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Everything posted by vsb

  1. seems like a lot of effort for someone to go through just to scam someone although i suppose if it was just someone out to get you it might be plausible, apb has its fair share of weirdos i find it strange that support would ban just based on some lists matching up, if i were in charge i'd at least wait for a more concrete red flag like the account suddenly being accessed from a different location or something
  2. this again thread again prediction: a number of people say they don’t run into cheaters much, other posters accuse them of lying and/or cheating/supporting cheaters oh wait, it’s already happening
  3. the equivalent of apb’s customization system is available as a plugin for ue4 called mutable afaik customization at that level is just not something most players seem to care about, especially if the rest of the game is poor quality in comparison
  4. nothing in my post you quoted had anything to do with g1 but id love for you to point out a post of mine that blames little orbit for something g1 has done, i try very hard to judge little orbit based on their own merits tbh i’m not sure how i’m “negative all the time” with only about 3 of my last 20 posts including critical opinions of little orbit “you can’t criticize x unless you can do better yourself” is probably the single most idiotic argument against negative feedback, are we not allowed to poorly review movies unless we’re highly regarded directors? we can’t dislike music without having a song of our own in the billboard top 100? no pointing out mistakes in a book unless we’re a best selling author? apb is a product and i (among thousands of other people) am unsatisfied with said product, pointing out and explaining why i am unsatisfied is entirely valid - in fact i’d say you’re doing little orbit a disservice trying to silence legitimate negative feedback, since it’s important for them to know what players have issues with and why
  5. trying their hardest only goes so far, especially when they keep making the same mistakes i don't even agree with most of the things @Hey! has a problem with and yet i do agree about little orbit, they've managed to mess up on basically every front for too long
  6. there's no way this will end poorly
  7. previously you could receive 0-10 joker tickets per opposed mission, further split because the joker tickets are random mission rewards that compete for space with consumables, emotes, and symbol unlocks so basically even with this event it’s still possible to get 0 jt (3 x 0 = 0 after all) for completing an opposed mission as far as i can tell
  8. having a single option for a secondary weapon unless you want to forgo lethal altogether is exactly what i was talking about, so thank you for agreeing with me i guess i’m well aware that the nano pairs well with ltl primaries but i still don’t find it a very good weapon, annoying equip time and poor accuracy make it feel clunky at best
  9. i use the fbw because i’m not a big owner
  10. i don't think i implied that the issra is useless because of corner popping, i even specifically didnt mention corner popping in that comparison
  11. idk if that's a bug, the oblivion is supposed to be a more mobile accurate sniper but i don't really see that balancing this new gun - if it stays 3stk with crouch shooting mechanics it's not going to prevent the corner popping that you don't want, and if it's a 4stk its just going to be another useless gun like the issra that no one uses
  12. i think @Kewlin made a more detailed post on why the new lore sucked, but my personal issue with the redhill stuff is that it’s all awful 10th grade fan fiction level even relative to the rest of apb lore - the characters are awful, the backstory is contrived, and some of the redhill lore almost directly contradicts existing lore rather than just being strangely disconnected like the specialists no amount of “freshness” makes the seemingly low effort attempts acceptable imo and the new legendary (besides not actually being a legendary because joker boxes suck) would be far more appropriate for a joker gunworks release, as they already have a history of taking “inspiration” from other companies’ products also i’m pretty sure most people dislike anything involving redhill more because of its sole attachment to the disastrous game mode, and little orbit dredging it up again makes it seem like they might do something awful like riot again
  13. can’t claim to be the biggest owner but i think you’re making opgl OHKs out to be rarer than they are - sure in a face to face fight it’s easy to dodge grenades but that’s not really where the opgl shines anyway i do agree that the larger radius of the opgl-cd makes it easier to play like a stereotypical opgl quickswitcher but then your choice of viable secondary weapons is very limited vs
  14. garbage collection issues have been around since 2012 or so, if not longer
  15. ltl is never op, because an ltl player has to perform the equivalent of 2 separate lethal takedowns for every successful ltl arrest the opgl-cd that requires 2 grenades for a stun compared to the opgl that can one shot doesn't seem broken to me, and i'm pretty sure flak jacket doesn't mitigate any form of stamina damage (edit: i stand corrected, flak does work) maybe you could make the case that if a full ltl team waited out every stun timer until the last second before arresting that there's a time advantage, but if a team can afford to do that they'd be absolutely crushing their opponents with lethal weapons
  16. i don't hate anything about the obir tbh, except maybe the visual model at the end of the day not adding one more 3stk or 4stk or even 5stk gun isn't going to magically solve holding corners being a giant advantage
  17. i try pretty hard to remain neutral in the face of little orbit's continued incompetence, but damn this sentence was just a huge yikes as for joker ticket mission rewards is there any chance of detaching them from the random reward system so that they don't conflict with consumable mission rewards?
  18. iirc the security truck actually has less cargo space than the stereotypical ceresco van
  19. griefing ban dethreating ban i wouldn't recommend actually watching the video (it's awful), but the point is people are getting banned for dethreating and griefing
  20. yes an extra mod slot on a truck that 2 people in all of apb use is going to completely reinvigorate the franchise
  21. we haven't had battleye in like a year now, what are you talking about
  22. we’ve already had some very public bans for both dethreating and griefing, so idk what you’re on about
  23. i’m curious why you chose the absolute worst comparison, a primary sniper with essentially no damage dropoff vs a secondary pistol with 10m range - i personally would compare this more to a shotgun/perc combo (especially strife/perc), at least then it’s the same general range imo the issue here is really that percs do stamina damage, not the pig itself i guess you’re technically right, in that almost ltl “bullets” just disappear at a certain range instead of having damage dropoff
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