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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i mean if we're going to get super technical lots of "hackers" use out-of-the-box programs as well, some don't even code at all and instead rely on social engineering no one hears "xXxplsnoban43xXx is hacking" and thinks "wow he's good at coding" lol
  2. it’s just a mission with less rewards at that point, why bother
  3. ehhhhhh increased initial recoil can often be a dealbreaker in cqc, idk if i would recommend a medusa when min ttk is so important
  4. if you can min ttk it’s a rather threatening weapon, but if you can’t the recoil mechanics will likely screw you over
  5. what does “edgy” behavior matter to someone jumping at walls to test for collision bugs? also seems kind of hypocritical to complain about people jumping to accusations and then immediately judge all of spct by one member
  6. oh i see now that you mention it i guess there aren’t any limited/rare LMGs, unless you count that old rtw alternate alig skin
  7. yeah but a lot of people won’t bother to invest either in a game they feel is p2w, mitigating that perception is something that will help apb a lot in the long run imo
  8. is this not the entire point of patch notes? minor annoyance having random stuff just show up tbh
  9. nice to see the joker store continue to get updates pretty clear that riot is getting left by the wayside, i feel like each patch has just a little bit less fixes
  10. slight regret for even bothering to give constructive feedback tbh, now that orbit has come out and said riot is no longer a priority
  11. yes i was trying to highlight that without saying "the fuck is this bullshoot?" because i don't think i can afford another forum warning
  12. well yeah ive stated my disagreement with the statistic but orbit has paraded it out multiple times now and yet they are abandoning (at least temporarily) this "more popular" mode, it just seems like a slightly inconsistent thought process
  13. i guess i understand the logic behind this, any changes to the game are difficult at best without the engine upgrade in place but isn’t essentially giving up (at least temporarily) on a mode that statistically is more popular than fight club kind of counterproductive? plus the negative effects of leaving yet another unfinished/broken mode in the game (at least temporarily)
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