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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. The marksman movement speed change is irrelevant, since you don't ADS with the COBR-A (it's a pure hipfire weapon). However, that jump modifier buff is a welcome adjustment. Why would you buff one of the strongest CQC weapons in the game? The effective range hit isn't going to be that noticeable due to the damage increase, will just keep it from going too hard at the farthest ranges. These are really solid adjustments to the gun.
  2. The current system is fine, they just need to adjust it and then reset everyone's threat so the system can start fresh. As for what needs to be adjusted, that's simple: Remove green threat, so that there's only three threat levels (gold, silver, bronze). Make gold and bronze account for the upper and lower 25% of players, with silver being the 50% in between. This makes it much easier for the system to matchmake smartly, since there's less variance to consider. It also allows for the matchmaker to be tightened up, such as removing the ability for bronzes to be in the same match as golds. This will, over time, smooth out matchmaking and result in healthier matches overall. Then, have the system soft reset everyone's threat level every 3 months, with soft reset being defined as "threat is reset, but the system is temporarily more inclined to move a given player's threat level towards where they were before". This will account for the issues that plague the current system, such as existing players quitting the game and new players joining. Once those adjustments are in place, perform a hard reset on the entire account database. Every single player's threat information being completely deleted/reset, making everyone start as if they were brand new accounts (as far as threat level is concerned). This will result in outright chaos at first, possibly even for the entire first soft reset cycle (aforementioned 3 months). However, once past that initial stretch, the system as a whole will be good to go and matches going forward will be significantly improved. Also, it goes without saying, but the districts need to be put back to 50v50 and LO needs to get the game hosted on actual servers instead of the 20 year old laptop they've got it on currently. Ideally, they should also just remove the factions from matchmaking, so that all 100 players in the district are available for consideration of both sides in every potential match.
  3. When they reverted rayscale instead of making the couple simple and minor tweaks that would've fixed the issue, that showed that LO has no interest in ever letting shotguns be viable for their purpose. Just put your shotgun in storage and accept that they'll never be viable even at the lowest tiers of play.
  4. If only LO would enable /abandonmission to work in opposed matches, this and so many other issues the game has would be resolved.
  5. LO has a hate boner for LTL. Which is unsurprising, since they're still just G1.
  6. The problem with 2v2 is that it's effectively 1v1. If one of the two goes down, the other one will inevitably go down as well due to 1v2 being effectively impossible if all four players are of reasonably similar skill level. Compare this to 3v3, where if one goes down it's still 2v3 which is possible to stall out long enough for the downed player to return.
  7. 2v2 shouldn't even be possible to matchmake. 3v3 should be the absolute minimum, and only happen if the matchmaking is taking at least 5+ minutes to find a match. 4v4 should be the baseline. 5v5 should also only be possible if it can't find a suitable 3v3 after searching for a few minutes beyond the baseline. 6v6+ shouldn't be possible.
  8. CR762 got nerfed and OBIR got buffed, along with the rise in people abusing the Kevlar / Med Spray combo when consumables became more easily accessible. These things combined are what caused the meta shift, it wasn't just the CR762 nerf on its own. Giving the 45AP a slight nerf won't cause a meta shift on its own, but it will allow other secondaries to be viable choices since you'd no longer be gimping yourself by not choosing the secondary that is actually just a primary. Also, you're being willfully obtuse about this. We both know you know exactly what's being talked about.
  9. Segregation is what killed the game in the first place, so good luck with that.
  10. If a Stabba is getting a stun, then one of the following applies in literally every case: The user of the Stabba is higher skill than the stunned player. Stabba users will frequently dethreat to get easier opp, along with Stabba just naturally dethreating the player in the first place. The stunned player isn't playing seriously, or is intentionally giving stuns to the Stabba user. This is fairly uncommon, but there are some players who will wipe off their sweat and chill for a minute when they see a Stabba user. The user of the Stabba is cheating. This is extremely common, and becomes more obvious the more you pay attention. Especially once you've raised Cop yourself, so know the limitations of the weapons.
  11. First vid: ACES Rifle is terrible. One of the highest TTKs of SMG type weapons, along with terrible accuracy (especially when hipfired like that). Second vid: The STAR didn't commit to the fight, and the PMG got bottom end RNG. Third vid: Dude didn't even fight back, just fed the kill. Vid is literally irrelevant to any kind of balance discussion. 45AP needs nerfing (just like all secondaries, because secondaries shouldn't be pocket primaries), but those examples are horrid.
