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Everything posted by vsb

  1. there was only one post from orbit staff and it seemed pretty professional
  2. options are what apb is all about
  3. didnt they have to do that big password reset thing because they had a possible breach?
  4. nice ive been living premium code to premium code these days
  5. im not sure how different things are on console but the NSSW and VAS SW2 weapons are all identical on pc, the kraken just has preset modifications
  6. they didn’t promise it in fact i’m pretty sure every “progress update” blog post made it very clear that the time estimates were just that - rough estimates
  7. would it be a waste to contribute to the most successful game of the last few years?
  8. vsb


    not that orbit isn’t doing exponentially better at communication, but techmech used to be the one writing the blogposts and he was active on the forums (especially in the early “beta” days)
  9. vsb

    |GAME| - chat filter

    the forums are pg13 and the game is 18+
  10. they're the GMs you see ingame, afaik there was only one application period and they've already been chosen
  11. what does a map of ny have to do with anything? at least post an apb map even if its already been officially stated to be wrong a lot of people talk about midtown like its nearly complete and just waiting for finishing touches (similar to asylum) when it never really existed while a new district could be have any kind of map balance, midtown has some decent description in the lore (not that anyone cares tbh) that sounds a lot like financial
  12. maybe u should post some better symbols then????????????
  13. last i asked it was just something they were looking into in the future but it’s nowhere near a priority (paraphrasing) the way it was worded sounded like not until after the engine upgrade which is pretty understandable since i think merging accounts has to be done manually - that’s a lot of time on something that only affects a minority of players
  14. afaik this is one of the functions of the new volunteer GMs
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