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Everything posted by Chinook

  1. I could suggest fingering of some other holes instead. You might find them more pleasing.
  2. Kebab. With sallad, rice and deep-fried potato wedges.
  3. Sometimes I wonder why they didn't change the default weapon from STAR to NTEC when they changed the default secondary from SNR to FBW. Beyond that, besides making a mental notion that LCR doesn't have enough accuracy to fully live up to it's potential at extreme ranges, I have nothing to say.
  4. Unless you've had constant 121fps before the change goes live, most likely you'll not notice a thing.
  5. Sums about right, when you consider they had like a handful of devs left working for them... No amount of ability can overcome the ginormous size of the task they had to tackle.
  6. I have no clue what's going on here... After giving it 2 thoughts, I might not even want to know...
  7. In the end it really boils down to this: be honest and pay the price that comes with it say nothing or claim that everything is "status quo" and pay the price that comes with it I think it's (unfortunately) a lose/lose situation untill you've found a solution that works better than what's been tried so far.
  8. Does it still work the same for us EU folks that when we make a purchase, they charge VAT (24% here in Finland) on top? Last time when I bought G1C I went for the $200 lot just because it gave enough "bonus g1cs" on top to pretty much break even after the taxes.
  9. Given, that they officially provided "clean slate" to everyone that they've unbanned, what message would it have sent to people if Lixil had chosen the "nope, not teaming up with you, you've been banned in the past" path? While it might not have caused as strong outcry that what actually happened, it would pretty certainly have caused some form of outcry anyway. Somehow it all went from good intentions to lose/lose situation.
  10. Ah, so there's 2 different ways to get "locked" then Been so long since having trouble last time that I can't remember accurately. Sometimes you can log in and choose another char just fine, but if you try to enter the game with the character you were using at the time of crash, it throws you back to login. (Can't remember if it gives you an error message or not)
  11. Have you tried to log in using a different character (given that you have more than one on your account)? That sometimes helps (or at least gives the impression that it helps - it could just as well be that enough time has passed whenever I've tried another character).
  12. This, really... Unless the problem is triggered by your behaviour, you rarely need to ignore anyone (except if you want to silence their themes). I pretty much rinse my list each time I play, only few names I've had to add knowingly on it several times (these cases have been mostly beggars).
  13. Good for you. I tried doing those once...or maybe twice? One didn't work and one just gave me fuckall as reward. I may have gotten something like few 30 G1C's for watching an ad even earlier. I have better uses for my time than wasting half an hour for something I can make in 5-10 minutes at work.
  14. You ask: What's wrong with poor citadel? The answer is: Poverty. Poverty stinks.
  15. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/14-server-marketplace-auctions/ Find someone who's selling symbols on your server and ask?
  16. There is no such thing as free lunch...
  17. After BE went online, I have had one FC experience (which went on for few rounds) where I really had to question if the top scorers indeed were cheating or not... But after giving it some thought my conclusion was "inconclusive". Yes, we (the others) were rekt quite thoroughly by those few players. And no, they didn't display any "blatantly obvious" characteristics usually associated with cheaters. There just was no way telling, and I didn't recognize the names either, so no reason to have any big thoughts and assumptions really.
  18. How much is the fish?
  19. You've just witnessed "APB happened" moment. Nothing to see here folks...
  20. This whole incident has "this is why we can't have nice things" written all over it indeed. Also people are fucking spoiled little princesses/princes/puppies when it comes to getting slapped on their wrists in twitch chat. Streamer has always the authority (and responsibility) to moderate the chat as strictly as necessary, and if people still keep spamming unwanted things after they have been told to stop, there are tools which will stop that autistic behaviour of yours. You can blame yourself and those aroud you if streamer feels necessary to limit/remove chat priviledges from some or all user groups. (Emote only mode is my favourite way to stop chat from being assholes and ruining everything.)
  21. OOB is a thing I might want to change so that it's not active when you're not on a mission. But I also would like to fix a lot of locations that can still be camped during missions as long as you remember to crouch from time to time. Teamkilling is a double-edged sword... If there existed an option or button, where you can all agree to not punish others from your group doing it outside missions, then why not. During an active mission however it should stay as it is. I'd be ready for devs bringing back some things from the past, that are currently inaccessible or (too) strictly limited, but only if done with proper safety-net to not bring back all the problems from the past with them. I do however prefer goomba-stomping over stacking humans.
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