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Everything posted by vsb

  1. you have a strangely narrow definition of content tbh we’ve gotten a new gun (+ jb variant), new symbols, new events/game modes, and new titles - off the top of my head
  2. we’re having a roman themed party tonight, 5 o’clock sharp since we have to get to bed early for school tomorrow be there or be hip, nerd
  3. ???? so if visually a player goes from bronze to gold by getting carried through a few missions by a decent pug, somehow his threat/elo/mmr isn’t affected?
  4. yes spct is under an nda, iirc we’ve been told that once spct testing starts they’ll be allowed to share screenshots/videos chillax broski
  5. idk how orbit does things, haven’t been banned by them yet :^) i was implying the ban was for being a toxic fuck, in case that didn’t translate
  6. you really are a silver lol
  7. is it unaffected? the fact that threat is so easy to gain and the lack of dynamic limits (and gameplay experience) leads me to assume theres a lot of inflated threat players running around, which would affect matchmaking
  8. that’s just a consequence of having static threat levels instead of dynamic, since a majority of players will improve over time it’s only natural that threat distribution will be skewed towards higher threats - especially in a game like apb where the population is stagnant at best
  9. i measure in at 7.25 inches oh this thread is about something else, my bad
  10. maybe it wasn’t a ban for cheating hmmm
  11. i can’t tell if op is asking for a different visual threat system to easily ID high golds or a better matchmaking system so that they don’t have to face high golds
  12. it’s a nice idea and it would probably work really well in apb’s current state, but if the population ever increases (even if only back to several thousand players) i think this program would become less and less effective
  13. yeah let’s remove customization content for no reason that’s a great idea
  14. i must have missed this, would you care to link the post?
  15. i don’t think it’s all that speculative, iirc apb created/modified a unique file for each account/login under g1 apb no idea if this still happens but i’d assume that’s an easy way to catch some unaware cheaters
  16. anyone who plays apb should be committed
  17. probably in the same place its at now tbh, i wont deny cheaters have been a big issue but apb has had far more problems throughout the years i also dont see the practice of requiring the equivalent of a social security number to play video games catching on in the US
  18. it has nothing to do with your actions someone else could make a throwaway account, gift you an item, chargeback, and get your account banned - all without your knowledge (until you boot up to a 10008 error code)
  19. create a million shitposts and then act shocked when your single “real” topic isn’t taken seriously
  20. it’s fc, people regularly just strafe right through your fire lines tks are too easy with a cheat since either the aimbot is locked on an enemy in the back or the triggerbot is already firing for you
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