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Everything posted by _chain

  1. _chain

    New heavy truck

    inb4: did anyone ask for A NEW POLICE LIGHT? WE HAVE PLENTY! HERE'S ONE FOR YOU! AND ONE FOR YOU! But yeah, now that you've mentioned it, that's a better idea
  2. _chain

    New heavy truck

    Wouldn't complain about a T25 or a fresno kit tbh
  3. If no one regulates the market price it's gonna keep getting higher, meaning that if no one makes symbols equally as good and sells them cheaper, you're cuck'd. Most i've ever paid for a symbol is 0 because most of the shit i've wanted was letterwork anyways, and I can do that pretty well.
  4. I hope not, chatting in game or in forums is pretty fun.
  5. this already? Slow down... next thing you know, someone has spent entire days writing pages upon pages of matt scott fanfic
  6. No. But gaming in NA is friendlier and easier. You guys will never get to experience playing LoL on EUW and getting a french team along with a french defeat. I'm jealous.
  7. _chain


    Ohhh, just wait for post no 69696
  8. What a soldier. Posting daily. Go and take a rest for a while, you deserve it
  9. Grug say Grug son now berry picker? Berry picker? Me say. That bad omen. Berry picker now no hunt with big club like rest of Grug. He only want shiny stone like Long Nose Tribe. Always say holobunga real. Always want berry paint on face like Grugette.
  10. Grug say world go ouch. Big ouch. Bigger than holobunga. Grug wants convince world tribe of no new holobunga. what a chad, you go get them!
  11. I hated it because i was a soyboy cuck and the only time i moved my arse was during pe class. Never failed it though, but i did get pretty shit scores. Right now being into swimming and jumping rope i could probably get some score. Not that it would be of any use since i don't have any girls to try and impress or some shit.
  12. Ah, yes indeed, I believe I understand said concept. What do you mean asking seriously?
  13. _chain

    revert shotguns

    No, i'm saying that out of the few times i've played shotty recently, i really haven't missed a lot of shots. Calm down, christ. Imo, op either didn't miss half the pellets or it's really that incredibly bad.
  14. _chain

    revert shotguns

    I don't usually play shottie because i'm an ntec/hvr & rpf monkey, but they felt good enough for me before the rework and they feel good enough right now.
  15. bUt ThOsE gAmEs aRe AlL bAd
  16. They're trying to make steam look bad, thats all. The thing is, steam has been king for 15 years for a reason. We all know that if it wasn't for fortnite these guys wouldn't have done shit. Imagine raising billions of dollars through a game, but not through a quality game, not through a captivating story, but through SKINS xd
  17. _chain

    shid on me

    I know of a medical condition, clinically named "being full of shit", you basically die in intense pain before anything else
  18. _chain

    Game Ideas

    Cuz fortnite has them also? Meh. I personally want a pack of customizable animal masks. I feel this would appeal to a lot more people than a marshmello outfit.
  19. G1 is probably just bad propaganda for LO and its games.
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