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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if your money was really burning a hole in your wallet wouldn't you spend it even if there was no sale sounds like you have lukewarm bills my dude. stop fronting
  2. simplified version: threat system takes the average of all players’ scores for a mission - if you score higher than average you threat up, if you score lower than average you threat down complicated version: i’m sure @CookiePuss will post the actual math equation used how much you threat up or down is affected by a bunch of different variables afaik (you and your opp’s current threats, how well you did against the systems projections, etc) but that’s the basic function matchmaking simply tries to find the most equal match possible, threat-wise - of course a truly equal match is basically impossible to find with only 40v40 people to choose from, so after a certain amount of time it will default to whoever is available (e.g. if the matchmaking is trying to find opp for 2 gold8s it will search for 10 minutes and then try to find 2 gold7s, or 1 gold3 and 1 gold10, all the way down until it has no choice but to put 2 gold8s against 3 silver9s and 1 bronze3)
  3. no love for tactical reloads in the middle of a firefight mag pull 3?
  4. you say you don’t want to look like an edgelord but youre following the fashion pretty closely tbh, just about 4 years late
  5. using incorrect information to give invalid feedback is clearly a necessary part of the balancing process - remember, numbers aren’t necessary :^)
  6. i own both, which is why my opinion is what it is theyre decent guns, and fairly well balanced, but they aren’t a problem really
  7. you’re delusional if you think spotter or radar tower or blowtorch don’t heavily influence “high mmr” games in fact, the one mod you say actually matters has almost no effect due to “high mmr” players outplaying it
  8. dumbest post of the day goes to mr. chekhov, congratulations bud
  9. there is no rof nerf listed in the patch notes, placebo effect :^)
  10. orbit doesn’t care much about premium, they were going to lower the price a few months ago too but that got ixnay’d
  11. hb2 used to be the ntec meta for shitters but damage was nerfed a few years ago so that hb2 now adds an extra shot to kill if you want true heavy barrel ntec gameplay, sling hb2 on an nssw
  12. the temptress is good but not really any more useful than a carbine iirc cap40 nfcp2 will be rewarded from the new contacts as well
  13. not by much, and especially not if test b changes go through
  14. given that you apparently couldnt tell the difference between bloom recovery in test a and test b perhaps things are different for you but a tenth of a second is indeed distinguishable in apb - for a concrete example using an hvr with (1.63s) and without (1.75s) cj3 is noticeable, at least to me this is a hundredth of a second not a tenth, so im not really sure why this is relevant - if anything this would support my point that .04s (four hundredths of a second, or less than half of a tenth) is a very small difference yes, as i posted above i think tenths of seconds definitely count in apb im also not sure why you feel the need to disregard 1v1 encounters, as they happen incredibly frequently regardless of how many people are on a mission this is true of basically every gun, being caught unaware out in the open is pretty much a guaranteed death i also don't believe the ntec is somehow an automatic win if the first shot connects, obviously based solely on personal experience outplaying ntecs and getting outplayed with an ntec
  15. that's not min ttk nor is it particularly unbalanced, seeing as the obeya has a stock ttk of .84s
  16. this doesn't happen the obir bolt timer is about .45s (same as the rof), for comparison the hvr has a 1.75s bolt timer by default i think its a dumb idea as well, but at least get your facts straight
  17. what range are you talking about? 50m? thats ntec turf 60m? thats probably 50/50 anything above that is a solid obeya win ursus isnt similar to the obeya at all really, and it isnt getting nerfed anyway as far as i can tell
  18. its like 3am pst i think you should chillax until at least like 7 or 8am
  19. is this where we give feedback as well? test a -decreased magazine size -decreased reserve ammo this change (32/128 -> 28/112) is basically nothing, i'm not even sure why it deserved its own test district tbh i don't hate the idea but i think if its going to be pushed forward mag size should go even lower, probably to 24 at minimum test b -increased bloom recovery time i don't think this is true tbh, while test b definitely feels like too much (i think it should be reduced by about 40-50% if kept) the idea of forcing slightly slower tapfiring has some merit both tests -decreased jumping accuracy -decreased range ntec jumping is a meme, the nerf is fine but idk why anyone bothered spending time to "fix" this nonissue decreased range is a mistake imo, especially on a gun thats meant to be the longer ranged half of f2p ARs - the ntec is now forced to take up even more of the star's niche proposed changes -decreased magazine size (24) -decreased reserve ammo (120) -decreased jump accuracy -increased bloom per shot -increased max bloom since the ntec is clearly on the chopping block my intent here is to allow it much of its current ranged functionality while nerfing its full auto/cqc capability, widening the niche for the star (and some other ARs) and getting rid of some of the ntec's hated versatility i don't have any concrete numbers because i'm not good at math and kind of lazy dontbetoxicdontbetoxicdontbetoxicdontbetoxicdontbetoxic
  20. gotta say i agree, the continued trend away from the simple and consistent gunplay is definitely a big negative for apb if you take a step back or if you're a new player coming in objectively all the different little pieces that no longer quite fit together are really obvious
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