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Everything posted by vsb

  1. idk what tracking thread you're reading but the one pinned to social districts only has 1 or 2 posts don't go into some kind of detail. aside from the "i'll post tomorrow/later this week" plugs
  2. weve gotten info on pretty much every plan little orbit has, so other than rehashing the same info i have no idea what youre asking for here orbit is taking similar paths as g1....even though you just said that orbit is not doing something that g1 did? kind of a self defeating argument to me this whole thread boils down to "orbit please make up some interesting news because im bored" -theres a halloween event going on right now (with a trailer and everything no less) -teasing a christmas event more than 2 months in advance is stupid -the weekly engine upgrade updates are pretty comprehensive, i doubt orbit is holding back some random important information -weve gotten the plan for "the next years" over and over at this point -orbit doesnt seem to have secret pockets thankfully, theyre pretty transparent -this is basically a duplicate question edit: also clickbait thread titles are bad and you should feel bad
  3. you'd buff kevlar by doubling down on the mobility penalty?
  4. afaik finals have been rescheduled to this saturday (10/10)
  5. its not impossible to flatten the skill curve, its just hard to do without breaking everything - as an example, the largest skill curve flattening apb has had (imo) was the ttk reduction back when g1 acquired the game, something that's still causing balance problems 10 years later
  6. as much as i understand that mindset i'm not sure it tracks here, since you're essentially asking to purchase something that skips 90% of working for the vegas
  7. the grind is there primarily to give the game a sense of progression, if a player is bouncing to r255 in something like 50-100 hours it creates retention problems because apb has no real endgame content or gameplay loop - the faster a player is done with progression the faster theyre stuck with the same gameplay but without rewards, and the faster they stop playing and purchasing purchasing is the secondary reason the grind exists, essentially forcing players to choose between spending time or spending money this isnt to say that the progression and grinding system is perfect by any means, but i dont think such a massive reduction would be helpful in the long run at that point why not just purchase a vegas from armas? the firehawk kit + vehicle (for crims or enfs) is $17 USD and gets you a 4x4, and the vegas uber bundle is $19 USD including a standard vegas theres also a customizable 4x4 available from the joker store, depending on how many JT you currently have, it may be cheaper than $20 dollars to top up on joker tickets off armas
  8. if the scout had been left alone, the hvr damage nerfed to 750, and the stupid accuracy-based-damage gimmick removed, then i feel both guns would have room to operate in their own niches
  9. the apbdb creator (@Speedz) has been getting the stats directly from little orbit for a long while now
  10. looking at apbdb, it does not appear to be any different
  11. this is the opposite of how you're supposed to negotiate
  12. more community involvement, very nice look forward to seeing all the costume contest entries
  13. afaik temp bans aren't handed out for cheating but for more minor tos violations like griefing, harassment, hate speech, etc
  14. clotting agent has a downside for kevlar: -change the flat hp increase to a percentage based incoming damage reduction -remove the run speed penalty -decrease the sprint speed penalty to 10% / 15% / 20% for kevlar 1 / 2 / 3 respectively
  15. its not like it has to be ultra realistic, this is a game where people magically stick to speeding car roofs and inject kevlar under their skin
  16. i more meant "at this point" as "its too late to add more unique weapons" - putting orbits debatable balancing competency aside, im of the opinion that we already have too many weapons that are too similar to each other for one to be worth using over another reskins are the way to go in the future imo, i wouldnt mind seeing a minigun or a microgun as a shaw or euryale reskin
  17. if we're going to put something like that ingame, altho im personally against adding new weapons to apb at this point, why not just go full sized minigun?
  18. the engine upgrade is necessary for any meaningful matchmaking and bug fixes, attempting do so before the engine upgrade is like spraying febreeze on a turd and calling it a flower
  19. just taking this opportunity to float my "presets that require anything other than apb$ to buy are bad" opinion, in the hopes that little orbit will listen
  20. it checks out sir, no "kind of a big deal" on record
  21. as far as i am aware ue4 uses an entirely different coding language from ue3 so its not as simple as "just porting" stuff, the devs would basically have to redo apb from the ground up
  22. cyberpunk isnt going to have multiplayer at launch nor does that change that the game isnt currently available and wont be until it launches, so it doesnt matter how long it takes to polish things since you brought up cyberpunk it should probably be noted that the "legendary" project red has delayed its release twice now, and said multiplayer has also been delayed
  23. that works for project red because they're developing single player one-off games, it doesn't matter if there's an info blackout because no one can play the game until they release it anyway the last time we got radio silence on apb it was from g1 and nobody liked that as far as i know
  24. the last time i was in fc it was frag spam to the point i was legitimately annoyed
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