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Everything posted by vsb

  1. man this is great it’s like the old forums in here
  2. i appreciate your attempt to be snarky but the patch notes are hilariously vague about what the actual fix was for
  3. i honestly can’t tell if he understands the meme or not
  4. using chrome isn’t necessary afaik (just tested and 2fa login works on safari browser at least), you don’t even have to use google authenticator - in fact i recommend authy
  5. this seems like the optimal fix for every underpowered weapon might work for vehicles too orbit hire this man immediately
  6. is this BE fix related to the “client not responding” kicks/infinite loading?
  7. except one would assume a competent ceo would realize that the bad pr from allowing cheaters to run rampant and the resulting lack of faith in the company and the current anticheat wouldn’t be worth the short term profit
  8. opgl grenades are pretty difficult to see regardless of gfx settings
  9. uh, we’re gonna need an orderly in here the patient slipped his restraints again
  10. vsb

    Cobra Rifle Buff

    way too low imo, the lowest id ever want it is .75s to put it (theoretically) even with the carbine
  11. tbh i really dont see any toxicity in my play sessions (other than the stereotypical "[insert weapon] noob" whispers), im curious what one of us is doing wrong
  12. so theres no difference from an english district chat then good talk
  13. where is the logic in nerfing a weapon thats already weaker than its lethal counterpart?
  14. vsb


    located in the same place as citadel and its dead af, don't really think that should be an option for a new player
  15. if you cant read it then why is it even a problem in the first place
  16. so the opgl-cd should have less ammo, a longer tts vs ttk and a smaller radius explosion radius compared to the opgl? why not just delete the gun while you're at it
  17. you'll never be able to "seal off" every possible way to cheat when theres someone on the outside poking new holes, even if the entire game was only visually streamed to your device from the apb servers im sure there would still be some exploits being a cheat coder is a job just like being an apb dev is a job, the only difference i see is that the cheat coder is devoted entirely to cheating whereas the apb dev has to maintain a balance - focus too much on cheaters and the game stagnates, focus too much on the game and cheaters run rampant
  18. orbit announced late last year that they have discontinued the use of fairfight source
  19. did you even read the whole post? rhetorical, you obviously didnt
  20. id be worried that either the number would be too low or too high for the average complainers liking, leading to more forum topics about how apb is infested with cheaters and the company is corrupt and yada yada yada
  21. vsb

    Cobra Rifle Buff

    the ingame stats are useless the cobra is essentially an automatic carbine, i'd rather they (slightly) speed up the rof (while tweaking bloom so it remains similar)
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