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Everything posted by vsb

  1. better off just not bothering, i might be a little biased but i've never seen the point in wasting my own brain power and game time wondering who is cheating and who isn't
  2. the opgl doesnt have a windup timer and we used to have an instant fire osmaw with a slower rocket, it was unbalanced
  3. i feel like you're well beyond the point where you should just leave apb alone for your own well being
  4. consoles are running on the new engine, pc is still on the original engine where tracers were broken
  5. you just wasted your wish on wishing to wish
  6. i love how you tack this on to the end of a post that would probably be removed from the EVE Online forums because of the very next sentence seems to me like you're mad at orbit even though they might run the only forum that allows you to repeatedly post non-constructive and toxic feedback - which they definitely do take into account, because there have been a whole lot of stupid changes to apb that could only have come from someone that keeps using the word abandonware incorrectly
  7. to be fair, if all you know is 30fps (or lower, in my case) then it seems perfectly fine, it's only once you upgrade that you realize you were really in hell the whole time
  8. it looks to me like ca3+med spray doesn't proc the double base regen, which could either be 250hp/s from no ca base regen or 62.5hp/s from ca3 "base" regen i'm honestly not sure what the beep signifies tbh, altho i assumed it was a static value of some kind for these tests, in hindsight that might have been dumb
  9. either way it doesn't seem to be working the way the descriptions are worded, med spray should shorten the overall ca3 regen time by ~6s if it was working "correctly"
  10. it mentions an ongoing investigation into a fairfight ruleset that resulted in false bans about halfway through if your memory of the xmas event ban wave happening is correct than i think that still counts as false bans, and it's also probably one of the reasons ff was discontinued by orbit - being able to see and/or track player names through supposedly solid environmental structures is definitely not rare in apb
  11. http://old.apbdb.com/track/400529/ i was certain there was a false ban wave that was publicly reverted around the same time as an xmas event but i can't seem to dig up any posts on it, doesn't help that the old forums have been nuked so finding anything is obnoxious
  12. i actually jumped ingame to test ca3 and med spray and only caught a ~2s difference between ca3 regen and ca3 + med spray regen, so it seems like the only advantage ca3 + med spray has is removing the 1.6s regen delay of ca3? given how both item descriptions are written this shouldn't be the case (which makes me wonder if my simple stopwatch tests were just off), but i'm not exactly going to campaign for another med spray buff
  13. this wouldn't render macros useless, it would just make it easier for macro users because they'd no longer need an optimal rof and a max rof macro no i would hope this would become an option ingame, i don't need another 100 hours listening to the same thirty second club song loop
  14. shame, i do hope this doesn't cross vivox off the list for when/if 2.1 goes live, modern versions of vivox voip are fantastic
  15. changing progression so that it doesnt take ten thousand hours to unlock everything as a f2p player is not the same as "giving new players everything at the start" also different people feel differently about progression - i for one cant stand the ranking up process and only play on my max rank characters (when pop allows), even as someone who owns everything on armas the progression on a new character is obnoxious and irritating
  16. probably because lots of things people assume are simple quick fixes are not, in fact, simple or quick hence the engine upgrade
  17. my thoughts on this video haven't changed since it made the rounds a year-ish ago - its just pointing out a few common sense observations that have already been discussed a billion times and offering no meaningful solutions or suggestions beyond the vague "revamp pls" at the end add in the mistakes on easily verified information and its mostly just a waste of 15 minutes
  18. activation immediately starts regen tho, so its actually 3 seconds with ca3 and instant without ca3
  19. med spray is basically a 500hp button after the latest buff
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