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Everything posted by vsb

  1. uh yeah the issr-b is already pushing it in long range ttk arena, i dont think we need the dmr having 30m of .8s ttk - perhaps 77m (85m 2stk) or maybe even 72m (80m 2stk) but 60m (68m 2stk) is too much imo bb no
  2. im pretty sure removing the crazy hard damage can go without any issues
  3. i thought everyone knew by now that the issr-b does pretty much everything
  4. i'd rather not get another random lease of a gun i already own
  5. never change apb community, never change
  6. logged in for the first time this week ddos haha why bother xDDDDD
  7. afking? i would assume you could /report for it but it seems pretty hard to prove, and its not like any action will be taken before the mission itself is over
  8. i'd assume thats mostly because ur cpu speed is off the charts as far as games as old as apb are concerned
  9. ngl if someone sent me 50 bucks to buy an apb pack id prolly order some food with it instead
  10. mattscott managed to get banned by ff despite being a garbage new player (sorry buddy but if someone is new, they're also bad) and orbit kept ff running for several months trying to make it work with apb, i'm not sure "the hacker crowd" had any input on that im not sure how that makes sense tbh
  11. vsb


    im curious as to why so many "BE is bypassed" posts speak as if implementing an anticheat is a one-time deal, like all the funding was used to build this one wall and if someone tunnels underneath it cant possibly be fixed
  12. the problem is the banks issuing chargebacks, it doesnt really have anything to do with what's being purchased specifically
  13. once orbit solves the chargeback ban issue
  14. apb has never been hacker free, there aren’t enough GMs in the entire world to keep apb cheat free the only things that’ve ever had an effect on cheats are significant game and anticheat updates
  15. i refuse to encourage orbit that keeping the name g1 was a good choice by pretending thousands of people understand that g1 is just the website portal
  16. we’ve had the new company for about 6 months, i’d say they’re doing pretty well on the new content side g1 being a shoddy developer is unrelated
  17. pretty sure orbit has said A) they have server side internal anti cheat measures, and B) they’re working on even more server side anticheat measures
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