  12. Is MattScott on something? East servers are literally the ones populated 99% of the time. Most of NA's population isn't from NA (it's primarily Brazilians migrated from the shuttered Hoplon servers), and they get best connection to the East servers. For the minority of players (actual NA players, what little remains of the Asians and SEA, etc), they just end up on East servers anyways because of this (which keeps the East servers the populated ones between maints). The West servers get populated maybe once every few months, at best.
  13. I mean yea, technically that was a second way up. I'd argue it's more of a bug/exploit kind of thing though, just one of those "this is a bug, but we'll leave it in because it's beneficial" things. In a way, that was actually better than the ladder, too. The attacker could defend themselves as they make their way up, assuming the defender didn't just conc the car.
  14. The obvious purpose of that ladder is to provide attackers another access point to that rooftop spot (as there was only one access point prior). However, with the location that ladder is in, attackers literally cannot make use of it. The defender(s) up top will automatically kill any attacker that tries to climb it, and respawning defenders can just shoot the attacker off of the ladder as they attempt to climb it (there is always a respawn point somewhere within vision of that ladder, due to how respawns work in that area of the map). There's numerous other ways they could've provided access to that rooftop, all of which are obvious and similarly easy to implement. There's also a few ways they could've simply made that rooftop not such an automatic win location, all of which are also very obvious (albeit harder to implement, because they would require actual map design work).
  15. That ladder is effectively useless with where they placed it.
  16. So when's the AMA digest being posted? Not about to sit through 2 hours of rambling, just care about the actual Qs and As.
  17. The point of the post clearly went over ya'll heads, so I'll go ahead and spell it out for you: The numbers put forward in the removed sentence are obviously just to emphasize the main point being made. Critical thinking is an important skill, it's a shame that it's no longer taught in school.
  18. The introduction of Car Surfer, a mod that changes mobility in the game, was literally the single worst thing that has ever been done to this game. Just be quiet, you clearly haven't the slightest clue about even the most basic fundamentals of the game. Not even going to dignify the rest of your word salad with comment.
  19. Fang is also available via JT now. Not that it matters. They completely neutered the gun with further nerfs and changing the mod later, and refuse to give refunds to the players they fucked over. Correct. It's about on par with the FBW, taking one less shot to kill but having significantly more recoil and half the magazine capacity. The problem is that due to its higher damage per shot, it technically has more range than the FBW. FBW is a 6 shot out to 32m, while 45 is a 6 shot out to 38m (technically just shy of 39m). "That difference is so small though?" you might say. Bear in mind that the 45 has SIGNIFICANTLY better ADS accuracy than the FBW, making those long range shots actually viable (FBW at that top end range is literally just praying to RNGesus).
  20. For anyone that wants that time translated to their local time, I've got you covered: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=August+24th+at+5+PM+UTC Bear in mind that if you use a VPN, that link will show you the local time of the region you have your VPN set to. In this case, add "convert to X" to the end of the input string (replace "X" with your local timezone designation, or ideally your UTC code if you know it). How this would look:
  21. Did you miss the part where 90%+ of the NA playerbase isn't actually from NA? Half of it is BR, the rest is a mix of EU, Asia, etc.
  22. It's almost like LO swooped in when the BR fad was at its peak popularity, trying to make a quick buck. Anyone who couldn't see that is just... yea... After the inevitable failure of RIOT, LO was left with a net loss margin and had to at least recoup their initial investment (having bought the game, etc). They pushed out a handful of meaningful improvements and additions to the game, along with some stellar PR work, and managed to rejuvenate the game enough to make bank on ARMAS sales both to veterans on copium and new players ignorant to what was going on. Course, then they sold the IP off to Unit Game (which no longer exists, sealing the death of the APB IP permanently), and are now limping along with the occasional scraps to keep the profit flow (since LO got absolutely fucked by their cancerous handling of Descent).
  23. I'd rather they give it a unique mod that gives it fully automatic fire when hipfired (behaves exactly the same as it currently does when ADS). Then reduce its fire interval to like 0.05 (context: this is faster than the AMG, which sits at 0.065). Just fully go into the gunslinger fantasy, ignore rules and logic. Would it actually be viable? Fuck no lmao. Would it be hella fun to toss out a pair of dice and let Jesus take the trigger? You'd best believe it.
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