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Everything posted by _chain

  1. get trials for weapons, you get a 35% discount on the weapon you're trying out. The discount lasts like a day I'm pretty sure.
  2. add my suggestions, disable weapon damage when leaving the zone lmfao jokes aside it's actually a problem. it's very confusing, sometimes you get the ''leaving the zone'' cooldown when walking in a straight line towards the marker.
  3. Change the way spawning works. Just spawn people randomly in the area, but a few meters apart from each other. Give like an 8 sec immunity time, where players also don't deal any weapon damage. This should be enough for repositioning in most areas. Mark the areas the same way it was done in RIOT. Since the cars make the game laggy for so many people, maybe disable and wipe all car spawns for the duration of the event. Then automatically kill and reposition the players into the designated area. If you also think that people might want to leave the event half way there and won't like to be repositioned, instead be allowed to walk around freely, just prompt them with a y/n decision (like the one for joining a group) but for readying up for the next event. A 30sec waiting time should be enough to get everyone ready for the event, and also allow the people that join mid-way to participate in it.
  4. Check your hard drives. Install the game on the SSD.
  5. The APB population is the same as the Sonic the Hedgehog fanart base. Suffer mild pain in heck degenerates
  6. why add another, higher threat level when there aren't even enough players to sort by threat properly.
  7. It's fine. Maybe aim at the guys, not around them
  8. All black clothes so you know they are better than you and your silly capitalistic materialism, breast/bottom symbol that shows their animu coomer supremacy over the server and how to properly invest APB$ in the market. All jokes aside now ever since I started playing a few weeks ago I don't think I've seen a lot of people tryharding, if anyone, really. And i'd say car surfing and OSMAW or getting a kill above your enemy on the last stage and then running away from them, but that's plain old cringe, est 2011
  9. ehh, I started playing again after a year of having left the game and after almost a week of playing I made 550k. Of course this isn't the case for most players, and only a few people make 3-4k or even 5k a mission consistently Don't get me wrong, I agree with your point, and still the only benefit I see in premium is actually being able to use the customization system. also I never noticed the timer reset, but oh well. you learn something new every day lmfao
  10. _chain


    man just silence the medusa along with all of the above. seriously though a silenced CSG would be very cool to have. or any shotgun, for that matter
  11. Dunno if this will work, but give it a try. Maybe use an alt account for a few minutes just in case cheat detection decides to mess with ya https://www.ryobi-sol.co.jp/visolve/en/ Altering the screen HUE could work as well, and you can do that in your GPU's control panel
  12. IF this is ever considered, rewards should still be given out to the winning side, and if good players not getting matched up is an actual concern, make it so rewards are not given to the losing team (no cash, no exp) so surrendering would be kind of discouraged anyways. It should also be only allowed after the 5 minute mark in a mission, or once 1/3 (or whatever percentage) of total stages are complete. maybe even half of the mission.
  13. aprender portugês e muito facil, basta tentar caralho yeah, it would be a pretty nice feature to have tbh
  14. got a free room @ my apartment you can move in you just gotta bring your own pc pls im lonely
  15. That pc is a workstation that happens to also be good at gaming, more than anything else hahaha. You could manage to pull off some light tensor work on that and pretty decent render times on blender, if you're into that stuff.
  16. _chain

    I am happy.

  17. In that case he should upgrade to a ryz7 instead. And even that way he'll have money to upgrade from that 980, which he should definitely consider soon. Smh you'll have a better experience in every game overall following my suggestions. Also don't build a pc just for this crap, that's a waste of money, you're better off buying legos by the kilogram instead.
  18. Upgrade to an rx 5700xt (normal 5700 can struggle with 1080p 144hz) (rtx is a good option too) and an i7 8700k because if you're upgrading to ryzen from that i5 6600k you're basically sidegrading and also spending money on a motherboard, I just think it's smarter this way (I also don't think you need workstation performance in your pc, but if you do go ahead and grab a ryzen)
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