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Everything posted by vsb

  1. no more balancing until everyone involved is at least g8
  2. as much as i think that 99/100 times a game should be balanced around the highest level of play, its just plain stupid to ignore the lower skilled players the "filthy casuals" generally make up the majority of players, it doesnt matter how perfectly balanced a game is if theres only 12 people playing it
  3. so you don’t support any game? because no games will allow you true freedom of speech
  4. probably not banned at all tbh, not sure how you got banned for it if you’re posting right now but ok
  5. maybe if you want to read even more broken english in district chat id rather not
  6. the kraken is not a legendary weapon, its not available permanently from a joker box
  7. the only files you are officially allowed to alter are the same ones that the advanced apb launcher can alter
  8. cheating is a multimillion dollar business, it makes perfect sense to me that anticheating would have to be equivalent in order to compete, and that’s just one facet of running a game you didn’t think employment costs, server costs, licensing fees, etc were cheap did you?
  9. it’s like you missed the entire point of the post you quoted
  10. not a big fan of unique mods on non-legendary weapons, especially on a preset its also essentially a free buff, as the nssw remains a 6stk but with less accuracy loss (on a gun that already has fairly minimal bloom)
  11. TIL having a different sense of humor from someone else is toxic gg
  12. looks super weird because it’s a video, in reality it’s a lot like having peripheral vision ingame and everything isn’t so “smushed”
  13. spending real money to obtain an advantage ingame that cannot be obtained otherwise by this definition the halved modification cooldowns from premium and several of the modded secondary weapons available on armas could be considered p2w i hesitate to call 3slot weapons p2w (there is a grind that is skipped, so pay2convenience is how i see it) and i similarly hesitate to call armas/JT weapons p2w as they are balanced with positives and negatives just like f2p weapons theres nothing like that in apb unless you are simply losing a firefight to a different gun, no modification or armas purchase increases damage
  14. additional matchmaking parameters like that would probably just play havoc with the already subpar system - who gets matched up with a high gold player using the base star and no character mods? either it sandbags matchmaking and they get easier opp or it overcomplicates matchmaking and theres no equivalent opp in the district who is high threat but low gear score no real timeline since we dont even have a concrete date on the engine upgrade after that it depends on what bugs need fixing, and then what orbits priorities are on the core problems of apb
  15. other way around, but this is getting old so whatever doubtful it will be happening until after the engine upgrade as it doesnt make much sense to redo matchmaking when phasing is a planned change to come, why do twice the work?
  16. heres a detail im curious about, how come you've only gone apb detective on this specific new account
  17. means that achieving a headshot is not actual skill idk how you could say this means anything other than headshots = no skill good job on joining the mongoloids who resort to namecalling instead of actual arguments
  18. of course, its not the bad hitreg, the barely-running servers, the unbalanced gameplay, the bad matchmaking, the terrible new player experience, or the high armas prices its the clans, clans are killing the game unreal
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