they just have somehow failed to update to steam.
  21. This, really. While I'm willing to admit that there are few things that stick out from the grand sceme of things, most suggestions on the poll threads are vague or just thrown there without any insight on why the person thinks it would fix things. There's not too many weapons that need to be nerfed anyway. Few little tweaks here and there are all that's required. Naturally some changes to certain broken mechanics that keep interfering with any balancing efforts need to be sorted out somehow in advance. Instead of constant requests for nerfs, I see tons of weapons that could be buffed instead. There's loads of guns nobody uses because they are garbage. Giving those some kind of role in the grand scheme of things would not only help sales but also give people alternatives for the current stale meta.
  22. I was actually about to edit my post and suggest that, but then I noticed that it was 10 minutes past the time I was supposed to leave for work
  23. It's an obsolete feature. It requires others having the same song with correct id tags and imported to APB on their system to work. I for example no longer have any mp3 files on my pc, because spotify and other similar services happened and almost all the music published by major labels in the world is just few clicks away.
  24. My forum account is older than my APB account. Not by much, but some days. So I voted NO. Of course we could go with "oldest day is displayed", but then again, what's the point. I don't usually pay any attention to forum join date, untill the user posts something that is a) stupid b) 100% wrong.
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