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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if you’re buying alienware i don’t really think pricing is the main concern
  2. vsb

    Armas Weapons

    it doesnt change things either way
  3. we're all here, the servers crashed theres nowhere else to be
  4. vsb

    Armas Weapons

    i would assume the op wants the 3slot versions on armas which can be unlocked through the same "workaround" (just reach demolitions role 5 instead of role 3 - even easier now that you can lease a 1slot osmaw/opgl whenever you want), albeit at a longer time investment
  5. vsb

    Armas Weapons

    once you reach demolitions role 3 the 1slot osmaw/opgl are available to lease, regardless of rank (aside from the r85 lock on the weapons themselves) you can get the kills via volcano/EOL or use the f2p method and lease the golden osmaw for JT
  6. vsb

    Armas Weapons

    you can unlock osmaw/opgl way before you ever get to the contacts besides that putting osmaw/opgl up on armas is no different from all the other f2p weapons that are available for purchase on armas
  7. vsb

    Armas Weapons

    no more than the volcano and eol break the contact
  8. it was in a newsletter that was sent out via email, apparently not everyone received it even if you've allowed gamersfirst to send you stuff
  9. has anyone denied that there is a lot of russian players? i havent seen it, feel free to quote whoever said it if i just cant read most people seem to take issue with your abrupt shift to anti russian/brazilian rhetoric - given the obvious ethnic prejudices you showed in your earlier outburst, its pretty clear that you arent exactly objective here
  10. higher iq = whining on the forums i think you've got it backwards bud
  11. its always the people who dish out the most toxicity that cant even take a fraction of it back lmao
  12. so we're just going to ignore the part where you went full mongoloid and accused a random white guy of being a br cheater? unfortunately you didnt hit that edit button fast enough, better luck next time homie so if russian/brazilian players dont acknowledge things when they dont understand whats being said how come english speaking morons dont do the same thing when they dont understand russian/portuguese? hmmmmmmmm
  13. we've managed to go from slightly racist undertones to full blown yikes "ban x nationality/ethnicity" to just randomly hackusating forum posters meanwhile we've seen no toxicity from any of the supposedly toxic russians or brazilians its hard to look at any of your posts objectively when youve managed to make yourself into a caricature of your own argument
  14. except the temptress is a pretty good gun
  15. i’ve been playing apb for almost a decade now and i’ve never been kicked, or even teamkilled, because i’m not brazilian lmao i also see far more english speaking players being toxic in /d (although one could argue that i just can’t understand the occasional foreign language - but then if you can’t understand it, is it really toxic?) not to to mention that the (imo) most well-known/most active current cheater speaks fluent english
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