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Everything posted by vsb

  1. youre the one that brought up marketing in response to a claim that little orbit is catering to casuals
  2. support response time is down to as low as 10 minutes at this point, so you won't have to wait too long for your report to be ignored
  3. playing the devil's advocate, this could mean that BE is simply becoming less effective as more and more people manage to bypass it - is there a comparable trend after EAC implementation?
  4. marketing to bronze/casual players is different from balancing actual gameplay around bronze/casual players
  5. i guess the first thing to point out is that im fairly sure no one in this thread has suggested completely removing rng from apb the issrb is a good example of how rng can be used to encourage specific behavior without automatically removing a portion of user control, this is the kind of rng mechanic that should be the standard for apb imo the shaw and nfa are examples of rng done poorly - 2 simultaneous levels of unavoidable rng, through recoil and initial spread youve gone off on some weird tangent here that seems to be about elitist golds as far as i can tell, but i think youre mixing things up reducing rng would be a buff for the "ez laser weapon" atac and likely the shredder too, so im not sure what agenda these "people" of yours are pushing the c2 would/should stay as is since its balanced well enough, and most people complained about it prenerf because it had a ridiculously high minimum damage value weapon rng has nothing at all to do with the hvr and i dont really want to derail this thread with another discussion of why the hvr is or is not busted static recoil/spread patterns are not something i would like to see i dont think an inability to predict your own performance is charming, that seems more like a sim shooter type feature than an arcade shooter type feature the difference i see is that with potentially reduced rng elements a player would be rewarded or punished as a direct result of their weapon handling skills, while with the current elements players are punished or rewarded no matter how they handle their weapon
  6. vsb

    Wildfire Season

    thank you for your feedback, it will be filed in the nearest available dumpster
  7. im not sure which fps game youre talking about because there are dozens of different mechanics, but yes generally controlling recoil is reactive and not proactive
  8. most songs dont get the same attention as themes and songs dont play when i get mvp
  9. theres already a default player character placeholder thats used until your client loads a persons actual character data, but i have no idea if it actually improves/helps performance i guess it would be an interesting option if there was some kind of toggle to permanently use the placeholder models and ignore actual character customization, possibly a good solution to allow players to lower graphics without making the game look horrible
  10. thats perfect then, since I buy themes for myself and not everyone else
  11. https://media.gamersfirst.com/gamersmedia/apb/Advanced_APB_Launcher.zip
  12. people complaining that themes are ruined becuase of a mute button, but no one bats an eye when half the population plays on clay graphics and doesnt see any character customization at all strange
  13. vsb


    your trading has been locked
  14. no, as soon as you send them an item its theirs to do whatever they want with
  15. theres no point bringing players back to level contacts in the shitty current apb, theyll just finish the new "content" in a week and then quit again because the game still sucks
  16. fightclub sucks either way, i guess with territory control theres potentially more time to complete activities before each round ends
  17. if an item is in your invenyory then you "own" it, and can do whatever you want with it
  18. all snipers have a standardized damage drop off of 90m, the hvr falls to almost 500 hp damage at 100m
  19. there's a populated (or what counts for populated on NA at least) wf right now, there's a bunch of people with the same problem as the op and they regularly cause wf to be the populated district
  20. a full speed dmr av would have 2 significant niches while the anubis doesn't really even have one, idk if that's a valid comparison
  21. idk about school, but it seems weirder to me that apparently there are places where every business shuts down on sunday
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