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Everything posted by February

  1. You think people go outside??? Forums are their outside
  2. You think people go outside? The forums are their outside lmao
  3. Wait there is a meta in apb???? You mean people will always find the next broken thing and it wont be the guns fault??? Dude I thought guns made people good
  4. ^^ if you believe other than this, idk what to say
  5. it's okay if they ever nerf the ntec, the top players will move on and then the community will cry that they're dying too fast cause of a gun(not because they're bad ofc that could never happen)
  6. I feel it should be removed because as someone stated before if you work hard to dominate in a mission that you put all this effort into why have some random bot ruin your streak that you worked hard for? If you need someone to go n5/p5 just to try and win you need to work as hard as the guy dominating you and maybe you can win. But having a system that punishes you for going off and playing well is stupid.
  7. I doubt that (I spent $2910) and I would like more jt per mission guess that makes me a teenager and lazy
  8. Stop don't say that you'll hurt people's feelings and what they think
  9. Nerfing the hvr when it's something some players love to do and are good at, for people who cry and can't adapt
  10. i miss the old HVR..... Tbh I feel if are good enough to land shots and use a sniper cqc why bottle neck players who use it cqc, for players that cry and can't adapt or just out shot you up close
  11. Right lmao I love people who do that.... Yawns, Rn I'm Running a 8700k @4.7ghz and a 1070ti with 16gb of ram and guess what.... *whispers* my connection and fps drop when my ms spikes for no reason.... But when I play siege my ms is like 9 and smooth 170+fps
  12. Weird flex but okay As someone stated before its about what you like, Oca/pmg with you wanna run and gun cqc and maybe get some kills 35-40 meters away. Ntec(adeen) with ir3 and hs3 for med to long range. Hvr or dmr any kind, I would say 0 or 3 slot for long to very long range. Find a sensitivity that you like and master it. it doesn't matter if you have been playing 3 weeks or 9 years you can always improve and or surpass someone with more time
  13. You upset some wannabe golds be careful
  14. Fr someone could go 80-3 with almost every badge and someone would say "doesnt prove anything or why wouldnt he change his game settings huhhh"
  15. A small nerf should be good tbh, I feel like all I have to do is hold lmb and bam free kill
  16. It is just me or does the N-tec's bloom seem a bit more than it use to?
  17. same here I have a decent pc with a i7 8700k and 1070ti and get some weird lag spikes
  18. Half the people here saying "gitgud" are actually bad lmaoooo im done
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