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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. No legitimate anti-cheat uses IP bans in this day and age, what're you smoking? Dynamic IP address assignment (the standard for internet service) means you can just cycle your router and get a new IP. For the same reason, IP bans result in banning completely innocent people, because ISPs just recycle the same addresses on a rotation.
  2. Hi. Seven time Cop 15 here. LTL as a whole needs to be buffed a bit, as it doesn't compete with lethal in hands of the same skill level. TG-8 in particular, however, needs help more than the rest. It's atrociously bad.
  3. Kevlar could give +100% HP and it still wouldn't matter, because of the speed reduction penalty. Kevlar just can't work with the low TTK design of the game.
  4. Here's a question for Matt: Why are you releasing worthless weapons to ARMAS that nobody with a functional brain will buy? Isn't the point of ARMAS to generate income, so that the game can continue... "existing" might be a strong word, but we'll roll with that?
  5. And the weapon is a complete joke of trash, like expected.
  6. You could literally just commission your own weapons over there, from appearance to stats etc. I'm still surprised that the RUS players got to keep their weapons when Innova shut down and they were merged into EU, considering a lot of those weapons they bought had higher stats than the actual weapons.
  7. Can't wait to see what complete joke of a weapon you add to ARMAS this time, since the previous two have both been literally worthless.
  8. That image on the bottom left isn't weapon skins. Those are actual weapons, custom created for specific players by G1/RG. It would be in extremely bad taste to make those weapons (and/or their skins) available to everyone. Especially since they're all just functionally identical variants of the weapon, with a fixed Tagger mod that uses their spraypaint. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_HVR243-SD_Sluttles https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_HVR762_Slot3_Rapid99 https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_HVR243-SD_PurpleCat https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Pistol_FBW-SD_Kitteh https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Explosive_OSMAW_Bastard
  9. So for those who actually bothered to hop onto OTW, did any of you force the thing to actually do cross-instance matchmaking? As in, have a friend go to another instance so you know with 100% confidence that it pulled from another instance? I'm curious about if it triggers a load screen, or if they actually put in legitimate dev work to make proper instancing.
  10. It's a simple calculation based on match score. Deaths have no positive/negative score, so you could have a million deaths in a match and it wouldn't matter.
  11. Unless you also disconnect contacts from their own districts and allow pledging regardless of what district the player is in, this is going to cause severe progression problems for players who aren't already R255. Ultimately though, none of this matters because ya'll have already killed this game (again). Might be time to consider rebranding your company (again).
  12. You need 10 hits to kill someone with the Cap40 if you've pierced through something. You fired 17 shots. You just straight up missed 6 shots while the other person was in view. You also missed most of your blind fire shots because you didn't aim along the wall (where the person was running). Ultimately, this is a skill issue clip.
  13. Words are cheap. LO hasn't done anything with the game in years, and there hasn't been a single word spoken from them other than "hey, give us money" in several months. And the things they offer for said money are literal garbage like a 1 slot CSG.
  14. Keeping a game in maintenance mode costs next to nothing, and there's still brainlets spending on ARMAS. So yea, it's still turning a profit.
  15. Considering the game isn't being worked on, you'd be safe in that assumption yes.
  16. Both factions had one of those, and both were in Waterfront. Criminal one was in the big parking garage in the center of the map, while the Enforcer one was in the far end of the map in that one corner building. Their contact stronghold stuff is all still there in both places, too (the Joker vending machines, various crates, electronic equipment, etc).
  17. The entire world doesn't revolve around 'Murica. Also, move on. It's been over 20 years.
  18. Where was that indignation at the thought when this released: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=199&productId=4236 Which fucked over those who bought these packs prior: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=204&productId=3339 https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=204&productId=3340 They won't actually do it, because they aren't interested in giving the players something that is actually worthwhile to buy. This entire """event""" is a cash grab by a dying company, intended to milk whatever they possibly can out of what few people still play it. A company that killed themselves by, ironically, their own greed and the horrid ethics currently on display.
  19. Make it a 3 slot for 2,999 G1C (account bound) and I'll actually buy it.
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