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Everything posted by vsb

  1. agreed, one person said something super dumb and everyone else is trying to correct them
  2. 1) predicting where your snowball will travel 2) predicting where your snowball will land 3) predicting where your enemy will be vs 1)predicting where your enemy will be bonus points if it shows other players’ arcs in a different color
  3. what? you really don’t think having a perfect representation at all times of where your snowball will land is an advantage over someone who doesn’t? you might need to reboot your brain
  4. the nssw is balanced just fine atm (the vas sw2 is the copy, just for the record) that particular preset is a good setup (certainly better than the current kraken available on armas), but since it’s a preset that’s what your stuck with forever - and again it’s not even available for purchase
  5. the vas sw2 guns are reskins of the nssw, “different look same stats” is their entire point of existence guns should never ever be balanced around modifications, especially not preset variants since those generally have subpar mod choices
  6. vsb

    Snowball bug?

    no? thanks for trying tho
  7. vsb


    it just needs to have the same weight as the shaw/alig
  8. when the nano was first introduced it had essentially no dropoff, so you had a fully automatic secondary that could do damage at any range hes just listing off other guns that cost real money and that have been nerfed over the years
  9. i dont think there's any way around that unless they make /d a server-wide chat
  10. vsb

    Snowball bug?

    if you click and hold, after the windup (which is longer than in previous xmas event, likely to provide a counterbalance) you can continuously fire snowballs until your magazine runs dry its a bit like the volcano, except with 6 snowballs instead of rockets
  11. it sure is nice to finally have my own fan club even if theres only 1 person in it
  12. the forum mods are all little orbit employees afaik as are the higher staff members, obviously
  13. if i was buddy buddy with the mods and staff dont you think you would be banned by now?
  14. lmao dude wipe up your drool i dont even own an ogre, it wasnt a great weapon before and its not a great weapon now if a weapon is subpar and then receives a nerf, generally one doesnt just shrug and go "oh well" because thats not how balance works i never said the ogre should somehow be op, unless you really think it was op before its last nerf (which would make you a moron) if any of those words were too big try sounding it out and using context clues
  15. iirc a mod or higher staff member has to change your roles?
  16. oh yeah thats exactly what i said, just with different words that dont mean the same thing silly me
  17. i was actually agreeing with you who's cheating?
  18. do you even understand the concept of balance lmao
  19. theres no mention of xmas sales from mattscott or lixil that i can find given the reluctance to do even black friday/cyber monday sales, i think it might be a good bet there wont be any crazy xmas sales if we're lucky perhaps they'll release phase 2 of the armas revamp
  20. i heard if you wrap it in big fake gold chains it increases fps by up to 30%
  21. blinking might show up on other engine versions if they ever bother to do actual idle animations, probably not tho id be fine with an ogre revert, the gun is bad either way tbh
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