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Everything posted by vsb

  1. theres really not, it would require every character's height/width to be locked to a specific value the technical hurdles are pretty insignificant in compared to the gameplay issues this would cause since im lazy af heres some my thoughts from the last time this came up, minimal editing to remove unrelated content new players wont have a chance to fight back, with headshots theyll just be overwhelmed before they can even react
  2. are the forum mods players? i was under the assumption they're actual employees
  3. i feel personally attacked they may have changed it, this info is from lixil but its about 5 months old now i'd post screenshots but i dont want that 10th warning lul
  4. last i knew 10 warnings would cause the forums to automatically ban you, but admins can undo that at their discretion warning number 9 will force all posts to be approved by a moderator before it goes public, lasts indefinitely
  5. you can only repeat the same responses to different people so many times before it gets annoying/frustrating
  6. i foresee this going badly for yood, i don’t think he’s ever been respectful or understandable tbh
  7. i dont think cooky even has an ego tbh
  8. what the hell is that screenshot, it doesnt look anything like the forums except the bg lol
  9. vsb

    LTL for Crim?

    you keep calling other people rude but you're also the only one in this thread consistently tossing around insults maybe its time to take a step back from the keyboard homie the crux of everyone else's argument is that it doesnt matter if its unbalanced, because ltl is inherently worse its like complaining about unbalanced teams in a mission, when your team is a group of 4 golds and the opposition is a group of 3 golds and 1 silver
  10. yeah a lot of them did, g1 took more than a year to migrate accounts after innova shutdown
  11. there are weapons with different stats, and only russian innova transfer accounts would have them it wouldnt exactly be fair for a citadel player with a 550 damage scout to face a nekrova player with a 650 damage scout
  12. vsb

    LTL for Crim?

    "the facts dont support my argument so i'll pretend they dont exist" - great reasoning my dude, you should def be on the dev team an ltl player has to: stun - overcome the significant performance disadvantage of their gun vs a lethal weapon arrest - stop fighting and perform a specific timed action (and in most cases, relocate to the area where the arrestee was stunned) wait for respawn - an arrested player can be freed so an ltl player either A) watches the arrested player, taking them both out of the fight, or B) leaves the arrested player, risking them being freed and flanking your team a lethal player has to kill an ltl player, who is using a subpar weapon do you understand how the "time advantage" works for both teams now, or do i have to use smaller words im not going to bother explaining how ltl primaries have a longer ttk than nearly all of their equivalent lethal counterparts, because thats something a bronze should understand
  13. orbits very first action was to implement a brand new "industry standard" anticheat, idk if id call that tolerating cheaters
  14. pretty sure the only way nekrova transfers are going to happen is if you lose the unique weapons and play the same game as the rest of us i feel for you guys tho, lost ur paid items or lose the ability to play apb, tough choice
  15. you say its disingenuous but then you go and do the same thing in the other direction, do you really think cheat providers are making enough money off apb to dedicate the time and effort to maintain a working cheat? there were cheat providers discontinuing apb cheats years ago when we had 2k players, now that we cant even break 1k things have suddenly changed? its "hella WOW" that anyone believes that cheats and games dont update over time, for instance nospread (since everyone seems heated over it) was "patched out" by g1 moving spread calculation serverside where it cant be affected externally unless someone actually compromised the servers - which would immediately be seen since that would allow far more opportunities than a single cheat feature on a 12 dollar subscription cheat
  16. vsb

    LTL for Crim?

    except if you’re losing fights to an ltl team you would be getting completely stomped if they used lethal weapons the time advantage cuts both ways as well, because ltl weapons take at least twice as much time as lethal weapons to remove a player from the match - and even then no player is truly “out” until they respawn
  17. everything should have options for account bound and character bound, hopefully this is something that happens in one of the armas overhaul phases
  18. yeah it was pretty great until i realized theres only like 20 people posting on here also they beat me up ingame
  19. i once said ggez even tho i lost "are u that idiot from the forums?" shoutout to the themers of apb
  20. agreed, altho now that apb's under new ownership it looks like things are starting to move forward remains to be seen whether its too late or not
  21. not all armas weapons are reskins but what i meant was that there will always be weapon balance threads, because there will always be a different opinion on weapon balance saying that theres less cheaters than someone thinks isnt the same as saying theres no cheaters, of course if someone thinks beyond a doubt that theres x amount of cheaters then any reason/excuse just sounds like a cover for said cheaters, not much to be done about that
  22. weapon balancing is ongoing fairly subjective im not sure how anyone can argue that weapon balancing can be "not true" ive never seen someone claim there were no cheaters in apb, unless they were being sarcastic
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