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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. EAC is the only anticheat this game has had (out of the many it's had over the years) that didn't have any performance impact. That, along with it also being the only anticheat this game has had that has actually done anything significant to deal with the cheating population, are why so many have wished for (and are hyped about) its return.
  2. That's literally not possible for an NA<->NA connection. The lowest you could theoretically go under ideal conditions as an end user is something like 10-20ms.
  3. Can something be done about how glacially slow player customizations (both character and vehicle) take to load sometimes? It's not consistent, but when it happens its extremely noticeable and makes it sketchy at best to ready up for missions.
  4. This was something that MattScott promised as part of the JT store overhaul, but never delivered on. In addition to that, they still haven't retroactively updated the entries for weapons you already have purchased as permanents from the JT store before they implemented that system. For example, I purchased the Golden OSMAW as permanent from the JT store before they implemented the rebuy system, but I'm still stuck without the ability to rebuy it now. Also, for additional clarity, this is something that I can absolutely confirm is the case. For example, I bought the Flare Gun permanent after the rebuy system was implemented. Can rebuy that just fine.
  5. "It's just skill." Sad excuse as old as time, and has never been true. Modern gaming is rife with cheating, and to think otherwise is to be willfully ignorant.
  6. They could start by removing all the JT specific variants, and just have the JT store have the normal guns. Just to give a single example out of the dozens of them:
  7. This is the main thing that confuses me about this. I've literally got money sitting on the table here, but it can't be spent because I have no space. Like, you are a business, no? You want to turn as much of a profit as possible, no?
  8. You do realize that's not enough either, right? I've been around since CBT and have obtained all the legitimate expansions that have been made available over the years, and am still sitting right on the border of the cap. There's still a handful of guns I want, but simply cannot purchase because of the inventory limit.
  9. You do realize this is a team game, right? One of your teammates should be the one heading over there to harass the sniper, while you continue working on the objective (or you go and they do obj, either/or).
  10. Hate to break it to you, but the devs view new content as "low hanging fruit not worth working on" (direct quote from a dev that was holding Q&A in the mission districts the other day), so don't hold your breath on any being added.
  11. Can be very easily fixed, but LO just refuses to do so.
  12. I find it interesting how you rush so quickly and rabidly to push back against any discussion about the obvious cheating that this games suffers from. Almost like you don't want anyone looking too closely at the issue...
  13. Part of the issue is the lack of tracers. If they were brought back, you would at least know the exact location that that shot came from and could deal with it accordingly. Granted, this doesn't solve for the silenced sniper rifles... but those were a design mistake and honestly should be removed from the game anyways (with proper compensation granted to anyone who currently owns one, of course).
  14. Ah, yes. Remove the literal core foundation of what makes APB, APB. What an absolute fucking clown request. Get out of here with that nonsense.
  15. Meta will always exist, there will always be "the best in slot" choices and that is what you will see 90% of people use because individual thought is a unicorn trait nowadays. There's nothing anyone can do to change this, so attempting to make changes for the purpose of "shaking up the meta" are pointless and a waste of dev time. Spend that dev time on better things, like actual new content and fixing existing issues (bugs, glitches, etc).
  16. Apparently everyone forgot that the numerical append naming system is part of the phasing system, because the phasing system would also involve bridging Jericho and Citadel (as in, players can freely travel between districts on the two servers). Since apparently MattScott is still intending to add phasing (despite originally claiming it required tech from the engine upgrade to make possible), theoretically it's only a matter of time for this naming system to become a reality.
  17. Daily logins exist to incentivize anyone who has reasons not to log in every day, to login every day. It's not targeted at progression, it's targeted at playstyle (casuals, as opposed to hardcores). This remains true for literally every game that has a daily/weekly login reward system, such systems being most common in mobile gacha games.
  18. Just integrate it as default behavior, like they did with Energizer.
  19. That's what I thought, fuck outta here with that shit then.
  20. So come at me with a counter proposal on how you'd make it work, instead of a flippant and irrelevant response.
  21. I regularly dump the entire cap stack of other consumables, but epipens are consistently zero'd and I only get to use them one, maybe two matches a day.
  22. Yes, it is, because as things currently stand matches are being imbalanced by situations of one side having access to consumables while the other side does not. This is not player fault, but a badly designed game system. LO needs to either make consumables readily accessible so that they are always available for active usage, convert them to permanent player mods, or just flat out remove them entirely.
  23. You can't buy APB$, and the game doesn't supply enough APB$ through gameplay to support the excessively high $2,000 price tag on consumables. As I wrote out, a stack of 5 epipens is used multiple times over in a standard mission, and that mission gives at most $3,000 on a win (a fraction of that on loss). That per mission payout also pays for car spawning costs, ammo costs, etc, so you only get a portion of it that can be spent on something like consumables. Additionally, the after mission random reward thing is random, giving anything from literally nothing to JT to single consumables, etc. It is literally impossible to maintain a supply of consumables for active usage.
  24. Defense always has an innate advantage, so assuming teams of relatively similar skill, attacking the objective is technically a stalemate. In this kind of situation, one of the defenders getting rekt because of bounty could be all that the attackers need to push the objective. Which isn't just theoretical either, being something that happened often in practical gameplay. The issue is that this goes both ways. The attackers can also get bountied (because notoriety doesn't reset on death or between missions), and often this can happen with bad timing resulting in the bountied attacker getting rekt while they're attempting to do the objective. As a result, the defense gets a free win. The only way to make the bounty system actually work from a gameplay standpoint, is to: Only players assigned to defend an objective can accrue notoriety. Notoriety is reset: On death When a mission stage concludes. When a mission concludes. Notoriety accrues at a significantly faster rate. This, for very obvious reasons, wouldn't make any sense from a thematic standpoint, and thus would just be an ugly feature. There's no actual way to make the bounty system function as a whole feature.
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